How does candida exactly make you feel?


Senior Member
So, I took a an Organic Acids Test and a few months back and it pointed to candida and was wondering how candida makes someone feel. Specifically.

I get an agitated feeling that make me want to be somewhere else. I get antsy. Distractible. Uncomfortable. It feels like a massive sugar buzz. Anybody else? I was wondering if that would be candida.


Senior Member
I can also get a similar feeling at times when I am reacting to even small amounts of coffee. Sugar won't gve me that but sometimes I have a bad day with coffee.

I too am not quite sure what candida symptoms are like. Waiting for anyone's input.....


Senior Member
@Wolfcub @Sarah94 @gbells

When I read about candida symptoms it looks as though it can cause every malady known to man: brain fog, headaches, depression, yellow toes! I also read that it can cause problems by eating vitamins and nutrients thereby causing a deficiency in your body.

After taking an OAT which says I got it, I've been taking anti-candida pills and that's when I started to feel like dirt: flu, anxiety, depression. The flu had always given me depression. So, I stopped for a couple of days and symptoms were dramatically better. Today I'm resuming taking my candida pills and already I've got a headache. I've also resumed a strict anti-candida diet. No grains, sugars, dairy, fruits, etc.

I've become somewhat skeptical of MDs.


Senior Member
In what way does the OAT tell you you have candida?

I don't understand the exact chemistry, but there is a marker on line 6 called Arabinose, which is an indicator of candida overgrowth. I've attached the OAT. Lines 1 - 5 are for other fungal markers. Other problem lines throughout the test are consistent with candida, but not indicative of it, if that makes any sense. For example, candida may cause a B6 deficiency but having a B6 deficiency wouldn't indicate candida, because that could be caused by a trillion other things. Disclaimer: I'm not a pro, this is just what I've gathered from the interwebs.

Recently I've been learning about the link between methylation and candida as well as gut biom problems in general. Amazing stuff.


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Senior Member
I've been taking candida killing supplements off and on for a couple of months, ramping up and cutting back my dose as symptoms permit. Over the last two weeks I've been pretty aggressive and noticed die-off in my stool (fuzzy fern-like matter), headaches, slight nausea but the most crippling symptom is lack of energy or motivation and lack of focus. I just want to watch YouTube and do nothing all day.

I'm trying to eat a proper candida diet and do pretty good, but slip from time to time.

Just wanted to share.


Senior Member
Candida Update: After switching up my supps a bit, which was inspired by the post Candida & Biofilms - Theory & Protocol, I'm noticing a lot more die-off in my stool. I'm taking the bio-film reducer Biofilm Defense and rotating candida killers, Oregano Oil, Grape Seed Oil, Biocidin and Kolorex. I'm also throwing in G.I.Detox which has charcoal and clay among other things.

The die-off symptoms don't appear linear, but rather seem to ebb and flow. I feel like I have the flu, then I feel like superman, then the flu all on a day rotation. Flu symptoms are head aches, chilled body, cold feet, zoned out like I just want to sit around and watch youtube (I currently know everything about the ancient Chinese navy, prison life, rescuing wildlife, living with lions, the pyramids, self defense, the history of banking, the Illuminati, Always Sunny in Philadelphia and how to smelt iron if society collapses) and don't want to move, hard to concentrate, scratchy throat, dizzy spells, sore ankles and neck. The symptoms are not severe. Then it just goes away for a day. Emotionally, my mood changes minute by minute. Happy, sad, anxious, relaxed. Very sporadic.

I've got constipation which relieves itself about every third day and on that day, oh boy. It ends in mild diarrhea.

I'm pretty optimistic that I'm doing the right thing.
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Senior Member
Update: My die-off symptoms have subsided, but I'm still noticing a fern-like fuzzy stool. So, I guess I'm still killing it off. I'm doing a bit better with less depression and anxiety, however I still have symptoms of laziness. I feel like I'm getting incrementally better. but it's hard to say.
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Senior Member
Update: At the moment I'm a little confused and frustrated with my candida battle. I've been on an anti-candida protocol for over a month and felt like I was getting better. My anxiety, depression and die-off symptoms were all fading away. The only thing that bothered me was fatigue, but even that seemed to be lifting.

But then, over the last 4 days the anxiety and depression have returned. :-(

I've got that odd electric shock feeling through my arms and sinking feeling in my chest. I've read that gains against candida are not linear and that it is normal to have setbacks.

Anybody have experience with this?


Senior Member
Anxiety and depression have lifted. Odd. It was pretty strong for about 4 days and then it just went away. Still on anti-candida protocol. From another forum, I found a few people who said they went through similar feelings while battling candida.


Senior Member

Good news! Today, I finally saw large hunks of die-off in my stool and it looked just like what one would see in the pictures. It came out all slimy and had yellowy semi-transparent pieces that floated around. This makes me happy, because at times I wonder if this candida talk was quackery.

Before today, I had signs of die-off, but they could have been explained by other things. They were things like head aches, slight fever, mild nausea. So, when I saw the die-off I finally felt like I had roof positive something was actually happening.


Senior Member
Over the last few weeks I've had a constant phlemmy cough, which at first I thought was linked to die-off. However, those around me started to go through the same thing, so I'm assuming I just caught this season's bug. I'm hoping that this cold I'm going through is what is giving me fatigue and brain fog to some extent. Throughout all this I'm experiencing periods of energy and clarity. I hope this is a sign of things to come and expands.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
It came out all slimy and had yellowy semi-transparent pieces that floated around.


that sounds rather like bile...

The yeast theories- I"m not a big its Yeast advocate....but what the heck. All theories possible.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
In the pics of candida, the water is still pretty clear with yellowish matter.

there is a sort of need for more info on- what exactly does symptom X feel like or look like?

I watched this You Tube gal spend like 20 minutes just describing one of our symptoms..(the throat stuff)..and I found it very understanding ..what others are experiencing relative to what I'm experiencing.

(any form of speaking for very long...results in severe sore throat laryngitis much for lunch with friends).

I experience some really weird intense cellular body wide YUCK feeling that can last- oh 30 seconds...2 minutes...its brief, it stops, its freaky. WHAT IS THAT? Its something about insulin...(I suspect)


Senior Member
what exactly does symptom X feel like or look like?

Love that statement. The title of this thread is "How does candida exactly make you feel?" I wish there was a comprehensive database of people describing EXACTLY how they fell. Just saying headache, brainfog or anxiety isn't focused enough, because as we all know there are many types of headaches, brainfogs and anxieties.

For example:
My FATIGUE or BRAIN FOG isn't a sleepiness or a physical worn out feeling. It's odd. Today I rode 10 miles on my bike am not at all sleepy, but can't muster the mental energy to do my laundry or read an article longer than a paragraph. If I had to compare it to something I would say I feel hungover.

ANXIETY to me is a mild electric buzz feeling in my arms, shoulders and back. When it is really bad my back and the top of my head feel like they are on fire. It like when someone sneaks up on you a scares the daylights out of you.