How to manage Occipital Neuralgia (migraine), Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia


Senior Member
I wanted to share my journey with how I figured out how to manage Occipital Neuralgia and Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia. This post also leads to Under Methylation and serotonin. I am 60 year old male. This is a terrible problem to have. I wonder what percentage of ME/CFIDS people have these problems.

I've had well over 120+ symptoms but these problem has been the worst of the bunch. I have slowly whittled them down. I hope someone can be helped with this post. Even when the information is available somewhere out there, people don't always find it so one more place helps.

I really had to diagnose this myself since there are very few good doctors and most dispense toxic treatments. I put "migraine" in the title because for a very long time I thought I had a migraine problem over the right eye. It wasn't until I had tried all the natural migraine remedies for migraine that I went to a cervical chiropractor who gave me a little relief. I realize that my neck muscle tightened and that would worsen the pain. Once I got that neck muscle to relax, I was able to trace the pain as coming from the cervical spine area at C2-C3. I also figured out how to relax my own neck muscle so chiropractor wasn't needed. Chiropractor claimed more treatments could cure the problem but I wasn't buying it.

To buy time until I could find something else especially to help deep pain during sleep, I used a Terminator 2 zapper. I'd place the zapper on my chest during the night by putting it on inside of t shirt and it would stay in place. It worked well enough. I used it during day time also. A zapper should be part of any medical kit. It is a one time relatively small cost and running it entire month with batteries cost a couple dollars. From there I started to focus on Restless Leg Syndrome because I was feeling deathly. The magnesium just wasn't working enough anymore.

This is how I cured my Occipital Neuralgia. I used a combination of Antioxidant+NMDA antagonist+Diet+No B Complex/B12. I came across this solution by the way of trying to solve a worsening restless leg syndrome. I came across a website called which put together many of the pieces of the problem. I had some awareness of the pieces but not how they interconnected. Restless leg syndrome is a sign that your body is aflame with chronic inflammation. I thought I had a decent enough diet. I used a bunch of antioxidants to put out the fire. I was already using some antioxidants but not enough. I also used PharmaGABA / L-Theanine and Magtein to enhance brain GABA levels in NMDA. I ate a relatively healthy diet but recognized how certain glutamine foods would make symptoms worse.
The antioxidants I used:

  • curcumin BCM-95 (fat soluble)
  • grape seed extract (water soluble)
  • astaxanthin (fat soluble) (i had always taken this)
  • Pterostilbene (water soluble) (resveratol is obsoleted by Pterosrilibene)
I added these later:

  • HiTart cherry (water soluble)
  • Purple Defense (water soluble)
  • blueberry extract (water soluble)
I also use krill oil to potentiate the astaxanthin and the absorption of the fat soluble antioxidants. The fat solubles must be taken with a fatty meal. The water soluble can be taken with or without food. I take them all at same time with biggest meal.

This cured both my Occipital Neuralgia and RLS. I used to get a severe headache when I took MSM but not anymore. I thought a while back that the ON was caused primarily by shingles.

Solving these problems enabled me to see that I had something called Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia (ATN). It is different than plain TN in that pain is chronic as opposed to episodic and never got sudden electroshock pain. My pain is located on right side around maxillary and bottom eye. It blended in with the migraine like pain over eye from occipital so hard to distinguish. I thought the pain may have been due to dry sinus or dry eye problem but through very exhaustive process of exclusion, I was able to diagnose it as ATN. I used MaquiBright supplement to address dry eye so I knew that wasn't problem. I tried seeing if there were gland blockages of some kind but they all ended up in dead end. I focused my attention on trigeminal neuralgia area. I had never seen ATN mentioned anywhere until relatively recently.

I primarily use Taurine and Magtein along with being aware of glutamate foods I eat to control glutamate overload in order to manage the ATN. I minimize the use of sugar also. I did not take any coenzyme B-Complex or B12 during this time because I found I am an under methylator. I did not realize this was important in figuring out how to cure the problem at the time since I found it out later.

