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"Humans are frugivores"


Senior Member
Apparently in 1979, Professor Alan Walker, a paleoanthropologist at Johns Hopkins University, published a preliminary study of tooth enamel in early hominoids suggesting that pre-human ancestors had a diet of mostly fruit.

So conceivably we may have been frugivores in the distant past, and may have been anatomically and metabolically adapted to that diet. Though that does not imply we are primarily frugivores now.

Though if we are adapted to fruit, vegetables and nuts, why can nuts keep you awake at night because they take longer to digest?! I love nuts, but have to avoid eating them in the evening, otherwise I find myself unable to get to sleep quickly.
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Senior Member
San Francisco
1) I thought this whole frugivore thing had been thoroughly debunked.

2) Because some people can/can't eat ______ doesn‘t mean that the entire species can/can't eat ______.