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Hydrogen peroxide troubles


Senior Member
Hey guys, wondering if anyone here has any familiarity with injesting H2O2. I took a small amount a couple weeks ago and am having troubles now.

I know it's a little risky to take that in someone who has high oxidative stress so i started slow, but i wanted to take a shot at the candida overgrowth and SIBO and H2O2 is recommended on the GAPS diet.

I took half of the starting dose (1/8 tsp in 32 oz water and only drank 16 oz throughout the day) and did this for 2 days with one small dose a few days later; i try to be cautious.

Anyway, after I'd drink it I'd get bad bright light sensitivity and a sense of tiredness immediatly. Plus my brain sort of "pulled back" a bit and i felt more spaced out with a sense of almost brain fatigue. After the third day i stopped because of the sx's and just to play it safe. Unfortunately, since then my problems have only gotten worse- i react horribly to anything i eat and my brain never bounced back- if anything it feels slightly worse. I have pretty bad anxiety and depression now, especially in the morning, bright light sensitivity didn't get any better and my memory took a sizeable hit. Also, i am having weird or paradoxial reactions to nearly all supplements, so i stopped themvfor the moment. The feeling of tiredness i had during it also never went away.

I first wrote it off as "die off" and figured it would abate after a few days but it hasnt. Ive done coffee enemas, taken clay and other detox efforts to no avail. Im feeling like i may have really screwed up but im not sure what happened. Any opinions would be helpful!

Thanks a lot


Senior Member
I now get intense fatigue, brain fog, muscle weakness, bright light sensitivity and loss of coordination from eating nearly anything. It happened from a couple pieces of cucumber, a few olives or spinach. The only thing that doesnt seem to make me worse is meat and eggs.
Supps either do the same thing as mentioned above or have a paradoxial effect now. Im wondering if the H2O2 killed off too many good bacteria and now candida has flourished :confused:


Senior Member
Did you use Food Grade H2O2 or the stuff you buy at the pharmacy? Also, what was the original strength of the H2O2 solution you used? Even with your dilution, it may not have been dilute enough if you used food grade 35% H2O2 solution.


Senior Member
Did you use Food Grade H2O2 or the stuff you buy at the pharmacy? Also, what was the original strength of the H2O2 solution you used? Even with your dilution, it may not have been dilute enough if you used food grade 35% H2O2 solution.
It was food grade from a health food store. And to be safe i got 12% instead of 35 and still split the starting dose in half.


Senior Member
It was food grade from a health food store. And to be safe i got 12% instead of 35 and still split the starting dose in half.
Hmm... I think that it may have still been too strong of a dose. I'm not too familar with H2O2 therapy dosing as I've never done it before, but from my quick searches, you seem to have used an appropriate dose. See here and here. The theory of the mechanism behind H2O2, ozone, etc is that they are oxidants that stimulate your own body's natual antioxidant response. So long as your body's ability to antioxidize is greater than the oxidants you take in, it's beneficial to you and lowers inflammation/oxidative stress. My guess is that your doses were too great for your body. However, that's just my theory. Maybe someone who is more versed in H2O2 could be more insightful.


Senior Member
Thanks, guys. Yah i must still be too weak for it. Unfortunately the damage is done. Im wondering if it may have screwed up my redox potential as well or something of that nature. Either way, the fermentation in my upper gut is now rampant
As a rocket engineer, I have to warn you that the popular rocketry oxidiser hydrogen peroxide, even diluted, will react with many chemicals in your body in a very adverse way. We're warned to seek medical advice if ingested so I'd avoid it. I'm sure it's causing your gut/gas problems but these should die away in a few days.
Rick N


Senior Member
Unfortunately the damage is done.
In the past I've taken 5 to 10 drops of 3% peroxide in some water for a week or so. Sounds like your dose might have been too high. I am hopeful that with plenty of fluids, a healthy diet and some exercise such as walking/jogging (if you up to it) and rest your body will recover. I suspect any damage, if there has been some, will be temporary. But it may take a while for your body to fully recover. It might be worth trying inositol or 5HTP as a temporary measure for anxiety.


Senior Member
I agree the damage will likely be temporary, but I'd do everything I could to lower oxidative stress to correct it - lots of antioxidants, anti-inflamatories, avoid toxins, rest, etc.

If you're interested in your redox potential, look into hydrogen-rich water. Specifically, the info here: http://www.molecularhydrogenfoundation.org/ Most of the ionized water/alkalized water is a rip off. True hydrogen water looks pretty legitimate. I'm going to start it very soon as some supplies come in the mail. The easiest product would be the hydrogen tablets that are elemental magnesium and some weak acids.