Just some more detail: I take 1500 mg of taurine in the morning then wait 20 minutes and take 1 magtein capsule. I do the same before going to bed.
I take them 20 minutes apart in case they may compete with each other. I am not entirely sure but I want to be safe and make sure the taurine gets absorbed.

I do not take PharmaGABA or L-Theanine because I think it seems to neutralize the protective effect of the taurine.

I found this quote some where which may validate my logic - "They found that the GABA antagonist abolished the protective effects of taurine, confirming that the taurine protection was due to its activation of GABA receptors."

After I got this far, I started adding B12 and B complex but realized it was making me "wired" after 3 or 4 days. So this led me to the under methylation subject. I did have the genetic testing for methylation done about 2 years ago but it came out negative. Most of the talk at the time was dominated by over methylation. I did find out that some B vitamin were making me worse and wondered for years why that was so.

I read that taking SAMe was the quickest way to resolve the under methylation so I took 800mg of it yesterday. I feel a little sluggish today but the feeling wired has seemed to mostly gone away I think.

I want to take more B12 methycoblamin and B-complex but it can aggravate it so I need to figure that out. Phosphytidylcholine aggravates symptoms so can't take that. Any choline supplement aggravates things it seems. Blaylock recommends these for the typical trigeminal neuralgia. In order to cure ATN, I need to be able to get the methylation cycle in me working.

I have also come to realize a little later that my adverse reaction to b complex vitamins and choline are due to what people call UNDER METHYLATION. I think in order to cure the ATN completely, I need to be able to add the b complex. This under methylation greatly complicated finding a solution to the ON and ATN.

I also come to realize I am likely low on serotonin. I found this out when I was using Cissue Quadrangulris for rotator tendinosis (exercising rotator muscle is the real cure) and found I slept better. I tried taking 5HTP before but reacted with more pain. I read 5HTP not good to take long term. I tried SSRI's and result was mixed.

So thru this tangled web of problems, I am down to figuring out how to manage the under methylation along with serotonin.

Hope this helps someone
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Senior Member
being aware of glycine foods I eat to control glutamate overload
@prioris Very interesting how you're untangling this tangled web. I have glutamate problems too and haven't heard that glycine affects glutamate. Are you saying that glycine reduces glutamate somehow?


Senior Member
i should have said glutamate. i will correct it. Also when I say cure ATN, I mean regrow the sheathing around the nerve which MAY be the underlying cause, I control the pain well enough almost all the time except if i get too under methylated. I'd rather find a way to address underlying cause rather than have it connected to the methylation issue. I'd also put the cognitive dysfunction on the same level as the neuralgia issues in terms of worst cfids symptoms since it cripples ones mind.
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Senior Member
Thanks for sharing your experience! I think I have this too, or at least something similar. I'm not sure because I haven't been able to get a diagnosis yet.

It's a constant pain behind my neck that rises up the sides of my face, to the top of my head, then down between my eyebrows and ends at my cheeks. There's a pinching pain/sensation between the eyebrows. There's a constant buzzing/tingling along the nerves in that area as well. The intensity varies from day to day but I haven't been able to isolate a trigger.

It sounds like you're much further along. I've found taurine and magnesium to help as well. Astaxanthin and lipoic acid help too, but I haven't found anything that gets rid of it reliably. Based on your experience it seems I need to try upping the antioxidants.

Which antioxidant would you say helped you the most? Also are you still taking them or did you stop when the ON was cured?


Senior Member
Which antioxidant would you say helped you the most? Also are you still taking them or did you stop when the ON was cured?[/QUOTE said:
I would guess the curcurmin bcm-95. I also minimized sugar in my diet. one thing about antioxidants are that most are relatively cheap. I will take them with biggest meal. Until the RLS got worse, I thought the body inflammation was under control and the RLS an unsolvable problem although magnesium helped some. I would try adding a bunch of antioxidants as a trial run since different antioxidants address different things. since we don't all have the same problems, you may need to go the shot gun approach. I assume you are using MAGTEIN form of magnesium.

