How can I heal my gut when it overreacts to every substance?


Senior Member
Hi Bedman,

I am in the same boat. I am sensitive to almost everything that is suppose to help. I was having great success with my homeopathic practitioner this last year and was finally able to start taking supplements without ill effect. I even noticed that they were helping me feel better and better. I had improved about 60 - 70% from feeling my worse.

Anyway, due to circumstances of being exposed to a toxin, at Christmas, I am fighting my way back again. I am now living in a safe place. I am already feeling better, but my sensitivities all came back. Anyway, I was looking for something a bit gentle. Like Fred suggested, maybe we should try a vitamin/mineral powder. Check out Klaire's VitaSpectrum multivitamin/mineral powder. It is used with children with autism. It has mb12/adb12/folate as Metafolin. I have been thinking about trying this to get me started back on the road to recovery. I will let you how it goes.


Senior Member
Sth Australia
The only point i disagree is the need of a colonscopy. If i cant even take simple supps I dont want to risk a narcosis. I think the blood comes propably from my anal fissure, not something like cancer (famous last words...)

I heard the other day which did surprise me that bowel cancer is the second highest type of cancer (or maybe it was the highest cause of cancer death?). The first was lung cancer.


Senior Member
Hi Lisa,

There were actually two, mold and paint VOCs. Both my parents passed away this last 1 1/2 years. My siblings decided it was time to sell my parent's property. My own family and I were living there. We moved in with my mom after my dad passed, and continued to live there after her passing. After her death, the remodeling of the house began. Our own home was leased out and we didn't have the money to rent a place. Since we stayed on there, I insisted that I would get to choose what was used in the house and that it had to be environmentally safe. I still took many precautions to protect myself. Luckily, I had been on my homeopathic remedy and supplements long enough, that I had made some great improvements and didn't seem to be bothered by anything that was being done to the house at the time. However, I suspected we would find mold.

Around Christmas, we discovered mold under the wallpaper in 3 rooms, one being my own, and found mold growing in my mom and dad's Sleep by Number mattress. This would make sense since I developed daily nasal congestion and overall body pain after moving to that house. It would also explain the never ending cough my mom had for years.

Anyway, at the same time, the contractor we hired to do some painting, took it upon himself to not follow our request of using a No VOC paint that I had chosen to be used. Apparently he did some "research" of his own and was told that the no VOC paint was just a scam. He then took it upon himself to not follow our wishes and used paint he already had with a VOC content over 50. This wasn't discover until I returned after the work was already done, as I had vacated the premises while he was painting. This guy used to be one of our friends! Not anymore!

Unfortunately, we had to live there for a few weeks following this, with my family watching me get worse day by day. Finally, my brother offered us a place to live. So, I am now in a clean house and getting better little by little. My homeopath had to wait to treat me until after I moved out. She is giving me a remedy that neutralizes environmental toxins and hypersensitivities cause by such. Next, I will go back on my constitutional remedy that helped so much before. As she explained it, even though I was feeling better before, my body was far from being healed and couldn't withstand the toxic exposure.


Just a note Lisa, if you know anyone who has the Sleep by Number beds, have them check the inside the air panels. The mattress unzips! It is quite common for the older models to grow mold inside. I have 3 family members that have one. All of them had mold growth!


Senior Member
Lisa, I sent you a PM. Let me know if it didn't go through. It logged out on me while I composing.

Fredd, i did a special test for b12 called methylmalonicacid and it was as normal as the usual b12 test. But i dont know what mb12 is? Is it kind of the same? I would like to know if im deficient before i start supplementing.

Shellbell, what did your practioner do to make you feel so much better?


Senior Member
Bedman, I decided to take multidimensional approach to my healing. So I started with classical homeopathy.

My practitioner started me on tautopathy using cipro. They do this for autism patients for vaccine reversals. Then she put me on my constitutional remedy, pulsatilla. This is different for everyone. I then rotated back and forth for some time, using different potencies. Over time, I didn't need the cipro remedy anymore, and just stayed on the pulsatilla.

Changes I saw were less reactivity to my environment and to food. My digestion worked better. I started seeing output of bile and my good was digesting better. (Sorry!) I had a problem with this for 4 years since taking cipro. My nervous system was much calmer, far less body aches, and more energy. I had a much better mental attitude about things and that was hard to do considering I had experienced 4 deaths in my family in the last 2 years, including both my parents.

Before adding in supplements, I had my yearly testing done with blood and saliva. They were the most positive I have had in 4 years. Hormones were more balanced, my b12 levels went from the low 200s to the high 800s. My liver enzymes were more normal, etc.

I was doing better to the point I enrolled in grad school for spring and started talking about maybe returning to work this coming fall part time. I was even volunteering a couple times a week at my old school in December. Something I haven't been able to do in years.

Then the December incident took me down, hard! My remedy stopped working as the fumes were too intense and overloaded my body. As my practitioner told me, my body was far from well yet to withstand an exposure like that.

Now that I am out of the house, I am starting over, kind of. She is giving my homeopathic sulphuric acid rotating with pulsatilla.

I also started pranic healing, as I believe energy medicine has a place in my recovery. I started 3 weeks ago and have already felt a bit of a difference. I chose this form because you must practice daily in between sessions. This keeps the energy flowing. I have seen other energy type practitioners. The treatments never held. I was solely relying on them to clear and give me energy.

I will try supplementing again soon. I am going to start with that multivitamin powder and see how it goes.

