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How Caffeine blocks adenosine and other neurotransmitters

good to hear you are getting improvement off the caffine. I have no idea why it works. It can take months to get full effect. The caffine is pretty dang addictive too. hard to quit.

I suspect a couple things caffine might do to me.

maybe makes adrenal fatigue worse.

Maybe creates oxidative damages

maybe messes up stomach and reduces ability to absorb nutrients

then again, some folks do ok. FOr me, it is a definite no-no. Totally messes up freddds' protocol too. I can be cruizing along. I drink coffee, my hormones and sleep go into a tail spin.


Senior Member

Hi Levi,

This article states that an antioxidant found in coffee is good for us. Don't you love the way researchers look at one tiny aspect of something and use it to confuse us ? This article didn't bother to tell us WHAT the caffeine in coffee is doing ... fwiw. we get antioxidants from a wide variety of foods.

just out of curiosity, I googled cigarette benefits and those are on the web too ... lol ... tc . x


Senior Member
good to hear you are getting improvement off the caffine. I have no idea why it works. It can take months to get full effect. The caffine is pretty dang addictive too. hard to quit.

I suspect a couple things caffine might do to me.

maybe makes adrenal fatigue worse.

Maybe creates oxidative damages

maybe messes up stomach and reduces ability to absorb nutrients

then again, some folks do ok. FOr me, it is a definite no-no. Totally messes up freddds' protocol too. I can be cruizing along. I drink coffee, my hormones and sleep go into a tail spin.

Hi Mark

thanks for replying. It's good to hear from someone else who's done this. How long have you been off caffeine ? Your list is intriguing. But it makes sense based on what I've read about coffee and caffeine.

I think its helping my adrenal fatigue too. It would make sense since it blocks adenosine receptors and adenosine is a calming neurotransmitter.

Interesting info on Freddds protocal. I tried it but had to stop after several months due to insomnia. Even after a few months on his protocal, I still had that same old heavy feeling when I exerted myself for too long. I find that all B12 and now B6 is keeping me awake at night. I just thought it was my body's way of telling me it didn't need anymore. My last b12 test was 1600 when prior to taking sublingual b12 it was 700 and something.

I forgot to mention that I tried some chocolate (1/2 bar of Chocolove) last week and it didn't give me that jolt I had been getting from all caffeine. This jolt is exactly the same jolt I get with myoclonus but without the jerking. I was at Whole Foods and couldn't resist. ; ) NOT that I'm going to get started again on chocolate. That one bar was enough to remind me of how addictive it is .... lol ...

I'm hoping this will help me get my blood glucose level up to a reasonable level. When I was testing it regulary about 3 years ago, it was low unless I'd just eaten something sweet. Well low for me anyways ... it was always between 67 and 80. I have a freind with diabetes who's blood glucose is always high and she's full of energy ... so maybe ? I'll start testing my blood glucose again to see if it changed. I can't wait to put holes in my fingers .. lol

tc ... x


Senior Member

Hi xchocoholic,

Methylpyridinium is more than a typical antioxidant. It is only found in roasted coffee, and is apparently a very powerful cancer fighting agent. Particularly for colon cancer, the second highest cause of cancer fatalities in humans. Here is a linky for some real scientific information:
Blood tests showed that rats fed the coffee extract had a 24 to 40 percent increase in phase II enzyme activity compared to control animals. Pure methylpyridinium also significantly boosted the enzymes' activity levels. The results provide strong support for coffee as a cancer fighter in living systems, Hofmann and Somoza say.

The researchers plan to conduct additional tests in the future to determine whether methylpyridinium is an effective cancer fighter in humans and whether it has any side effects.

If you don't like coffee but still want its anticancer benefits, there may be an option in the future: A pill or dietary supplement enriched with methylpyridinium could one day be developed, the researchers predict.

Of course, we all choose out own path as far as diet goes, I am not trying to invalidate your descision to forgo coffee. You may be interested in the methylpyridinium pills or dietary supplement enriched with methylpyridinium at some point in the future:Retro smile:

Hi Levi,

This article states that an antioxidant found in coffee is good for us. Don't you love the way researchers look at one tiny aspect of something and use it to confuse us ? This article didn't bother to tell us WHAT the caffeine in coffee is doing ... fwiw. we get antioxidants from a wide variety of foods.

just out of curiosity, I googled cigarette benefits and those are on the web too ... lol ... tc . x


Senior Member
Hi Levi,

I googled coffee chemicals and found that there are between 800 and 1000 chemicals found in coffee. :eek: I'm not sure how that's even possible but I'm a newbie to scientific research.

btw. there's an article on this site about colon cancer and bacteria.