Taking a look at everything I take and seeing possibly what else could be a co factor. Maybe CLA. I take Tonin Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA - safflower) but have taken it for a long time but who knows. I take it with food. It could be a factor also. This is an omega 6 natural trans fat. Natural trans fats are healthy as opposed to industrial created trans fat. this has done wonders for me. One year my metabolism had just broken so could not lose weight. Reading about it, it said it needed to build up in ones body. If it does work, one will actually gain weight. That is muscle being gained without exercise. Weight gain will derail a person's psyche so they will just conclude it is not working before they give it a real chance. That muscle will eat up the fat. People also have this idea that weight itself is the culprit of how fat one looks. That is not true. It is what you are composed of. The more good stuff you can build into your body, the better your body will look even if it weighed the same. I am way way heavier than most people but I look thin. It took 7 months before it started to work probably because I was so sick. One day I woke up and I just felt lighter. I thought it was my imagination at first. There is some concern about people taking too much omega 3 from some researchers and omitting omega 6. There is a link below. Based on personal experience, that may be correct. This is the route the body building community is going down it seems. The down side to CLA is that a few people may experience negative affects because their livers either can't process it well or already have a large storage of it hence toxicity. The same thing can be said about coconut oil. Some people have negative affects probably in their livers also. I just throw this out there as a remote possibility.

i just ordered some Sphingolin 200 mg 240 caps from Ecological Formulas that I am going to test. It is preformed myelin sheath from bovine. It will take (and I am just guessing) 2 months to test it out. Blaylock and many other researchers point to the myelin sheath as being the main culprit. Some MS people point to it helping them. This may navigate around the problem of having my body produce it. There may be other cofactors it may need but I need to just give this a whirl by itself. I think choline is the other cofactor and I can't touch that.

I have used collagen to cure my herniated disc and reverse and cured my receding gums. As one gets older, the collagen production lessens and vitamin C just isn't going to work. That took 6 weeks. I cured my diverticulitis with aloe mucilaginous polysaccharride AMP and abstaining from any sugar or sweets during that time to allow it to heal but of course it won't work for every one because people have other unknown complicating issues that need to be addressed. That took 6 weeks to heal.

I am currently trying to cure a cavity. Lot of people are having success curing their cavities. I am going in week 3. That seems like it will take at least 6 weeks also. The 6 week mark seems to be common for a lot of internal stuff.

I'm been really bearing down on this chronic trigeminal neuralgia pain issue especially around head the past 3-4 years although i didn't know i had it back then. Heck I didn't even realize I had ATN until occipital pain went away. If you can make progress, maybe it will help other people make progress also.

p.s. just want to add i do think CLA needs saturated fat to be effective. that may be why high oleic acid safflower oil is more effective at raising CLA serum levels than CLA alone and why it failed in some people. Oleic acid is the primary lipid building block of myelin.
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Senior Member

I used 4 capsules ( used 6 capsules first week to load) of Doctor Best (had best price) Biocell HA/Collagen with 8 ounces of water on an empty stomach then wait 30 to 45 minutes before eating anything else. It absorbs well. Most HA supplements seem to use biocell. the collagen needs water and needs to be taken away from any protein. i can't give you exact time since i was so focused on the herniated disk that i didn't notice the gums before then but it would be less than 3 months.

i haven't found anything which states what collagen type the gums are. biocell is collagen type 2.

i didn't do this but i'd add to the protocol above
just 30 seconds of gum massage (pick an area of the gums on different days) very gently with soft tooth brush to stimulate circulation in gums.
swishing some baking soda in your mouth for a half an hour twice a day to help with any infection.
the last two items are to fight any infections inside the gums. you decide what is best for you.

they are researching using collagen to fix the gums but why not have body repair itself. you just give it the right nutrients to build with.

