How do you personally deal/cope with nausea? More mentally rather than physically...


Senior Member
Computer games or solitaire will also help to keep your thoughts off it, by "using up" all your attention processes.

I often grate fresh ginger for use - that bruises it well and exposes a big surface area to the water so it brews faster.

I can't do meditaiton stuff - I get bored witless trying to concentrate on breathing, it just annoys and irritates me and I get grumpier.
B12 and other B's help my nausea. I think the B12 works to help vagus nerve function. Other B's, like B6, may help nausea by increasing stomach acid.

If stomach acid is low, bad things can happen.
I started yesterday a low dose of vitamins b1, b2, b3, b6, b12 and folic acid so I hope that helps, I have practically doubled the dose today to nearer the suggestion daily dose as I just wanted to take it slow to start but hopefully it will make a difference.
Also I posted a different thread after looking on a POTS website I have started to sit with my feet up practically all day (as I spend practically all day sitting as I am just at home) in a sort of right angle position and it may just be coincidence but it has seemed to have helped a noticeable amount in reducing how tired I feel through out the day as I tended to crash badly towards midday/afternoon. But as I am not crashing as much it makes me feel less sick during that time as my body doesn't seem as worn out. Just a tip though, it may just be coincidence as I have only been doing it a few days.
To make ginger tea stronger, first bruise the ginger lightly with something like a meat tenderizer before slicing it. I also let it steep at least an hour. This will give you a strong cup and it is so good for nausea.

Ginger tea bags are also effective although they cost more than fresh ginger. Let them steep a long time, too.
My mother kindly makes me ginger tea and the type of tea pot we have means you can keep the ginger in there and it won't all fall out when pouring and we just keep it in the fridge and make enough a time for about a couple of days worth so it does get quite strong I think too.


Senior Member
I've had nausea daily since childhood. A few years ago I realised it was due to my liver not clearing toxins properly. I now take liver detoxifier and regenerator by NOW daily and it is completely gone.

The only time I ever suffer a little is when I have too much lymphatic drainage or Osteopathic manipulation but my therapist seems to know my limits quite well.

I've never found anything else that helps.


Senior Member
At the onset of my illness I had non-stop nausea for 3 months - i had to force myself to eat and went down to just less than 9 stone (bearing in mind i'm a 19 year old near 6-foot guy you can see the problem) - my doctor gave me loads of anti-emetics to try but nothing worked. Thankfully the nausea eventually calmed and now I only suffer with it when I have either overdone things a lot or when I have the stomach upsets/cramps i seem to get randomly. Hold on in there as this seems like something that can calm down naturally over time.
The only strange thing now is i'm up to near 13 stone which is closer to my original weight but is almost a reverse of the problem before - at least I can actually enjoy eating now though.


Senior Member
West Coast USA
Agree with caledonia's suggestions on meditation. Take it one breath at a time. I usually had to lie on my left side curled up with a pillow between my knees. I had this every night for several months. Also listening to audiobooks can be distracting. I wish I could tell you what made this go away. I stopped all supplements for several weeks so perhaps my gut lining healed? I had tried self-treating with mastica to see if it was h pylori, due to alternating nausea and stomach lining pain. That may have been it but there's no way to be sure. Hang in there!


Senior Member
Distraction is good! As long as the nausea isn't too bad. I have also found when it is BAD that lying on the cold bathroom floor with a rolled towel under my head helps. I find getting my body really cold stops the nausea feeling. Sounds weird but when it's so bad you're glad of some relief.


Senior Member
I have noticed like @Plum cold can help with nausea too. Try to bring about a shiver for a minute or two, for some reason I have noticed it has helped on a lot of occasions.
I found it a help especially if blood pressure is really low, you will be able to raise it by making yourself shiver for a bit.

Mentally dealing with nausea you do need to distract and rest so that you can get body inflammation down. I found ME inflammation was the big cause of my horrid nausea. Since starting D Ribose a year ago, it has reduced some inflammation in my body and also has noticeably reduced nausea. A huge plus for me.

I think the d ribose gives me a bit more energy in the muscles and therefore reduces PEM inflammation which reduces all the other horrible neurological inflammation as well. It seems that way.

edit. I have just realized I said all this on the first page of this thread :rofl: this must be an older thread


Senior Member
does glutamine cure IBS and repair the gut lining? my nurse friend told me it does but I still had nausea I think from food poisoning


Senior Member
Far more potent than ginger as an anti-nausea agent is lemon essential oil.

Both are 5-HT3 receptor antagonists (it is 5-HT3 receptor activation that causes nausea). However, lemon essential oil is a much more potent 5-HT3 receptor antagonists than ginger.

Dose = 10 drops of lemon essential oil in 15 ml of cooking oil, and swallowed.