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How long does Mestinon take to show benefits?


Senior Member
Hi all
I’ve been taking Mestinon for about ten days and I have seen no benefit.

I’m taking 30mg three times a day. If I’m going to see any beneficial effect from the drug then when is this likely to occur?

Should I continue with Mestinon or not?


Senior Member
This is just my strictly non-medical opinion, but I would ask: are you experiencing any side-effects? If not, I would continue for a few more days. I started on it a couple of years ago and found benefits --mostly muscular strength and stamina, which allowed me to exercise--within a week or so. I would not say that the impact was dramatic--it was not like some drugs where you KNOW--ah....this is making a huge difference, but rather a situation where I noticed--hey....I just somehow went for a walk twice as long as I thought I could. And I feel ok.

Also---just for reference--I only take 45 mg a day. I found that higher doses don't help me more and do have side effects.


Senior Member
Thanks for the reply. I don’t seem to be suffering any significant symptoms so I’ll keep at it for another week or so but beginning to lose heart. Will probably increase to 45 three times a day next week.


Senior Member
I believe the standard dose (starting) for Myasthenia Gravis is 60 mg 3x a day--so 180 daily. There is room to experiment....


Moose Enthusiast
If I remember correctly from my own experience with mestinon, 30 mg 3 times a day is considered a subclinical dose, meaning it's not enough medication to make a difference in your symptoms yet. Doctors start you off on this low dose to give your body time to adjust to the medication. If you started off on a higher dose there's a higher likelihood that you'd experience very unpleasant muscle cramping and other side effects.

When I started mestinon, I was on a dose of 30 mg 3 times a day for a whole month. Then my doctor increased the dose to 60 mg 3 times a day (although some other people here on the forum have had their doses increased much more slowly). I was also advised that, even at the higher dose, I might not feel any effect for several weeks.

So take heart and give your body some time!


Senior Member
Northern California
Do you have Myasthenia Gravis?

I do not have MG (or Lambert Eaton), but every couple of years some doctor re-tests me for both diseases via Nerve Conduction Study and Antibody testing.

I believe the question you want a response to is "how long does it take for Mestinon to show benefits," and to be honest, I can't remember back that far.

If it would be helpful to you for me to share the ways I have benefited from Mestinon, let me know.


Senior Member
If I remember correctly from my own experience with mestinon, 30 mg 3 times a day is considered a subclinical dose, meaning it's not enough medication to make a difference in your symptoms yet. Doctors start you off on this low dose to give your body time to adjust to the medication. If you started off on a higher dose there's a higher likelihood that you'd experience very unpleasant muscle cramping and other side effects.

When I started mestinon, I was on a dose of 30 mg 3 times a day for a whole month. Then my doctor increased the dose to 60 mg 3 times a day (although some other people here on the forum have had their doses increased much more slowly). I was also advised that, even at the higher dose, I might not feel any effect for several weeks.

So take heart and give your body some time!

I seem to have more strength today. Hoping it’s the Mestinon kicking in.


Senior Member
I do not have MG (or Lambert Eaton), but every couple of years some doctor re-tests me for both diseases via Nerve Conduction Study and Antibody testing.

I believe the question you want a response to is "how long does it take for Mestinon to show benefits," and to be honest, I can't remember back that far.

If it would be helpful to you for me to share the ways I have benefited from Mestinon, let me know.

Today is about two weeks since I started Mestinon. I feel I have more strength today. Will increase to 40 mg twice a day from tomorrow.


Senior Member
I’m now taking 60mg of mestinon three times a day and i’m pleased to say I seem to be finding some benefit. My muscles just seem stronger and more durable than they did only days ago. Increasing to 90 mg three times a day from this morning.

I’m hoping the benefits I’m feeling are a direct result of mestinon and not the abilify amisulpride combo i’m taking. Anyway I’ll be taking all three now until something changes.

If my health remains at the level I’ve been at since upping the dose of mestinon it will be a significant improvement. I’ve been able to potter around my home and seem to have less pain in my glutes and thigh muscles.
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Senior Member
I believe the standard dose (starting) for Myasthenia Gravis is 60 mg 3x a day--so 180 daily. There is room to experiment....

I have no doubt that I have improved stamina energy and less pain since I increased the mestinon to 60mg three times a day.

Fingers crossed my progress carries on.
Increasing mestinon to 90 mg three times a day.
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Senior Member
Well I’m feeling considerably better on the Mestinon. I have more strength and stamina. By this I mean I can bath myself and make myself a sandwich. It also seems to have solved my constipation problem overnight.

I’m just praying this improvement continues. Now taking 90mg mestinon four times daily.


Senior Member
This all sounds very promising!
Every day for the last five days I’ve felt stronger and better than I’ve felt for a very long time.

I’ve made real improvements and my brain fog is a lot less allowing me address some paperwork ( been a long time since I could hand write properly).

I’m terrified this is all going to stop and I’ll be left worse than before.

Fingers double crossed.


Senior Member
Fingers very much crossed! FWIW--I have settled on my small dose, have been on it for more than two years and while it has not been a miracle, it has provided solid, unwavering support the whole time. No poop out.


Senior Member
My bowel movement seems to have completely normalised also.

I also have old fashioned muscle ache from walking around my apartment, like one gets with DOMS. It doesn’t seem to be ME discomfort. Just normal aches from not using muscles for so long.
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