here is my simple under methylation plan

start off with country life coenzyme b complex and 200+ mg SAMe
and be real aware if i am getting that wired feeling
if that goes ok then add 1000 mcg sublingual b12 and stay at low levels for while
and be real aware if i am getting that wired feeling
if that goes ok then add phosphatidylserine
and be real aware if i am getting that wired feeling
also see what dose of SAMe is needed to prevent being wired
also see if i can avoid side effects of SAMe by finding that balance

p.s. one of the limitations of most collagen supplements is that virtually all are collagen type I II III which supposedly makes up 80 to 90 percent of the body. There are I think 28 different types of collagen. Sometime in the future I will try the e.g. bovine collagen for 3 months to see if it fixes anything else because it should have many other types of collagen although you really don't know what your getting. i wish they came out with something that contains lets say collagen type IV thru whatever to get closer to 99% of the body. as one ages, collagen depletion becomes a worsening problem. i have read someone say all collagen strains untangle and become indistinguishable during digestion but I don't really buy that yet because why even make type I and III collagen supplements although i would prefer that to be true.
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Senior Member
How encouraging! How much collagen did you use, for how long and what type? (for your receding gums)


I would consider using Periogen. It removes plaque and tartar. I bought some a long time ago but never had to use it. I found it in a box and will start using it. forgot all about it. Just noticed they presented a study in 2015 to world dental congress too. Any large pieces of plaque and tartar i just use a dental pick.

i should add that i saw one person post that it takes 4-6 weeks to clean the tartar. i hope so.

there are many remedies of the internet for tartar removal.could be cheaper or quicker than periogen.

one other thing i notice one small area of my gum bleeds. that was perplexing until i realized that it happens to be right over the couple teeth that are loaded with tartar. massaging the gums makes the bleeding go away over time. so i think the fix seems to be remove tartar with periogen then just use it couple times a week for maintenance. i don't normally brush that much either. i have used h202 for many years.
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hmnr asg

Senior Member
I started off with CFS but about a year ago i started having trigeminal neuralgia and it has been completely destroying my life. I also have OCD, arthritis and IBS. I have also come to glutamate as the root of my problems,


Senior Member
is this atypical chronic or typical episodic kind of trigeminal ?
how many years with cfs ?
how old are you ?

hmnr asg

Senior Member
I was diagnosed with ATN (what you refer to as atypical chronic) but recently i have started experiencing some classical TN shocks (typical episodic) as well. My TN symptoms began about 8 months ago and they have been getting progressively worse (they are bilateral but the right side is worse).
I am 35 years old and my CFS started when i was 30. Anxiety started when i was 23.

Additionally, before i started having the TN symptoms i started having MS-like symptoms. One day i woke up with tingling in my arms (Which i thought was from a cervical disk issue). Soon after i had full on neurological problems, tingling and pain in arms and legs, electric shock sensation in both arms and legs, weakness, bladder issues, sexual dysfunction and inability to focus. These symptoms went away and came back again (each episode lasting about a month). When the second attack ended i began to have the TN issues. I was 100% convinced that this was MS and that my CFS and TN were both caused by MS. But they did an MRI and even though they found some white spots they said i do not have MS. I argued with the neurologist about this and told her it is extremely unlikely that i experience these general neurological symptoms and TN at the same time and that they are not related. She said she is convinced i dont have MS and she is putting me on nortryptaline.

ps I also have terrible RLS which has been driving me crazy for years. Also i have a lot of arthritis related problems. I have pretty bad arthritis in both toes and one of my fingers and my neck. Also I had to have a surgery on my hip due to arthritis caused by femoroacetabular impingement.

also i was just a happy and healthy young dude until i was 30 with just some minor bowel issues and some low grade anxiety (which has since turned up by orders of magnitude). I dont know how life took such a sudden sharp turn. I have maintained my job but future seems very uncertain.

anyhoo sorry for the long story. I promptly visited the RLS website that you mentioned and im drowning myself in carrot juice and ordered all the supplements. However, i dont think there is any solution and that playing "bro-pharmacist" with myself might give an illusion of control but the problem is not solvable and if it doesnt decide to get better on its own all my little science experiments are just wishful thinking (but the placebo effect is always nice to have :D)

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Senior Member
I looked into carrot juice but I came to realization that relative to what it gives you, it is too expensive and has less potency than what you could get in the supplements. That is not to say it could not help but not cost effective.

The very first stage of treating these disease is take the water hose and put out the fire. Next is looking at your diet and continue to improve it over time little by little. After that we are experimenting and researching.