Senior Member
The crappy part is that this was a couple weeks ago and there hasnt been any improvement. I was thinking of starting some high antioxidants to see if that helps. I noticed today that my tongue is covered in a white coating (candida) that was never there before. Frustrating that what seems to work for most just blew my candida up all over my body

David Jackson

Senior Member
Hey @Aerose91, look, I've got no experience actually taking H2O2, but I did just read a bit about it, and even bought some along with some distilled water; might give it a go sometime. Anyway, one thing that saw coming up over and over again in the readings was that if you are ingesting it, you need to do it on an empty stomach, otherwise it can react with stuff and become toxic, like rick is saying above. Usually when I get a new supplement or something, I just smash right into it, but this requirement is what causes me to hesitate before getting into the H2O2, particularly because I have blood-sugar problems, and need to eat many meals per day; hence my stomach is seldom empty. Maybe that has caused the issue?

I'm no expert on Candida either; there are probably a lot of people on this forum who know more about it than me, but a safer way to make a dent in the Candida issue might be with Coconut Oil. Have you tried of that before? It's pretty easy, you just buy some good quality Coconut Oil from the health food store (cold pressed or whatever the best stuff is), and eat about a tablespoon before each one of your meals. I have done this before, and the first time I did it, I saw a detox and felt like rubbish for a few days. I didn't have an especially bad Candida problem or anything, I just wanted to see if there was any bad stuff in there that the Coconut Oil could kill, and, well, there was. Now I just do this Coconut Oil thing maybe once every 6 months for a week or so.

I don't think you can go too wrong with the Coconut Oil, but the H2O2 I will only try with a lot of caution. Hope this helps.


Senior Member
Have you tried any medicins like mycostatin (very mild and would not be hard to get from a doctor I think) should help with the tounge atleast. Fluconazole may also help. Otherwise Thorn have an oil SF722 they claim are more effective than coconut oil and I tend to agree in my case. Avoid sugar ofc.

I used H202 but you should not use anything stronger than 3 percent. Its especially good for candida in mouth and also for others kind of infection in the mouth. I know a kid that drinked the 3 percent version and the mother worried a lot ofc, but after calling 911 they told her that this amount is not dangerous (they where worried cause they thought it was a stronger version first). The pharmacy version is not the best though but there are other ones.

I would not use H2O2 in your case though since you may be oversensitive to that right now.


Test Subject
Have you tried any medicins like mycostatin (very mild and would not be hard to get from a doctor I think) should help with the tounge atleast. Fluconazole may also help. Otherwise Thorn have an oil SF722 they claim are more effective than coconut oil and I tend to agree in my case. Avoid sugar ofc.
The undecylenic acid in Formula SF722, is effective in curing chronic IBS in some, worked for a friend of mine. I tried it without any ill effects to fight off a gut fungus (Candida) infection. It was 100% effective in my case.


Senior Member
Ive been eating low carb, low sugar paleo or GAPS for many years. Ive been on fluconozole and nystatin 3 times and i still have candida (and other yeasts, saccharomyes cerevisiae). Now, since the hydrogen peroxide my candida seems to have exploded and my digestion is the worst it's been yet. I thought h202 was supposed to assist in killing yeast, instead it made it flourish. Considering the gallons of coconut oil and garlic ive eaten, along with the antifungals, i really dont know what to do.


Senior Member
Ive been eating low carb, low sugar paleo or GAPS for many years. Ive been on fluconozole and nystatin 3 times and i still have candida (and other yeasts, saccharomyes cerevisiae). Now, since the hydrogen peroxide my candida seems to have exploded and my digestion is the worst it's been yet. I thought h202 was supposed to assist in killing yeast, instead it made it flourish. Considering the gallons of coconut oil and garlic ive eaten, along with the antifungals, i really dont know what to do.

Not fun to have a such a hard case of candida. Candida can be so invasive and problematic

Ive had candida off and on but after a very long antibiotic cure candida suddenly attacked me everywhere, mouth, GI, genitals and serious problems with breathing and the lung area. I smelled like a demon from everywhere on my body. For me the medicine that helped me before didnt work at all like for you. I think sf722 might have helped some. coconut oil and pao de arce didnt help I think. I supposed you tried oregano oil? It can be helpful.

There are even stronger meds, but maybe its riscy to try them so I dont know.


Senior Member
Im sorry to hear that johmi . I have tinctures of grapefruit seed extract, oilive leaf extract and oregano oil sitting in my bag but im nervous to try them now after how much the peroxide allowed the cadida to flourish. Im so damn sensitive to everything, anything is a risk. I know i have to take risks to get there but for 5 years now its only caused more damage


Senior Member
Im sorry to hear that johmi . I have tinctures of grapefruit seed extract, oilive leaf extract and oregano oil sitting in my bag but im nervous to try them now after how much the peroxide allowed the cadida to flourish. Im so damn sensitive to everything, anything is a risk. I know i have to take risks to get there but for 5 years now its only caused more damage

Hmm yeah I tried all of those. Grapefruit seed extract may help aswell. But you seem much more sensitive to meds than me and that is problematic ofc. My recommendation is undecylenic acid (sf 722) it is much more easy to tolerate I think. Ive never had any die off reaction on that but still think it helped a lot.


Senior Member
Did you take it for a long time? Ive heard rotating anti-fungals is bad because you'll build up resistance but also, that you need to take them for a long time to be truely effective- like 6 months or more. If i start a protocol i want to do it right and not screw myself by becoming building stronger candida