Humic & Fulvic Acids


Senior Member
Ive been doing some research into humic & fulvic acids and thought I would post some info that I came across as they sound like they could potentially help some of us. They are derived from decomposed soil matter and are quite interesting substances apparently with many properties eg they are supposed to be powerful electrolytes & antioxidants, have anti-viral properties and help the body to absorb minerals better amongst other things.

Humic acid in particular, because of its larger molecular size compared to fulvic acid has strong anti-viral actions ... it acts like a viral fusion inhibitor by stopping viruses binding to cells according to Dr Richard Laub who is a PhD chemist and conducted research into Humic & Fulvic acids for 10 yrs....dont know if he is still doing this now. There is an interview with him (in the first link below) from back in 2005 where he says that humic acid in particular has been shown to act as a broad spectrum anti-viral against various viruses including some of the influenza ones and herpes too, and there is also anecdotal evidence that it has helped in HIV/AIDS cases alongside the regular drug cocktails.

I know that some health supplement companies have been selling fulvic acid as a supplement for many yrs now but I havent really heard many, if any at all stories of people with ME/CFS using them. Has anyone tried taking them? If so have u gotten any benefits?

Here is the website with the interview with Dr Laub from 2005 - go to the top left hand corner of the main page and it will take u to the interviews..

Other stuff I came across with research info on Humic & Fulvic acids..

Ive been taking a fulvic acid supplement for the last few days and I'm pretty sure its doing something but nothing major. Going to try humic acid next once Ive finished this bottle to see if it works any better.


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Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Looks like this is an ad - there is a link to a commercial site at the bottom of the post.

I'm guessing this guy does google searches for those terms, then when he finds them joins the forum and posts his spam nonsense.
fulvic and humic acids

Fulvic is the more bioactive component. Best to obtain pure. Causes much greater absorption of minerals, potentially including hazardous ones, so only take with purified water (not spring water).

I started taking fulvic acid a few days ago, which I bought from I liked that it was made by a real scientist doing real research on it for 40 years. He studied (and updated) the classical Chinese formula which was originally called wujinsan. His independent lab tests are posted as proof of purity.

So far, I've gotten a mild detox reaction; nothing I couldn't cope with using current supplements. Most important is to drink a lot of water and to take the fulvic acid on an empty stomach. Taste is very mild.

If anyone is interested in the results, let me know and I'll post again in about a month.
Thought I'd add a little more so people know why I am trying this.

Properties: strongly anti-viral. Saw posting of someone's HIV counts. Down to undetectable in about 3 months. NIH says it works against HIV and other viruses. Other studies show it works on hepatitis strains, herpes strains, hemorrhagic fever, and influenza strains. In addition, it's a topical pain killer with strong anti-inflammatory properties. Used for rheumatoid arthritis in China. Used a lot more in China because it's part of their traditional medicine, along with Tibetan and Ayurvedic Indian medicines. Finally, one of the strongest anti-oxidants around.

If this works, I'm going to recommend it to a lot of people. I'm already telling my friends who are sick, because it's well known for effectiveness with animal herds and it's also amazingly good with plants. It's very cheap organic fertilizer as well as a great natural medicine that can be used in place of antibiotics (and more effectively). Finally, it's extremely non-toxic for all.
one week in

One week into my fulvic acid experiment. I've noticed a dramatic increase in thirst, particularly at night, and extra sensitivity to heat and cold. I also felt tired and slightly nauseous at times in a flu-like manner. For several nights I couldn't sleep past 3 am after going to sleep around 10 pm. Needless to say, I was wasted the next few days. My mood also crashed and had to take more 5HTP, Tibetan "happy pills", etc.

