Hot insides?


Senior Member
Seem to be going through a shift down.

i leaned over to pee into my cath, then i layed back down and all my insises felt hot, below my chest.

my skin feels weird too, maybd similar. If inscratch it it hurts and slowly disapates. Sound sensitive last nifjt as well.

anybody have that hot insides feeling, no what it might be? Id say treatment ideas, i guess is it swelling? Cant be swelling?

No meds, dribose recnetlh startrd. Avout a week.

i have mast cell/histamine intolerance. Had a bad meal last might, maybe its that?


I think its that. Argh.
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Senior Member
I don't know, @bensmith I do sometimes have heat which floods over me (like a hot flush), but mine seems "systemic" rather than centered in the gut area particularly. Pushing myself too hard when tired and/or being on a bit of a crash often brings that on.

Could it be some sense of inflammation from eating what you ate last night? I don't know what food that was, but you say a "bad meal" you mean something which you think was spoiled? Or something you know doesn't suit you with mast cell/histamine intolerance?
Are bm-s okay? Either way on the above, the gut might speed up a bit to get rid of something that is not great for your system, and you might be feeling that sensation?

Having had allodynia myself from a nerve inflammation in my arm once, I know it's no fun. I couldn't bear clothing to touch my lower arm. Fortunately mine did pass.

I would think you might possibly be reacting to having had histamine-containing food yesterday, and your system might calm itself in a while?

But I don't know enough about MCAS. Hope you get a more helpful reply :hug:


Senior Member
Thanns, im hoping its a bistamine issuss from eatinf pizza last nignt. I know
I shoildnt have but wanted to so bad. Plus my mom gets burnt out cooking my meal
Me. Im trying tomget a meal
Replaxement but not found one yet.

it truly stinks, glad yours cleared up! Its a weird thing!


Senior Member
Fatty meat meals make my insides heat up in the middle of the night. It feels like a furnace going full blast. I'm not sure whether it's the fats or the protein, but it's definitely feeding some internal fire. For that reason, I avoid such meals past early afternoon. Of course, if a craving strikes, I'll satisfy it knowing the cost.


Senior Member
I get hot flashes and a feeling of being overheated in my torso and head in the evenings after exertion. It’s a new symptom that started probably a year or so ago and never had it before.


Senior Member
i have mast cell/histamine intolerance.

@bensmith, you may be interested in this article captioned "Dr. Lawrence Afrin on the Treatment of Covid-19 to Patients Who Have Mast Cell Activation Disease (MCAS)":

Like you, I have MCAS/histamine intolerance. Out of the hundred plus supplements I have tried, the best one for symptomatic relief for me was alpha lipoic acid. It helps greatly, but does not achieve a 100 percent improvement.

Recently, I tried several H1 blockers as mentioned in the above article. Three of them caused an allergic response.

Finally, I tried another over the counter H1 blocker. After 12 hours, it gave me good symptomatic relief of air hunger. Plus it reduced physical weakness, making me stronger. This was a surprise, as I was hoping only for improved breathing.

Since H1 blockers come with side effects, I plan on using it sparingly. It is too soon for me to tell how long an H1 blocker will be effective for me. If the benefit turns out to be short lived, it may still be worthwhile as a PEM crash alleviator.

You may not get the same benefits from these supplements as I have, however, if you have not yet tried them, they may be worth considering.