I'm curious about this after reading different posts on this forum. Some people seem to feel they have an overactive immune system, and they get colds/other illnesses less often than before they had CFS. Other people feel their immune system is low so are more likely to get ill...
My immune system is very high and I haven't had a cold or a flu in 10-15 years or longer. I use to think, in fact I
KNEW, I was catching colds or flus once or twice every month, year round. Even though, at the time, I rarely had contact with people or left my apartment.
What I've learned in the last few years is that they were actually ME/CFS flares, not colds or flus at all! When I get really stressed out for days at a time or I really over do it physically, my ME/CFS flares and feels just like a cold or flu.
So for some reason ( the million dollar question), overdoing it physically causes my immune system, which is already high, to go even higher and that causes my cold and flu symptoms.
These cold and flu symptoms (actually ME/CFS flares) use to last 7-14 days. Now they never last more than 24 hours and only happen every couple of months or so, when I physically push myself too hard for too long or get really stress out for days on end.
So they clearly were never colds or flus, although when I get them, even though they never last for more than 24 hours, they feel
exactly like a cold or a flu. I get excessive fatigue, sneezing, mild coughing, aches and pains and just feel absolutely miserable, just like a cold or a flu.