I've tried about 8 different things for my adrenals - various forms of adrenal cortex extract, various forms of DHEA, pregnenolone, some homeopathic things, etc. They were all EXTREMELY overstimulating.
I don't have Lyme that I know of and had chelated out metals prior to trying the adrenal stuff. I had very disconcerting heart symptoms when I tried to increase beyond 1/8 of an adrenal cortex extract after a year on it. I had heart pain and a numb left arm after one dose of 1/4 which lasted for a week. I've tried higher "normal" doses years prior to that and had to discontinue because of anxiety and nervousness.
The pregnenolone was the worst - weeks and weeks of non-stop 24/7 anxiety and agitation.
On saliva testing, my adrenals are flatlined throughout the day and night. My naturopath said they were the worst adrenals he had ever seen.
I've also been through SSRI withdrawal where my cortisol was 5 times higher than normal! I had horrible 24/7 anxiety, agitation, acid reflux, insomnia, thoughts of death, you name it, I had it. I thought I was going to die. This went on for 5 months until I found the right treatment to bring my cortisol back down and got back on the SSRI. Then months of PEM so bad I had to have my family feed me and bring me my pills.
Based on this, I don't think there is anything wrong with my adrenals, per se, and that I don't have adrenal fatigue, even though this is how it reads on tests. Rich Vank says there can be a problem upstream with the signaling from the hypothalamus and pituitary. This is due to lack of glutathione in these organs, due to methylation cycle problems. I believe this applies in my case, as I do have documented methylation problems.
I also have autoimmune thyroiditis (commonly co-current with adrenal problems). According to Rich Vank, a similar signaling mechanism may be present. Some people have had their thyroids come back online after starting methylation supps and had to discontinue thyroid meds.
The best thing I have done for my adrenals is replace the salt and magnesium that is being massively lost with a homemade electrolyte drink four times a day. (I don't seem to have a problem with potassium, so don't need to replace that.) If you have adrenal problems you will be losing electrolytes, as the adrenals regulate those levels.
I feel better since doing that. But the ultimate solution is likely going to be restarting methylation.