Also, transdermal B1 saved my life I believe in 2020 which I document in my blog here. I now take beef organ capsules and moringa which each have b1 and have lowered my transdermal dose.
B1 seems to act as some sort of cellular catalyst? In me. What Eliot Overton talks about makes sense as his method is using it as therapeutic and not from a deficiency. Hence, almost viewing it from a completely new perspective. That being said, multiple alternative practioners believe I was in a state of berberi that was never tested for or even considered. So, hard to say if it was my blood levels alone or the way my cellular uptake if it was compromised. I know Lyme and coinfections eats through b1 and other b vitamins which I contend with.
I of course added magnesium, b complex and potassium with mine eventually. And I went very low and slow. And I was mostly transdermal only for a long time.