Hyperbaric without extra oxygen


Senior Member
@Hip have you ever considered trying NSI 189 or Noopept? These are two neuroprotective compounds (along with other things) @62milestogojoe used to recover

I've tried both of those (and quite a few other nootropics to boot), but noopept did not work any better than good old piracetam; plus noopept seems to cause depression withdrawal symptoms in me, and it's not recommended for long term use. NSI-189 did not do much for me, except reduce the inflammatory feeling I have in my head.


Senior Member
Southern California
So I tried the fan and I love it! It definitely helps! It's almost a necessity I think? :)

But I still decided to purchase the oxygen concentrator just to try and get the full benefit from HBOT. Will report back on how that works for me.

Nice, what kind of chamber do you have SB?
What about cataracts? This is why I never tried it.

On the positive side I have this little family story:
My grandmother (born 1902) had a terrible time. Genetically not adapted to life in the 20th century. Lost her first baby from crib death (could be from under oxygenation due to thiamine deficiency). She was poisoned early because her husband was a chemist, a specialist in the food industry, she was eating a lot of the new convenience foods. Then she gave birth to one boy, then one girl, then a second girl. She died at 75 years of age, after what I realize now was years of bad fibromyalgia, mastitis, neuropathy, severe anemia, then blindness.
The two girls died young, one from cystic fibrosis at 55 years of age, the other from alcoholism after years of fibromyalgia, neuropathy at 75 years of age.
Note : nobody died of cancer or Alzheimers.

I have always wondered why the boy (still alive, living on his own and kicking with three active mistresses at over 92 years of age) escaped the curse. He was a spitting image of his father so another father could not be the clue. I thought : dietary reasons, because he enlisted in the Marines when he was 16 and stopped eating his mother's food. Then I thought, at that time, he was in the sea a lot, a lot of magnesium all his life, must have helped his thiamine to work for cell oxygenation. Yesterday my brother came and we talked about him. As a consequence last night I just saw the uncle in a dream and he was showing me silently his oxygen mask and his strange aviator clothes. From the age of 25 he was a pilot testing planes and jets for landing on aircraft carriers and supersonic planes. The combination of oxygen through the mask and the pressure on the apparatus for the legs (I am not expert in these things but he showed me his legs repeatedly so I suppose it means they are important) must have been part of the reasons he survived so well.

It could be ascribed to luck, of course. He has been in several wars and his survival is statistically wrong. Maybe luck is a physical thing. Maybe it comes with oxygen?

Be well!
Was it perhaps just due to the fact that he was male? 85% of people with ME/CFS are female, the majority of people with Fibro are female as well.