Last night was the first night I was able to go back to sleep each time I woke up to drink water. Very tired, very thirsty, very much better when I woke up. I think I'm starting to turn the corner: less loggy and depressed, more energy. My sinuses are clearing out and my thinking is also clearer. It's now 12 noon and I've only had one 10 minute nap. My mind feels more refreshed than it has been in the last few days. I skipped the happy pills and seem to be okay. I'm going to get up and pack now as I am moving soon.
Some other things in my regimen besides fulvic acid include:
L-Arginine (by the heaping spoonful)
Magnesium glycinate - heaping spoonful
Maca - 4 tsp
BioSil - 8 drops
Vit C -- multiple grams per day
Vit D3 -- megadosing at around 60,000 IU
ImmunNow - humic acid. almost out.
Reishi Supreme - 2 tablets 2X/day
Adrenal Extract
Sleep Link
Schizandra Adrenal Complex
Women's Best Friend -- herbs
Lithium Aspartate (for early morning insomnia during summer)
Newton's Detoxifier
Thuja 200C
Newton's Cell Salts
Sphingolin bovine myelin sheath

Note I am not taking any multivitamin or mineral pills at this time. I have extensively in the past, but don't test for those now, probably because I've built up sufficient reserves.


I had a healing crisis last night of being so intensely dry I became concerned I was reabsorbing toxins. When I get so dry, my nasal passages dry out, my eyes get scratchy, my mouth gets dry and I feel terribly thirsty but don't want to drink more than a few sips. I took some theanine, some aloe vera juice with stomach herbs, drank lots of water, and did some chanting and praying. Then I went back to sleep.

Just before I woke up, I had a dream I was swimming in a pool with a large poisonous snake. Before it bit me, I grabbed its head and started to squeeze. I realized I had grabbed one of its fangs, which might puncture me, but I squeezed anyway -- I knew I was stronger than it was and that I could withstand its poison if bitten. Finally, bright blue venom came out of the fang and it died. I woke up feeling thrilled.

A note about chlorine:

My first serious bouts of fatigue happened when I joined the swim team as a kid. Even though I spent 12 hours a day at the pool, swimming like crazy, I couldn't keep up with the other kids. I just got weaker and weaker and had to get out. It was the first time I was ever defeated by any athletic activity. I must have been about 9 or 10 years old.

Having read about the dangers of trihalomethanes, which form when chlorine mixes with humates in ground water and make our drinking water a toxic brew, I am not surprised I had this dream. I believe chlorine has been a major toxin in my life, and used to get sick every time I swam in pools. Now I just limit my swim time so I don't inhale or soak in too much.

I don't know if my dream was about chlorine per se, but I do feel a strong sense of well-being. So if it was chlorine that needed to come out of my system, I'm happy. If it was more a dream about the toxins created by my viral load being expelled, that works for me too. If, as a child, I had CFS, Lyme, or MSG poisoning, and it made me more sensitive to chlorine, that could be, too. All I know is I am really sensitive to tastes and smells and react strongly to toxic chemicals, like perfume.

On another note: I read that fulvic acid works as a strong analgesic, strong enough for FM (which I don't have). But I do have low back problems, and my back had seized up after moving 2 boxes of books. After rubbing on undiluted fulvic acid, this morning I woke up pain free!
Hi Faithful Reader,

I took a break from blogging about fulvic acid while I moved from Marin to Santa Cruz. Amazingly, I was able to do 2 roundtrips in a single day, and then do two more trips at the end of the week. It's about 100 miles, or a 2-hour drive each way, with a big slow down in San Francisco where there is no freeway to bypass the street traffic. Normally, such a drive would wipe me out for days. To do 4 in a week, and 2 in a day is quite a departure from my usual energy level, to say the least.

I finally ran out of fulvic acid yesterday. In the morning, I woke up energized but calm and peaceful after having taken an extra dose during the night. I canceled my appointment for an endoscopy because my recurring stomach aches are all but gone. If I do have some upset, fulvic acid seems to take care of it. I think the toxins just get neutralized really quickly.

One thing the fulvic acid did not seem to help with was my insomnia. But last night, I tried taking some dried pituitary and boy did I sleep well. I woke up early as usual but was able to go back to sleep. And again two more times. Without taking anything. Very unusual. I slept for about 10 hours in all, where previously I was lucky to get 6. Thank God.

