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How to be able to Read/Do Cognitive things longer


I have a big problem with concentration and feeling really unwell after reading for too long, is there anything I can do to not find it so difficult and let it affect me so much. When I do too much I feel very out of it and it can make me feel really sick and crash. I don't read too often and this is one of the reasons but I would love to be able to read more. I have a kindle and I think I find that easier to read for me than a book, and both I think are easier than a computer screen, depending on how long I read it for.

Has anyone got any ideas, such as eating while you do it maybe to keep up blood sugar and energy etc for concentration. It is that I would like to do it for longer, it would really help I think.

Doing less physical activity gives me more stamina for mental activities.

Also for reading, when I am less well, I have to take frequent breaks. Read 3 minutes, break 3 minutes. Or 1 minute, 1 minute or however long feels right. I feel if you push yourself to exhaustion then you can't get back to reading, so break more often than you think is necessary.

Changing position frequently helps too.
I think that taking breaks for a little time but often might help as I do sometimes try and push beyond how much I feel I can do and it just makes things worse for the rest of the day and sometimes more so I just need to be patience, I will try it out, also lying down could be good too as I am probably in a uncomfortable position when reading as I probably stooped over on a chair, I will try both tips, thank you very much.

I think I will combine the two in a way as I am going to start trying to have helpful rest that is more beneficial, because I find napping makes me feel awful so I have just tried to sit practically all day but that can be tiring and uncomfortable too, so I will hopefully read for a few minutes in bed, close my eyes and rest for a few minutes and just keep it going and see if it makes a difference. InshAllah it will.
I've always struggled with this problem too. I used to read a book in a couple of days and now i'm struggling to finish one book per year and thats with a kindle. I always read lying flat to keep blood up to the brain, and rest often but my problem is, once i've rested i struggle to go back to it. I increase the font gradually as my brain slows down but i've never found a way in 15 years to be able to increase reading ability. I think its something many of us struggle with :-(
Just had a look at that provigil, sounds intriguing! If it increases concentration in 'sleepy' people, and it worked for ME, would there be a price to pay for that extra mental exercise that would then be possible to do? Gonna look further into that!


Senior Member
Sth Australia
Eatting at the same time as reading, I wouldnt recommend, the digestive process uses energy. (People often feel sleepy after eatting).

As the others suggest, I suggest frequent breaks and laying down while reading. Also I take what Im reading into consideration too, things that strongly interest me are far easier not to be loosing my focus on and things written in short paragraphs are far easier then long blocks of text etc