It is a slow recovery, but considering all the things I have tried in the past, this has made the greatest difference for me. I am at least living a life again. Maybe not the one I crave for, but getting there. Hang in there!


Senior Member
Bedman, I forgot to say, that there can be a huge difference in healers and practitioners. I have done homeopathy before without success. Actually, treatments made me worse in the long run. Before starting treatment back then, I wasn't as fatigued as I am now. They basically tried to detox me too fast which put a lot of strain on my body. I wasn't able to take supplements at all while doing this, which I think worked against me nutritionally.

The bottom line is that not all of these practitioners are good and effective in their treatments.

I chose the gal I am seeing now because she works a lot with autism and chronic illness. She was recommended to me by someone on another forum. I like that she proceeds gently with her treatments. If it is took strong, she has taught me how to lessen the action of the remedy.

I just wanted to caution you on some of these practitioners. They may sound good, but don't produce the results, as I have found out in the past!


Senior Member
Did anyone ever try to only eat from breakfast to lunch and spare dinner? Could this help?


Skimming for the gist
There are a lot of good advice here and a lot of healthy bland food choices listed. I don't have this problem but I know what I'd try if I did. Olive Leaf Extract to kill pathogens. No probiotics (Velha said the probiotics made her stomach problems worse and high dose Olive Leaf Extract made it better - I believe she takes 500mg and also garlic. I take 1g OLE only). Aloe Vera and Slippery Elm as they are mucilaginous and soothing to the gut and aloe has a little zinc in it to slowly and calmly begin repair. I would also try glutamine as that is required for the gut lining. My diet book says to take 2g glutamine with an apple as a snack, idk if the apple is a good idea for bad gut. I do know someone whose ex-bf has a bad gut and he did say aloe made him feel better.
Trif (pills R Us, I think it must be my motto that why do with diet what you can do with pills??)
Did anyone ever try to only eat from breakfast to lunch and spare dinner? Could this help?

Its funny you mention that. just saw a tv documentary about positive health effects of this. a lot of people who did it turned 100 was said and scientists talkes about worms who die earlier when they eat more.


Senior Member
Virginia, USA
I feel like Im trapped: Every medical substance I swallow causes severe neurological symtoms just some seconds later. This also happens when I take harmless things like zinc or fish oil which are supposed to calm down the gut. Probiotics or kefir makes things worse big time: My toilet paper is full of blood when I try them and the feeling of inflammation gets worse. A stool test confirmed that I have an inflammation in the gut.

Blood on toilet paper is very serious stuff!

You need an upper endoscopy and a colonoscopy. Have you had those done?


Senior Member
Its funny you mention that. just saw a tv documentary about positive health effects of this. a lot of people who did it turned 100 was said and scientists talkes about worms who die earlier when they eat more.

Do you know of any studies which back this up? I would be very interested.


Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
I feel like Im trapped: Every medical substance I swallow causes severe neurological symtoms just some seconds later. This also happens when I take harmless things like zinc or fish oil which are supposed to calm down the gut. Probiotics or kefir makes things worse big time: My toilet paper is full of blood when I try them and the feeling of inflammation gets worse. A stool test confirmed that I have an inflammation in the gut.

After all Ive read this could be leaky gut? But leaky gut sufferers dont often seem to have such strong reactions? When my CFS started my gut didnt feel that bad, it worsened only after trying probiotics and other natural stuff. Nevertheless my feeling is that my gut problems are an important factor in my disease.

But how can I heal my gut when even the softest substances cause severe neurological symptoms that dont go away afterwards? Even for leaky gut you have to be able to take glutamine and so on. No MD seems to understand this problem. My CFS specialist wants me to try Ivig but since I overreact to everything and get so much worse everytime Im scared.


Leaky gut actually have sufferers with those severe reactions! Check out Curezone leaky gut forum. I would advise you to try Cats Claw and other antinflammatory herbs such as Kudzu, Licorice, Slippery Elm etc Best cats claw its Raintree Nutrition. Take the raw powder around 4 grams per day. Many people with inflammatory bowel conditions have found relief on this and I am trying it myself in two weeks.

Good info for you:


Juice Me Up, Scotty!!!
Murcia, Spain
Manuka honey might help. Do some internet searches and PUBMED searches on Manuka honey and Manuka honey and GI tract and you'll find some interesting stuff.

Best, Timaca

Manuka honey its mega expensive and didnt do a thing for me. It just tasted incredibly good. Best honey I have ever tasted. But gave me some kind of reaction including... penis pain, like other sugary things can do. :confused:
If no one else has mentioned it in this thread, I strongly recommend a course of rifaximin ( followed by a low fodmap diet. This is the only thing that worked for me after years of suffering and increasing food intolerances (anxiety, depression, or fogginess after eating anything). If your stomach is upset taking antibiotics, I suggest prescript-assist (dirt probiotics). I react very poorly to all over probiotics.


Senior Member
Manchester UK
People have given lots of great suggestions, I wont repeat them, but also you might want to think about lectins as a source of dietary irritation - once you have had the problem investigated and ruled out crohns etc. There's some advice re lectins on Niki Gratrix's website,


Senior Member
Sth Australia
I hope you will feel better soon, bedman. I would be nervous about getting an IV, too, if I were you.

Hey, xchocoholic, I have an FYI for you!
Did you know that if you have a DQ of 2, then that also means that you have a mold-susceptible haplotype? There are only two HLA-DR haplotypes with a DQ2, and they are both mold-susceptible.


Thanks I didnt know what. Im DQ2 and have always thought that mold played some part in my ME/CFS hence why Im real soon moving house.