Liz Willow posted this to co-cure Feb 26 10
IMO it would be amazing for Americans on disability if this kind of shift happened - a package of money and the individual comes up with her/his own plan for independent housing + care. My bolds and spacing throughout.
For disabled, 'affordable' independent living is the ideal, but often out of reach
by Julia Edwards
Feb 23, 2010
After the unveiling of a 500 page national report on housing opportunities for disabled Americans Tuesday, Harvey Raben stood, leaning on his walker to fight the effects of Multiple Sclerosis, and asked a pointed question.
The heart of the housing question for disabled people is: Will there be more vouchers open so more people can get into decent housing?
Lynn Grosso, of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, answered: The need far outweighs the availability.
HUD is due to announce funding for additional vouchers next month, which would allow 4,000 non-elderly people with disabilities nationwide to rent in the private market. But according to the panel from the National Council on Disability, the University of Illinois at Chicago and Access Living, the relief may be too little too late.
Raben, who has lived with Multiple Sclerosis for 35 years, said his life changed when he acquired a voucher six years ago after a six-year wait. He now lives in an accessible high-rise apartment on Sheridan Road where his children can visit him. He has more money left after rent to spend on food, transportation and other facets of his newly independent life.
According to the report, Rabens home amongst non-disabled neighbors is optimal overinstitutions like nursing homes, where residents are isolated and lose their independence. But affordability often stands in the way.
While not a substitute for permanently affordable, universally designed and integrated housing, vouchers have the most potential for helping people with disabilities find accessible housing in a livable community, said Janet Smith, from the Vorhees Center for Neighborhood and Community Improvement at UIC that contracted the report. Congress must increase housing choice voucher funding targeted at people with disabilities.
HUD originally proposed the additional 4,000 vouchers in June 2009, but the revision and feedback process has lasted 10 months. Once released, individual housing authorities throughout the country must apply for the vouchers. Waiting for more funding, the Chicago Housing Authority closed its lottery for a spot on the voucher waiting list nearly two years ago.
One thousand of the proposed vouchers are specified for disabled people who want to move out of nursing homes and may require at-home care.
Joy Hammel, a professor in the disability studies program at UIC, said that to optimize a disabled persons independence, housing vouchers should be combined with Medicaid, which funds institutional health costs.
You could create your own plan and the money would follow you. Instead of spending $40,000 on a nursing home a year, you would get a $40,000 package, said Hammel. The two need to happen together for most people with disabilities. Right now they are two completely different policies.
Following the presentation, Grosso encouraged the audience half in wheel chairs, half in seats to attend upcoming public hearings with HUD representatives to voice their concerns and bridge the gap between people and policy.
Segregated housing can no longer be tolerated, said Grosso.
IMO it would be amazing for Americans on disability if this kind of shift happened - a package of money and the individual comes up with her/his own plan for independent housing + care. My bolds and spacing throughout.
I've previously fowarded the National Council on Disability (NCD) recent housing report. However, it was in PDF format.
I received this today and found the first link revealed a report with each subsection available through weblinks, making reading relevant information much easier.
And there is some discussion going on! The US Department of Housing is listening.
Also of note are the links to two media reports.
Two of the links to my previous post on NCD's Housing Report do not show up in that post. Here they are:
The housing report itself can be found at
The Merrill news story can be found at
--Liz Willow
From NCD: Housing Report
On February 23, NCD, along with the University of Illinois at Chicago and Access Living, held an event highlighting the release of NCDs housing report, The State of Housing in America in the 21st Century: A Disability Perspective, in Chicago, IL. Chicago Public Radio highlighted the event that morning and it was covered by Medill Reports Chicago that evening.
The report offers a comprehensive overview of housing and answers important questions about the current housing options for people with disabilities living in the United States. The NCD report is one of the most comprehensive national studies of housing for people with disabilities. NCDs Chairperson and First Vice Chairperson, Linda Wetters and Pat Pound, met with stakeholders the day before the event to discuss ways to use the report to implement new strategies to open up housing opportunities for people with disabilities. Lynne Grosso, Director of Enforcement, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, responded to NCDs recommendations at Tuesdays events. The publication includes detailed reports in several areas of affordable, accessible and integrated housing.
For more information about the housing report, please contact Joan Durocher at
For disabled, 'affordable' independent living is the ideal, but often out of reach
by Julia Edwards
Feb 23, 2010
After the unveiling of a 500 page national report on housing opportunities for disabled Americans Tuesday, Harvey Raben stood, leaning on his walker to fight the effects of Multiple Sclerosis, and asked a pointed question.
The heart of the housing question for disabled people is: Will there be more vouchers open so more people can get into decent housing?
Lynn Grosso, of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, answered: The need far outweighs the availability.
HUD is due to announce funding for additional vouchers next month, which would allow 4,000 non-elderly people with disabilities nationwide to rent in the private market. But according to the panel from the National Council on Disability, the University of Illinois at Chicago and Access Living, the relief may be too little too late.
Raben, who has lived with Multiple Sclerosis for 35 years, said his life changed when he acquired a voucher six years ago after a six-year wait. He now lives in an accessible high-rise apartment on Sheridan Road where his children can visit him. He has more money left after rent to spend on food, transportation and other facets of his newly independent life.
According to the report, Rabens home amongst non-disabled neighbors is optimal overinstitutions like nursing homes, where residents are isolated and lose their independence. But affordability often stands in the way.
While not a substitute for permanently affordable, universally designed and integrated housing, vouchers have the most potential for helping people with disabilities find accessible housing in a livable community, said Janet Smith, from the Vorhees Center for Neighborhood and Community Improvement at UIC that contracted the report. Congress must increase housing choice voucher funding targeted at people with disabilities.
HUD originally proposed the additional 4,000 vouchers in June 2009, but the revision and feedback process has lasted 10 months. Once released, individual housing authorities throughout the country must apply for the vouchers. Waiting for more funding, the Chicago Housing Authority closed its lottery for a spot on the voucher waiting list nearly two years ago.
One thousand of the proposed vouchers are specified for disabled people who want to move out of nursing homes and may require at-home care.
Joy Hammel, a professor in the disability studies program at UIC, said that to optimize a disabled persons independence, housing vouchers should be combined with Medicaid, which funds institutional health costs.
You could create your own plan and the money would follow you. Instead of spending $40,000 on a nursing home a year, you would get a $40,000 package, said Hammel. The two need to happen together for most people with disabilities. Right now they are two completely different policies.
Following the presentation, Grosso encouraged the audience half in wheel chairs, half in seats to attend upcoming public hearings with HUD representatives to voice their concerns and bridge the gap between people and policy.
Segregated housing can no longer be tolerated, said Grosso.