Why pituitary you may ask? A couple of years ago, I read about some research being done by NIMH on clock genes and bipolar disorder. It turns out there is a whole spectrum of conditions which are turned on and off by these genes.. They are called clock genes because they regulate the body's response to circadian rhythms and they are affected by hormones like melatonin. At one end of the spectrum is insomnia, bipolar is somewhere in the middle and schizophrenia is at the other end. Endocrine glands like the pituitary, hypothalamus and pineal secrete hormones which affect these rhythms. Having also read a very interesting case about a dentist who unexpectedly cured his patient's cavities with dried posterior pituitary, along with their mental illnesses, like depression, bipolar and schizophrenia, I thought I'd give it a try. After all, my insomnia is worse in the late summer, when light has had a chance to "accumulate" in the pineal, and I have a lot of difficulty sleeping with any light on in a room. So last night, one pill of whole dried pituitary and BAM I sleep like a baby. Light or no light. Even after dawn. This is so amazing to me just to be sleepy in the morning. I almost never am.

Now I have two possible cures. Fulvic acid for everything toxic, viral, gram-negative bacterial and for good nutrition. Also for an excellent, optimistic and very calm mood. And I have pituitary for sleep. Probably helps with mood as well.

One other experiment. Since the brand of fulvic acid I am taking is completely purified, so there are no trace minerals in it, I tried a little Cell Power to see if I'd get a boost. I did. Since I ran out of fulvic acid the next day, I don't know yet if it is consistent or if maybe it was just the next step in my healing from fulvic acid. When I ran out of fulvic acid, the trace minerals didn't affect me noticeably at all. When my Wujinsan (brand of pure fulvic acid) arrives today from BioAg, I'll see what kind of a difference it makes to go back on it along with the Cell Power. Especially having gotten a good 9 to 10 hours of sleep.
After I wrote the last post, my mood and my energy crashed. Energy first. So I went to get acupuncture and learned I was very stressed. Then my mood crashed. I went to Whole Foods and renewed my stocks of 5HTP and Holy Basil for mood and also bought Ashwaganda for stress. After I upped my doses and frequency, I recovered enough to get back on my bike. And voila! It was like exercising generated a ton of energy. I rode ten miles and wanted more. I came home, went out, got a haircut and went shopping for some surfing wear. Now I can't even sleep and it's 1 in the morning. It's like flipping a switch.

I just read on this site: that fulvic acid increases the action of CoQ10 by moving electrons along, and increasing ATP production. This decreases post-exercise fatigue, but in my case, it seemed to cause exercise to INCREASE my energy. Dramatically!!

When I have so much energy my mood becames very bright and I lose all resistance to cleaning and organizing. My mind becomes crystal clear and my memory becomes better than it has been in years. And I even forgot my fish oil today!

What is happening? This is the second time I've peaked after taking up exercise. The last few days I've been so groggy and tired, as well as heavily depressed about my cat disappearing. Now I'm perky and bright as can be. Truly, something interesting is going on here.

Because of the synergy with CoQ10, and with another humic substance called DBP, I'm going to get some CoQ10 and add humic acid powder to my regime and see how I do. The Fauna Mauna product from BioAg has the humic acid power in it plus some smoothly energizing mushroom products. CoQ10 is easy find.

Here's what the article linked above listed as the results of the research done on the combination(a crude form of fulvic acid and other humic substances) and CoQ10:

Compared to a placebo, CoQ10 + shilajit significantly increased energy production (ATP) by 144% in muscle, and the combination was 27% better than CoQ10 alone!
Compared to a placebo, CoQ10 + shilajit significantly increased energy production (ATP) by 56% in the brain, and the combination was 40% better than CoQ10 alone!
Compared to control animals at rest, CoQ10 levels in the intense exercise-stressed animals plummeted by 75% — yet the combination of CoQ10 + shilajit restored CoQ10 levels to within 15% of the normal rested animals’ levels!
The CoQ10 + shilajit combination produced similar synergistic effects on a variety of other measures of cellular energy status, especially in muscle and brain tissue.

Funny how I didn't get the energy/mood/concentration/memory boost when I didn't exercise, and fell into the old CFS black hole.
another update

It's been a few weeks since I posted because I've been unpacking boxes, starting grad school and starting a new job all at the same time. But since I have been asked to post about the science, here are a few words.