Anything that is a chronic condition, I would not waste time on testing or doctors unless it is for disability benefit purposes. Their solutions are usually toxic. Don't hold your breath for a diagnose. The fact that you have neuralgia means there are likely issues with the nerve sheath somewhere. From there, you try to guess a way to repair it. I don't test for things, I try taking the cure. If it works then I have my diagnosis. We are like testing labs for chronic diseases.

I essentially stopped going to doctors about 20 years ago. I never went to a lot of doctors before that except well known ones. There are very few doctors that really want to heal you. Too many are ignorant. I realized a long time ago that the body can cure itself with the right nutrients or alternative things many decades ago. After that, it is research and experiment like heck. Once you give the body what it needs then it will heal on it's own.

on another subject ...

I just had a dentist put in a filling that fell out of the wisdom tooth. Was told that it will likely need to be pulled. I will fight to save it before I let that happen. Tooth has a big hole in it so a very dentist traumatized tooth. If I can address any nerve pain then I think I can save it.

The problem for neuralgia people can also be the teeth. I need to address is some nerves to teeth that are sensitive. The dentin cavity to a virgin tooth (not touched by a dentist) makes some places more sensitive. I use amoxicillin to keep inflammation down and buy me time to research and try stuff. I have one wisdom tooth that may need pulling but I am trying to save that too. I also have one former abscess area that I need to completely heal. I think people with trigeminal can have teeth problems too. I am putting a lot of focus in that are. I have spent the last month assimilating the information and developed a dental health protocol. The only mistake I made is not getting the MCHC calcium phosphate for remineralizing paste and diet. I will have that shortly. I just hope I am successful in heading off any more problems. I am always a little nervous when facing the unknown in that something may not work in me.

I am sick and tired of greedy drill and fill dentists. I haven't met one I can trust. First they damaged me with mercury fillings as a child. Next I remember I got a bridge. They damaged two adjoining teeth to put it in. I was having the mercury removed so didn't really research it. I trusted the dentist. That caused one tooth to end up becoming a cap. I can deal with the damaged wisdom tooth. About 3 years ago I had a wisdom tooth and adjoining tooth removed. I searched the internet frantically for an alternative but Nagel didn't show up in my searches and Wesson Prices active X ingredient I did not find. So pissed that I couldn't try it out on that. It would have been the perfect tooth to try it out on. Did you realize that only 30 to 40 percent of root canals are successful. People also don't realize that the hardware that gets put in the mouth will need a new one and that is very expensive. They could be too destitute to afford it later on. The tooth eventually ends up being pulled. Dentistry in general is a disaster.

Whatever success I have, I will post it. I have read Ramiel Nagel's book Cure Tooth Decay. Lot of people are having success. It's way cheaper than a dentist. I am testing it on myself. I want to do another post about dental care especially if I am successful. Your younger so it is a must read book for you. You can take control of your dental health. I wish I found his book 3 years ago.


Senior Member
I'm glad you've found relief from Occipital Neuralgia, @prioris , it's debilitating.

I've had this condition (self-diagnosed), for over ten years, off and on. I've just called it migraine, but, I see ON is distinguished by factors such as TN and ATN, which I've also had. (TN in the past, ATN more recently.)

I noticed that most of the agents you use may reduce excessive Nitric Oxide (NO), which has been detected in Migraine, TN, Arthritis, and even in MS lesions, etc.

For some years, B12, and other supps. worked against ON, but it came back a few years ago. Melatonin and Niacinamide, (not niacin), have helped. They also reduce NO.

I believe the cause of this inflammation could be infectious, partly because antibiotics have stopped the ON, in my case.
Rifaximin reduces iNOS, a type of nitric oxide synthase. ( There are other abx that may do this, haven't tried them).


Senior Member
When i was very young, i called ON/ATN a headache because the descriptions of migraine were so narrow. many decades later as more information about migraine came, i called it a migraine. Finally after much detective work I called it ON. After more detective work, I added the ATN. One of the difficult thing with having this chronic disease is that one can be buried under a mountain of other symptoms all over the body. I cured my FMS about 15 years ago.

