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Hunter Hopkins


Senior Member
Atlanta, GA
I feel (with all honesty) like I wasted 1800$ or whatever high amount it was for nothing. I, again, honestly feel like his approach (Dr Hillman), his attention span, his *responsiveness* including the responsiveness of his two-person coordinating team were among the worst medical experiences I have ever had. He did NOTHING but prescribe B12 shots. He was not even able to prescribe certain medications (like stimulants) properly.

When I asked him and his team to remember, at one given point, that I had changed pharmacies, we soon hung up the phone and, lo and behold, the prescription was sent to my old pharmacy.

I WISH I could have gotten the money for that trip and for his (useless) services back. They are simply unresponsive and unprofessional. That was my experience.


Senior Member
I had been seen by Dr Lapp for years and have been happy with his approach. Conservative in my opinion, with LDN being the most "out there" treatment. He was very thorough in his examination, listened carefully to me and documented well my limitations and our treatment plan. I just had my first appointment with Dr Hillman and felt satisfied that my health concerns were being addressed in a similar way, maybe with more alternative therapies that I can try. I even asked him to help investigate something and he was willing to do so.