Most of the information on fulvic acid research is scattered and mixed in with agricultural experiments, so you have to do some digging. If you use a second keyword like human or antioxidant or anti-infalmmatory or on specific diseases you'll find some info. You can look on PubMed to find the research on fulvic acid and influenza, herpes and hepatitis. You can google to find a good testimonial on fulvic acid and HIV. And "fulvic + diabetes" will turn up some interesting research that was done in India. (You should also search on shilajit or shalajit to find research on the raw material that fulvic acid is extracted from. Wikipedia has a good entry to start with.) However, most of the research I've been told has been done in China (as fulvic acid, humic acid or possibly Wu Jin San, the traditional remedy) and is not yet translated into English.

You can go to websites that sell fulvic acid, but the information may be a little hyped. Still, optimally organic had a reasonably good research summary here:, and bioag has good information and they are very careful not to hype anything. BioAg's is behind a firewall though, so you'll need to write and ask for a password to their member's only site. But I did find an excellent slide show by Dr. Robert Faust, BioAg's chief research scientist, at: I have not seen anything anywhere as detailed as this.

There is an International Humic Substances Society which is a catch all for all fulvic and humic research. (Fulvic acid is a type of humic acid according to Dr. Faust, who is a member scientist.) However, most of the work pertains to agricultural uses. If you find useful links, please post them.

Bottom line is the drug companies know about fulvic and humic acid and some have tried to synthesize them (the only way they can make a profit). See oxihumates on PubMed -- I think this is one of the synthetic versions that was surprisingly effective against infectious diseases. But don't expect them or the U.S. government to tell you about effective natural cures.

I also want to address a comment I received about medicine being right for a disease, not a person. Western medicine is in fact specific to diseases. Eastern medicine is sometimes specific to diseases but focuses more on patterns of symptoms than etiology. That means that different diseases can have the same treatment, and that different people with the same disease can have different treatments. Being a sensitive person, I've learned it's absolutely essential to tailor my medicine to my constitution while at the same time seeking to address exactly what is going on, from a Western or Eastern point of view.

That said, fulvic acid is a wonderful medicine that apparently helps a lot of people with a lot of things. It's a treatment for disease as well as a tonic for health and longevity. But as I have found, if you take a lot of it (more than an ounce), you will detoxify faster and all your issues will smack you in the face. Those of you who have done detox and are at all sensitive can testify to this phenomena.

So, dear readers, please go slow in experimenting with fulvic acid. One half or even one quarter ounce is plenty for people with weak constitutions. If you have never had any spiritual training or therapy or don't have good support, don't just jump in -- cleansing happens at all these levels when you release old toxins from the liver (which I believe fulvic acid does).

Enjoy your research, and to everybody out there, good health!
This is very exciting news Michele3d, there is hope in the information you have provided for those of us desperate for treatment and knowing how slowly traditional medicine will progress it could be too many years and some of us can't wait for that. I knew there had to be alternative treatments but I didn't know where to look.

I found this discussion from a comment you put on the CFS Central blog and the research supports what you are saying, so a million thanks for putting this info out. It took me some time to absorb what I was reading and realize this is what I have been looking for. Also interesting is the research on combining Shilajit with CoQ10 and very important to ensure that the water you drink is chlorine free.

From my searches the best source for fulvic acid / Shilajit is from Ayurvedic stores which should be helpful to others in ordering this from whatever country you live in and knowing that the products are safe.
I found info on Neem a blood purifier which is said to be helpful for Lyme arthritis symptoms and Triphala a circulatory tonifier to aid elimination. A lot of food for thought.

I have been taking a humic acid supplement called Viracillin since 2007 when a natural doctor from India (who practices/owns a shop in CA) recommended it for me. I've since tried another one called ImmuNow, as it was less expensive, but it didn't work like the other. I don't know much about humic & fulvic acids, only that I am shocked there is not more about it online, because for me it had been like a miracle. It is the one thing that wards off my body aches. I've run out of it a couple times when I was low on money (can't work a regular job...) and I thought I was going to die. I forgot what it was like to hurt like that all over all the time... always feel like I have a bad flu. I still have pain, and moments when it is bad and/or all over, but it's a fraction of what it was. Mostly gets bad when I've over done things. Pain is frequently worst at night, and though is all over my body, is always worst in my left shoulder. Anyway, I hope they do more research on this, and that more people benefit from it. I want to make everyone who has CFS at least try it for a couple months, it will drastically improve their life. Unless I'm just a lucky exception... and never know, some things work for one person and not another.