Behind ME/CFIDS and many other chronic diseases are the vaccinations. This was known back in the 1950s but it has been covered up. The poisoned food supply worsened things even more. Vaccinations are the origin of Gulf War Syndrome. Some vaccinations effect people immediately and others 30 years later. All the body needed was some sort of physical trauma as a coexisting factor. It could be an accident or infection.

Dr Cheney has said NO makes his patients more sicker. I never trusted him but I have tended to stay away from NO since I notice it worsens the neuralgia symptoms. I tried things that reduced NO but didn't help. As far as it infections, it is possible that there was an infection but it left behind something. it is all about what path we think we go down to improve our health. Taking it from an infection point of view means that one tries natural remedies that cure infections. I am taking as many points of view that makes sense.
Thank you @prioris for posting your results! Really helpful.

I have a background of CFS/ME, then Trigeminal Neuralgia with the typical electric shock pains. Over the years it changed and I would say that now I have Atypical Trigeminal Neuralgia.

I have just realised that glutamate might be a factor, so I am modifying my diet and adding supplements. I'll be adding the magnesium threonate and I'm considering NAC to lower gluatamate levels. I also like the sound of the Sphingolin.

My attacks of TN/ATN seem to start from a certain tooth, then radiate up and down in the TN pattern, into right side eye/head pain, neck pain, and the entire right side of my body. I also have tingling all over all the time.

I don't want to get the tooth pulled or messed with unless there is a genuine problem there. I am trying to
strengthen my teeth before I get them checked by a dentist. I am taking D, K2, calcium from diet, boron, manganese, and like you I am starting periogen. I would love to hear what you've decided to do for your dental health protocol.


Senior Member
I just started Spingolin a couple days ago. The key with Spingolin is that more is not better. Stick to two capsules. I take it on an empty stomach when I get up. It is an experiment. I will give it two months. People supposedly see much fast results. Due to methylatin problems, I can't take folate, B12, Phosphatidylcholine and serine. Most of the nerve building supplements cause anxiety and ATN pain.

I am in the process of doing the teeth protocol. I will be at it for next 6 months. I hope you fight to keep your teeth.

This may help you. Many years ago I had very sensitive teeth all over (it's starting to come back now a little bit). What I did to solve it was take H2O2 at 3% and hold it in my mouth for 30 minutes twice a day. Within one or two weeks, the teeth sensitivity completely disappeared. My teeth and gums felt great. The h202 burned but it was just a temporary thing in terms of side effects. I think it really requires 3%. More would be better but that could cause problems.

I just started it again. I tried cutting it with water down to 1% but that seems to cause bloating problems in mouth when berkey filter water was added. Maybe I should have used distilled water. I am back with just the regular 3%. The thing I observed was that H2O2 will tend to react in areas where there is some type of infections. In the areas that are healthy, there will be less fizzing. So the tooth that is sensitive to you will have a lot of fizzing but the healthier teeth wil have less fizzing. Same with the gums. Start little by little to get use to it in different areas of your mouth. get use to it.

What people who go to the dentist don't realize is that dentists only detect what they can see on their X-rays. So a lot of tooth and gum infections is not detected until it gets severe. A dentist giving someone a clean bill of health is not to be trusted. The H2O2 and how your teeth and gums feel to you will do more to detect problems than any X-rays.

H2O2 does kill streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus. A 6% H2O2 will kill them in 15 seconds while a 1% solution takes 2 minutes. I wouldn't go above 3%.

here is a quote
The concentration of H2O2 required to kill half the bacteria within 15 s was 1.8 M (6%) but fell to 0.3 M (1%) at 2 min, to 10 mM (0.03%) at 1 h, and to 0.2 mM (0.0007%) with a 24-h exposure.
The results indicate that if high levels of H2O2 can be sustained for long periods of time, H2O2 is an effective bactericidal agent, and the presence of LP and SCN- protects streptococci against killing by H2O2. Nevertheless, the combination of LP, H2O2, and SCN- is much more effective than H2O2 alone as an inhibitor of bacterial metabolism and growth.

