Do ADs do anything for fatigue, PEM, cognitive dysfunction, flu-like symptoms, dysautonomia, hypothyroid, etc? Not for me. Cymbalta helped with muscle aches when nothing else would touch them, but it was antivirals that actually got rid of the muscle aches... that and not PEMming myself continuously.
That is one thing I've fought with consistently since developing a bad case of mono a while back, I would not be surprised if a lot of my current problems are associated with that.
IMO, SSRI and SNRI are not real treatments for ME/CFS. I think octors just say that when they mean "CFS is just depression", but know you are not going to agree with that assessment.

They certainly have no evidence that SSRI or SNRI are treatments for ME/CFS as a whole.
Then the doctors I know are being blatantly deceptive, or lying by omission, which is just as bad.
As far as I'm concerned refusing to tell a patient that they cannot prescribe treatments for the causes of CFS and then offering such a drug, or claiming such treatments help the symptoms, is extremely dishonest.
It is possible some are intentionally very careful in their choice of words, although I've had at least one doctor insist that it helps ameliorate physical symptoms of CFS, whereas I suppose another could have technically been lying by omission by offering it as a treatment and refusing to disclose that they "can't" actually prescribe meds that are effective against physical symptoms.
You could be messing with something which is currently working effectively, which seems like a bad idea.
That's generally my sentiment with regard to my serotonin levels, and in one case, after tiring of the typical sales pitch, I pointed out that there are no hard diagnostic tests they could give me to prove I need them.
As I've said before, at least in my circumstance, I believe that it is the understanding of the health board that administrates our healthcare system, that CFS patients are "problems", and psychiatric drugs are great bureaucratic leverage to write patients off and put them in a position to not ask questions or make demands or complaints.