Since I lost my job in 2006, have not had much in the way of health care, since I cannot get disability. Thank God for the internet and what I was able to learn to do to manage myself. I recently was able to go to an eye doctor... finally!... (for some reason got approved for medicaid, but will only have it for a few months) and he informed me that I have scarring on both corneas consistent with an eye injury. I've had no eye injury... only the pain from CFS... sensitivity in my eyes. I just wanted to make a quick mention for those who have had eye symptoms... don't assume that the eye pain is not causing damage. Inflammation in the inner region of the cornea can result in scarring, and impair vision. I think there are things that can be done to lower the inflammation and protect vision, though I'm not sure. My eye doctor had no idea what would have caused my problem, nor a prognosis. But, I took the initiative to research to see if eye scarring can happen from CFS, and to get referred to a specialist, which I will see in December, and then know more.

1. Supplementation with Humic acid has changed my life. Can't say it will change yours, but I highly recommend trying it. Wish there were more research about it. Am hoping that it can't do any damage. Haven't noticed any side effects. For me, the pain relief is significant to the point that I have chosen not to let any questions I have about the safety keep me from such benefits. And I have not read anything saying it's not safe, so I am optimistic that it is.

2. Keep an eye on your eyes...
3. Be assertive, take initiative. Research and be deliberate. (Stating the obvious... any of ya with CFS/Fibro know you have to do that because few medical providers are knowledgeable even of the limited information and research findings that there actually are...)


Senior Member
marin co, ca
i am excited to try this stuff but am discouraged by the impossiblity of deciphering the vendors' different clalims. i read 3 sites at length. all three claim to be the only pure or authentic or clean stuff. all three say the the other guy's stuff is no good, no strong enough, contaminated ,etc. all three say slightly different things about how to tell if it's a good product. still not clear if humic is better or fulvic. so i don't trust any of them at this point. saying you are a scientist doesn't really make it so. it also seems it is quite possible to get comtaminated stuff, as it does come out of the earth.
one said they were a member of some fulvic acid society, which i clicked on the link and it was a dead link
what to do? the one i was initially attracted to was 'optimally organic'. but who knows?


Senior Member
I tried a product called Virasyl which is Humic and Fulvic acid. The place that makes it (well Im sure they have some one compounding it for them) is called 'The Institute of Well Being' and it happened to be very close to where I was living. At that time I had crashed to bed bound and believe it was from the new building I was living in. Nothing I used at that time really seemed to help. SO, after a few months I stopped the Virasyl. I had done a lot of research at the time though and the Humic and Fulvic acids were very interesting. I can also say that the woman who was putting the formula together was one of the kindest, most sincere people I have ever met. She had worked in the past with prescription anti virals and didnt like the side effects she was seeing. She really was doing her research trying to find an alternative.

After seeing this post I went to see if Virasyl is still around and it is. It looks like they have added Shilajit and another ingredient to it now. At the time I was using the Virasyl they were testing Shilajit and they must have had good results to add it to the Virasyl. Im really thinking of trying it again now that Ive moved and my environment isnt making me sick. I do have HHV6 and CMV but Famvir has brought the HHV6 down quite a bit. Maybe the Fulvic/Humic would be another good addition in the attempt to knock those virus' down.

I am in no way trying to advertise for this product. I just have met the people (woman) behind the Virasyl and know she is very sincere. She isnt about hype and is really trying to help people.


Senior Member
Humic and Fulvic acid

I tried a product called Virasyl which is Humic and Fulvic acid. The place that makes it (well Im sure they have some one compounding it for them) is called 'The Institute of Well Being' and it happened to be very close to where I was living. At that time I had crashed to bed bound and believe it was from the new building I was living in. Nothing I used at that time really seemed to help. SO, after a few months I stopped the Virasyl. I had done a lot of research at the time though and the Humic and Fulvic acids were very interesting. I can also say that the woman who was putting the formula together was one of the kindest, most sincere people I have ever met. She had worked in the past with prescription anti virals and didnt like the side effects she was seeing. She really was doing her research trying to find an alternative.