I'd like to tell you my dental protocol and what I am doing but i am constantly modifying or adding to it.
Until I go thru the entire process and completely successful, it's hard to write about it. It really requires a separate post. Teeth and gum health are connected to the trigeminal nerve.

I will give just a few snippets of things i researched

Nagel talks about avoiding phytate stuff. the reason they are bad is because they bind to minerals. they are found in seeds, nuts and plants. one doesn't need to avoid them. just minimize them when your taking your calcium. phytates in one meal doesn't effect the next meal. i usually eat nuts and seeds separately anyway so it will not effect the mineral absorption. having a some phytates mixed in with many other things isn't going to effect mineral absorption enough either.

The best mineral supplement I have found is Jarrow Ultra Bone Up. I take other magnesium with it. I just got it a few days ago so will test it. The only thing it lack is Vitamin K2 MK4 for teeth. That is Wesson Price's active X ingredient. I take the Nutricology brand of Full Spectrum Vitamin K. I also take the Butter Oil / FCLO by green pasture.

I do put a tiny bit of baking soda in my saliva before i go to bed since my mouth tends to dry out while i sleep.

The other aspect of natural dental solutions is that it eliminates the dentists from mucking around with the virgin tooth. If you got fillings and caps then they may need maintenance. This can eliminate the huge cost of dental care for many people.

I am coming at my dental infections know and unknown from a nutritional perspective (able to resist infections) and combating the infections that already exist.

Taurine is the best protection from glutamate.


what the heck ... here is my current dental routine

Dental Routine

Take 1/3 to 1/2 tsp of borax (every Saturday or so)

Morning Routine
Butter Oil / FCLO 1/2 tsp MORNING
Take some Ultra Bone Up

Main meal
take one capsule of MCHC with vitamin K complex
Take some Ultra Bone Up

During day especially after eating ...
Keep teeth clean especially from sugar, acid and stuck food particles
Put some baking soda under tongue and let dissolve in saliva if eating just ate some sugar and acid in order to keep PH raised
Monitor problems

Night Routine
Optional Butter Oil / FCLO 1/2 tsp NIGHT
Brush massage gums
Swish with H202
Swish with Baking Soda then put a little in saliva

Notes: Take MCHC away from phytates - nuts, seeds, grains.
Notes: Vitamin D helps to absorb calcium
Notes: foods high in protein and fat, such as milk, nuts and cheese, do not cause tooth decay.

I am just starting to experiment with the Ultra Bone Up. If calcium levels gets too high in blood
it can cause signal transmission to speed up hence cause CNS problems. One should take magtein too. As far as plaque and calculus, I used a dental pick to remove it myself. It was easier than periogen. I just had a few places to do so much faster.
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Thank you @prioris for sharing your plan. I might try H2O2 again. At the moment I use a waterpik.

Great that you pick your own tartar off! I'm not sure I could get in there with a pick as mine is behind the lower front incisors.

The thing with my tooth is it's not sensitive nor surface-painful, it's a sensation deep inside in the upper jaw seeming to radiate from that tooth. The sensation changes in intensity/location as the neuralgia attack changes. I don't know if it's a deep infection or the neuralgia. But people have had teeth pulled for TN only to find there was no issue with the tooth and the TN carries on, so of course I want to avoid unnecessary work. At some point I'm planning to get a deep scan of the whole area to rule out any problem there. I'm also trying to rebuild from the inside out and strengthen it up and avoiding phytates, diet/supplements etc.

I've been reading a thread where someone is using Jarrow's N-A-G to help calm brain inflammation.

I do take taurine but only 1g, so I might increase it. Spingolin sounds promising, I hope you get success with it. I think I will try it at some point too.

I have only just realised how important glutamate might be, so if the sensation in my tooth/jaw/face goes away completely with avoiding glutamate and taking anti-glutamate supplements that means it's not dental which would be so great.

I was wondering if you've noticed any connection between viruses and your ATN? I tend to get an attack just before a cold/flu.