I'm a cynic now so immediately, I attribute all health benefit claims to coffee suppliers wanting to boost their profits.

I didn't look but I waswondering if the caffeine in coffee would impede or enhance our bodies ability to assimilate some of those chemicals.

FWIW. There's no way I'd start messing with caffeine again. The benefits of being caffeine free far outway the short energy boost or taste sensations I got from it.

tc ... x


Senior Member
Hi again,

I've been googling "caffeine adenosine deaminase" and found that this has been researched some already. This stuff is way over my head at this point but I'm putting it here for those who can understand this ...


here's an article on adenosine deaminase deficiency. Googling this will reveal plenty more articles tho. .


Keeping in mind that certain medical tests will only pick up on a condition if the patient is near death

lol .. caffeine appears to be affecting this enzyme. And this enzyme affects our ability to fight infections. tc .. d

JSYK, at this point since I can't understand everything on this subject I'm reading I'm calling this a theory on my part ... but I'm betting it's not a theory to those who've done the reaearch ... otherwise there would be no reason for all the research.


Senior Member
If you can't tolerate caffeine, you can't tolerate caffeine, that's the bottom line. However, coffee is preventative of a wide variety of diseases and reduces all cause mortality in massive (100,000 participant) studies, for most people it really is a healthful substance.


San Francisco
Agreed - so may studies showing substantial health benefits of moderate caffeine intake. I think the real issue (besides people who are simply caffeine intolerant) is that ME/CFS almost always affects/damages the CNS and makes one fairly intolerant to any kind of CNS stressors, such as exercise, emotions, noise - why should caffeine be any different as it is a major stimulant. That does not make it an unhealthy substance per se.
Love chocolate. My favs are Lindt or Dove. Addicting stuff!

Not sure why it works, but It took me a long time to figure it out my caffine sensitivities. I can't read much, so have to go by what feels right. Just listening to my body. Not that I can get that right every time either.

I'm guessing my sensitivity to caffine may be something as simple as peeing out all my calcium, magneisum, or zinc. I've found out I am extremely sensitive to those minerals and can't seem to easily absorb them for whatever reason. I have food sensitivities and gut dysfuntion, and have this hypothesis that I just haven't been absorbing minerals properly.

I would describe my negative reaction to caffine as what Dr Pall describes as excitotoxcity, or possibly something called porphyria.

We are all different, just throwing it out there. Something to keep in mind.

Some folks believe nitric oxide(from caffine and other stuff) can kill viruses and help other stuff. No idea.


Senior Member
HI Mark

I'm finding that I'm extremely sensitive to those minerals too. I recently linked my nocturnal myoclonus to 2 of the calcium supplements I was taking so I stopped them. I'm hoping since caffeine causes our cells to drop calcium, this will change. My doc told me that mercury pulls magnesium tho so that's another option to look into ...

Did you have glucose problems from caffeine ? The article I posted below talks about this.

I had a GTT + insulin test not too long ago that showed I have hyperinsulinemia, meaning I overproduce insulin. I stopped getting a sick feeling from eating fruit about a month ago and am actually enjoying fruit smoothies now ... pomegranate + banana ... yum ... I'm experimenting with just how much fruit I should eat to keep my energy levels up.

I found this article today .. I can't believe that there is so much info on the dangers of caffeine and most people are still addicted to it ... Check out all his resources ...


The hidden dangers of caffeine: How coffee causes exhaustion, fatigue and addiction
Tuesday, October 11, 2005 by: Dani Veracity

It doesn't take a genius to see that there might be a downside to all of this neuron activity. In fact, uncontrolled neuron firing creates an emergency situation, which triggers the pituitary gland in the brain to secrete ACTH (adrenocorticotrophic hormone). ACTH tells the adrenal glands to pump out stress hormonesthe next major side effect of caffeine.
Caffeine Blues By Stephen Cherniske MS, page 56

Everybody "knows" that caffeine makes you more alert and clearheaded. Think again. A cup of coffee gives you a wakeup jolt because it triggers a stress response. Your adrenal glands are prompted to kick out the same stress hormones that are released when you perceive an external threat or danger. Your muscles tense, your blood sugar elevates for extra energy, your pulse and respiration rates speed up, and your state of alertness increases so you're ready to wrestle with or run from environmental dangers. You may be only sitting at your table or desk drinking a cup of coffee, but your body doesn't know that. It's preparing for action.
The Memory Solution by Dr Julian Whitaker, page 261

tc ... x

To all you caffeine addicts out there ... lol ... (and yes, that was me once too)

The cynic in me can't help but think that any article that shows a benefit to caffeine ingestion was sponsored by those selling caffeine. ; ) The XMRV debacle was enough to prove to me that scientific studies can and will be manipulated ...