I've been on disability since 1990 but at 65 years it has turn to just social security this year. I was doing okay with occasional family help with emergencies but in 2008, I moved and my old house wouldn't sell. It was paid off but ended in auction and I lost about $100,000.
I love the new place (safe, convenient, one floor, many services) and have done everything to stay here with NO results. Every government help for people caught in the housing crisis, disabled, even with good credit rating has not helped me. It's disgusting, I don't meet this or that criteria, I'm too poor or pay my bills on time, have too high medical costs or the "percentages?" don't work.
My congressman's office got involved only to add another variable to the whirlwind of organizations saying "NO, NO, NO. I have come to the conclusion that if a deal doesn't help the banks then it won't help you. So much paperwork, so many calls, so REAL little help and stress and aggravation to make one sicker. I used to be an expeditor, with help from two people; we are all burned out now.
I pay my mortgage and maintenance off the top, if I'm lucky the utilities get paid but food and necessities are bought by my family on a weekly basis or friends will send food but all co-pays and meds go on credit cards. There's no money for emergencies and I've just become "numb" about everything.
I saw this exact thing happen to my friends who got sick the same time I did but never thought with my planning it could happen to me but all it takes is one false move and it's over. I'm bedbound and can't work, any energy I have goes to being a good neighbor, decent citizen and organizing my own health care. If I can help someone I will because it makes me feel like I'm still a human being, even that's dwindling. If help is out there for me it will come from an individual and not a bloated government agency.
There is not one thing about ME/CFS/SEIDS that isn't terrifying.