Senior Member
OOPS correction
BONE UP has some boron in it already
SO DELETE ... Take 1/3 to 1/2 tsp of borax (every Saturday or so)

Morning Routine
Butter Oil / FCLO 1/2 tsp MORNING
Take some Ultra Bone Up

Main meal
DELETE THIS take one capsule of MCHC with
ADD Take vitamin K complex
Take some Ultra Bone Up

Notes BONE UP is suppose to make sure the calcium levels in blood don't become too high.
not sure how it does that yet. that is what i am testing for. make sure it causes no CNS symptoms.


Senior Member
Thank you @prioris for sharing your plan. I might try H2O2 again. At the moment I use a waterpik.

Great that you pick your own tartar off! I'm not sure I could get in there with a pick as mine is behind the lower front incisors.

The thing with my tooth is it's not sensitive nor surface-painful, it's a sensation deep inside in the upper jaw seeming to radiate from that tooth. The sensation changes in intensity/location as the neuralgia attack changes. I don't know if it's a deep infection or the neuralgia. But people have had teeth pulled for TN only to find there was no issue with the tooth and the TN carries on, so of course I want to avoid unnecessary work. At some point I'm planning to get a deep scan of the whole area to rule out any problem there. I'm also trying to rebuild from the inside out and strengthen it up and avoiding phytates, diet/supplements etc.

I've been reading a thread where someone is using Jarrow's N-A-G to help calm brain inflammation.

I do take taurine but only 1g, so I might increase it. Spingolin sounds promising, I hope you get success with it. I think I will try it at some point too.

I have only just realised how important glutamate might be, so if the sensation in my tooth/jaw/face goes away completely with avoiding glutamate and taking anti-glutamate supplements that means it's not dental which would be so great.

I was wondering if you've noticed any connection between viruses and your ATN? I tend to get an attack just before a cold/flu.

Did you know that NAG will rebuild the inner colon. They use it for crohns disease. my digestive tract is fine but i want to toughen it up. i want to make it more resistant to all those colon diseases like diverticulitis or anything else. That is why I want to take it for a couple months then do maintenance after that. I was just starting to do that when this dental stuff got pushed to higher priority.

I do think you should up your dose. I take 2000mg in morning and 2000 mg at night. 1000 mg would not work for me. Up to 6000 mg is considered OK. You have to be careful with using other things that may neutralize Taurine's protective effect. That is why I won't use PharmaGABA or L-Theanine.

I feel sorry for the people who had their teeth pulled for TN. I can understand why they did it. Horror story. We can live and learn from those casualties. I know if I went down that path, I just hope that other people won't do same. Pulling teeth can actually exacerbate the problems to boot. Dentists are like most doctors. They are generally very toxic long term to ones health.

I have an abscess in my upper gum bone area that i am battling.

Be aware that there may be hidden infections in your gums and teeth that are causing the pain.

You can avoid colds and flu's by taking Epicor

I don't see connection between viruses and TN. The cold or flu may inflame things which can effect the nerves. I think TN is mostly connected to the the myelin sheath.
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Yes I'm hoping it will rebuild it. I don't feel like I have issues with my gut now, but I have in the past. Helping the gut might help the ATN.

I'm slowly upping my dose of taurine, I'm on 3g now. I do have theanine but I won't bother with it in case of interactions. Got my magtein coming soon.

I am now tackling my tooth with the waterpik, which has made my problems worse, I think by disturbing the bacteria in the gum. I think there could be some gum infection in there, and if I get it cleared that can only be a good thing. I wonder if periodontal disease could be a trigger setting off neuralgia.

It's a mystery why I get TN/ATN attacks before the onset of colds/flu. Maybe it's something to do with my immune system having an extra demand on it, which means it can't fight an infection in my gum/tooth so well, which then grows and triggers the ATN attack? I don't know.

I am looking forward to starting NAG. I saw on the Jarrow description of it, they mention that l-gluatamine is part of the compound. Made me pause, as I'm now on a low glutamate diet. But I guess the glutamine is so complexed up it won't cause glutamate toxicity.

"N-Acetyl Glucosamine is an aminosaccharide, synthesized from glucose and the amino acid L-glutamine, that has been stabilized by complexing it to an acetyl group."