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How many of you have tried Cholestyramine?


Senior Member
Along with my CFS, I have unidentified GI problems.

I've been aware of Cholestyramine for some time and I've been interested in trying it as it is apparently good for pruritus which can suddenly strike and stick with me for long periods of time.

Has anyone here tried and and if so what was your experience?


senior member
Concord, NH
Been on it since about 2009. I'm not sensitive to meds, have not had an issue with it.

I take it for detox.



senior member
Concord, NH
Cannot say that it specifically helped me with a certain issue. I had a crash in 2009 and changed lots of things in my life. I have been sick since 2003, and was just fed up of changing one thing at a time and not getting any better!

I did do a toxin challenge, DMSA? was found to have high mercury and lead levels in my body, did the testing again, and the levels were much better!
