How to cure Candida in someone with stage 3 kidney disease

I wanted to get some advise on what to use to help my mom. She had high arabinose show up on nutreval ( it was 140 and reference range says it needs to be less than 96. Its in the high rd range, Citramalic acid is also high but tartaric acid is below detection limits. She has no active yeas infections but has all the signs and symptoms of yeast like dandruff, etc. GI effects test showed no pathogenic bacteria or yeast but good bacteria is low. So no pathogenic yeast on GI effects so does this mean its higher up in small intestines?

She has stage 3 kidney disease so what can one use safely to kill really bad yeast. I am worried about using diflucan as when EGFR is low 33%ish , kidneys have a harder time excreting the drug. She has a knee replacement a few years back and this is when all this stuff started. She is very fatigued and all her B vitamins are in the red range (very deficient ) on nutreval. What can she use that is extremely effective to kill the biofilm and kill the yeast please. Any suggestions on what has worked well for others in this type of a situation please?

She also has high IGG titers to most stealth infections and I think her immune system is hijacked with the yeast so she cant fight anything else off. Her hemoglobin is low too ( 9ish) and MD wants to give her an EPO shot along with ivy iron but I am afraid the iron would feed the yeast. So it seems killing yeast and fast is the most immediate thing needed at present. I was thinking about lauricidin for the biofilm buster but I think some people have said that it mobilizes heavy metals and she does have some of that so not sure if that is a good idea?! Any other suggestions please?
Thank you!
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Senior Member
She has no active yeas infections but has all the signs and symptoms of yeast like dandruff, etc.

You mean she has all the signs and symptoms that are listed in those dubious alternative medicine books that claim Candida overgrowth is the cause of all sorts of symptoms? There was an alternative medicine fashion for blaming Candida overgrowth for a whole array of symptoms, but I have never seen any studies that support these ideas.

You might like to read this article: The mystery illness triggered by yeast

She also has high IGG titers to most stealth infections

What do you mean by a stealth infection?
Low sugar diet, some people say caprilic acidente Works, but You have to check if It doesn't afect ver kidney.
She is anemic and has renal failure, she needs EPO!
HI All!
Thanks for reply @Hip and jpcv. She is on a very low carb diet so diet cant be the cause of the yeast. So my concern with EPO is that she will most likely be given iron infusion along with the EPO. Would the excess iron cause yeast to proliferate. Also she has high IGG titers to EBV, HHV6, mycoplasma, and CMV. So immune system is not keeping things in check Would the iron proliferate all of these viruses? Her ferritin is high (350) from inflammation possibly from yeast. So she has anemia of chronic disease but all her B vitamins are very deficient. She has started on digestive enzymes

TIBC 248 (250-450)
serum iron 105 (27-139)
iron saturaton 43% (15-55) This is is percent sat high when hemoglobin etc is low?
potassium is showing very high on serum testing at 5.6 but on nutreval RBC potassium in on the lower side. How to get it inside the cells?
Hemoglobin 10 (11-15.9)
RBC 3.6 (3.77-5.28)
Hematocrit 32.4 (34-46.6)
MCV 88 (79-97) So when MCV is normal but RDW is high..this is iron deficiency?
MCH 27 (26.6-33)
RDW 15.8 (12.3-15.4)
calcium 10 (8.7-10.3)

What have most people used to eradicate intestinal yeast causing high arabinose? Any protocols you can refer me to as yeast supposedly can desentized to herbs quickly. She has been using GI mocrobex for a few days and wondering if it should be switched to another formulation or is diflucan the best bet? She is also wasting a lot of taurine and beta alanine on amino acids test. Any recommendations on how to get some traction on this issue?
Thank you!


Senior Member
SE coast, Brazil
i think you are going too fast, slow down and listen to her doctor.
Candida can survive on almost anything so don´t freak out with iron.
She is not iron deficient , due to her kidney disease she doesn´t produce enough EPO tht´s she shpuld receive it.
Iron saturation is within the normal range, her anemia is linked to her chronic kidney disease
High Igg titers , this can be tricky but it can be only a sign that your mother is able to produce antibodies against common viral infections, it doesn´t necessarily mean that infections are out of control.
Does your mother have ME/CFS? High titers to these infections are common in ME/CFS.
Yes she has chronic fatigue syndrome. Glutathione very depleted and very low in all B vitamins even though she takes a bunch.
i think you are going too fast, slow down and listen to her doctor.
Candida can survive on almost anything so don´t freak out with iron.
She is not iron deficient , due to her kidney disease she doesn´t produce enough EPO tht´s she shpuld receive it.
Iron saturation is within the normal range, her anemia is linked to her chronic kidney disease
High Igg titers , this can be tricky but it can be only a sign that your mother is able to produce antibodies against common viral infections, it doesn´t necessarily mean that infections are out of control.
Yes she looking at iron studies she is not iron deficient. Iron sat is varying greatly in 3 weeks. It was just close to 25% now its 43%. What can cause a high RDW but a normal MCV?
Will look into the EPO as the fatigue is just unbearable for her.
Thank you
How are things going @sk123 ? Has your mother taken the EPO shot? I wouldn’t necessarily be overly concerned with Candida overgrowth unless this is specifically addressed by a doctor, the symptoms listed online in regards to candida tend to be very generalized and can be attributed to a number of other issues including kidney disease. I would be most concerned with maintaining kidney function as best as possible while continuing to investigate the cause of the abnormalities you mentioned.
How are things going @sk123 ? Has your mother taken the EPO shot? I wouldn’t necessarily be overly concerned with Candida overgrowth unless this is specifically addressed by a doctor, the symptoms listed online in regards to candida tend to be very generalized and can be attributed to a number of other issues including kidney disease. I would be most concerned with maintaining kidney function as best as possible while continuing to investigate the cause of the abnormalities you mentioned.
She hasnt been able to yet as her hemoglobin was barely above the 10 cutoff limit. Then 2nd time it was 9.8 so she qualified for the shot but unfortunately her blood pressure had been elevated and since the shot can elevate it further MD is holding off for a few days until it can be more mangeable.

The nutreval had shown high arabinose so she had been doing GI microbex of 2 pills 3 times a day so total 6 pills a day. Her creatine level has decreased from 1.5 to 1.3 whuch is good news. She had also been getting methyl b12 shots 5000 mcg every week for last 4 times. Her sodium though has decreased from 138 usually to 134 and potassium is up to 5.5. I dont know if this is related to methylation or adrenal issues from low aldosterone and low cortisol.
Thank you for asking! :)
Some good sources on functional medicine include the kalish institute and the books of Richard Lord. As far as treatments for intestinal candida, there is oral swish and swallow nystatin (cheap and works pretty well), oral amphotericin b (expensive), in both cases the antibiotic isn't metabolized by human cells, for the most part, and thus gets excreted with the feces. If there is such an infection then the die off will be bad and binders such as diatamaceous earth or bentonite clay can be drunk as well. When I was getting rid of my candida, taking antibiotics in the morning and afternoon and binders at night worked ok. I believe I still have a candida infection and am actively trying to fix it.

I have no idea about the kidney disease and thus you should run these ideas by the doctor to see if there could be a complication with what I did above. I don't have any kidney disease.