I'm a celiac so I have leaky gut too. I've been treating this since 2005 but since gluten is literally everywhere, I'm not seeing the improvements I had hoped for. It took me 6 months to be able to eat anything without feeling like I was eating glass. I can eat more foods now but then if I eat too much of one food, I become intolerant to it. But basically, I'm functional now

except for orthostatic intolerance and PEM.
You may want to look at the mast cell info on this. I'm eating more foods right now and not reacting. kow .. Just to make this easy for you, those of us on the mast cell protocal take either supplements or otc allergy meds. What works for one may not work for someone else so you have to try these. From what I've read a specialist will just have you experiment with meds too. I chose allergy meds since I was having anaphylaxis.

I started out with a lot of different meds, Benadryl esp and now my daily med is Walgreen's Zyrtec 5 mg several times a day. Typically 20 - 30 mg per day.
I feel better mentally if I take Himalaya Liver Care every morning. My liver seems to need this.
NAC supplements worked for awhile but don't anymore. I noticed NAC helping first when drinking a detox drink that had NAC in it. The first couple of bottles helped but then it's a waste of money.
Avoiding taking chemicals that cause brain fog help too. Even 1 tsp of children's benadryl slows me down. Taking 10 mg of Zyrtec at once as opposed to 5 mg wipes me out too.
And I've found out over the years that both having an infection and treating one turns my brain to mush. I only start feeling better once it's cleared and I have enough good bacteria back in my gut.
Not to overwhelm you but nicotine appears to help me with brainfog / multi tasking. I can watch tv and type when I'm on this.

If you google nicotine benefits you'll find articles on this. They're seeing success with this on Alzheimer's patients. I was smoking one cig a day and that helped so I'm now experimenting with nicorette 2 mg lozengers. Since I'm responding to a low dose, I'm going to stick with a low dose by stopping it every few days.
hope you feel better soon ... X