After seeing this post I went to see if Virasyl is still around and it is. It looks like they have added Shilajit and another ingredient to it now. At the time I was using the Virasyl they were testing Shilajit and they must have had good results to add it to the Virasyl. Im really thinking of trying it again now that Ive moved and my environment isnt making me sick. I do have HHV6 and CMV but Famvir has brought the HHV6 down quite a bit. Maybe the Fulvic/Humic would be another good addition in the attempt to knock those virus' down.

I am in no way trying to advertise for this product. I just have met the people (woman) behind the Virasyl and know she is very sincere. She isnt about hype and is really trying to help people.


Senior Member
Michele3d, why are u taking Arginine ??? That is not indicated for anyone with cfs at all !! Most cfs-ers have an underlying infection with viruses from the Herpes family, EBV, CMV or HHV6. Arginine feeds the reproductive stages of these viruses. That is why Lysine is always recommended at the very 1st sign of out break.

Btw I recommend u try Magnesium Orotate instead of Glycinate, the orotate compound is great.
Also how r u doing on the GliSODin ? I knw it is supposed to deliver intact SODs but if u have cfs u have multiple food sensitivites Not allergies. Either way gliadin is very high on both those lists.
Also what is this please, 'Sphingolin bovine myelin sheath ' ? If i didnt knw any better just by lookg at it, it seems to be cow's brain and spinal cord, where they extract nerve cell connections from ? May I ask why u r taking this ? Is this helping ? Most of us just take B6 and 12 for that, in the methyl form. When I saw that all I cud think of was mad cow's disease ... sorry ...

It wud be great if you cud post ur experiences with these products here, I wud luv to knw how u r doing with them.
Also your Vit D dose is really high, do u get urself tested for Vit D3 lvls in the blood ?

Sorry if i sound admonishing in anyway, I am not at all, just concerned.

Vit D3 -- megadosing at around 60,000 IU


Thuja 200C
Newton's Cell Salts


Senior Member
I hadn't heard that about arginine, good to know, and I'm also happy to have a recommend for a form of magnesium (from someone who isn't selling it). I've been trying different forms.

About vitamin D3 - when Cheney's "oxygen toxicity" theory came out, I was doing tons of antioxidants, including D3. I quit all of them, and felt much better. I realize these things are different for everybody, but I found that Cheney's reading of antioxidants was just what was happening to me. At first, you get a boost, maybe for weeks or months (for me, it's more like weeks, or A week). Then they start being less effective, so you plateau. And then they start actually dragging you down. I couldn't believe antioxidants would drag me down but experience shows they did.

I know D3 is good for "ordinary" people, and that it's a fashionable vitamin right now. I also know that we all vary so much in what works and what doesn't. But you might want to experiment with this for yourself.

About shilajit - I am taking it. I am doing a whole bunch of other stuff too, but my feeling is that it is making a mild contribution. I have been taking it only for a few weeks, so may have more to report later. Shilajit does taste foul, though, so I've learned to take it separate from anything else (well, actually now I'm mixing it with blue-green algae in a little water. They seem to take the curse off each other a bit, and they both make anything else taste kind of horrid). Most research says shilajit is resinified plants scraped off of high mountain rocks, but a US engineer who did more on-site research (actually established a relationship with the collectors, and followed them to their collecting sites) concludes that what it actually is is resinified bird shit! Mixed with the minerals from the rocks. I'm not going to stop taking it for that reason; stranger things have cured people, and I know that people have been getting good results or at least no harm from it for thousands of years. Unlike, say, pharma drugs.

I almost forgot to say I was intrigued by the humic/fulvic acid thing. I have used them in the garden; I never thought of them as possible antivirals. Thought-provoking!


Senior Member
Sunday, u said that u hv used them in the garden ? In what form, what brand ? That is very interesting.

I asked michele3d that becos technically vitamin D is both a steroid and a hormone to the body. U can crash from it if u come off it. Also taking it at those thoses is supposed to take out calcium from your blood and move it into your bones. But if she is taking it long term with no side effects, THAT i wud be very interested to know. My back grd is in biochemistry and i am a nutritionist, so this is very interesting news to me !