Hot Flushes are Back. Could be my first hot winter.


Senior Member
The hot flashes have just come back again. I began to notice 2 days ago the burning heat. It really is uncomfortable. I still have some Promensil tablets left, so will start taking tomorrow. It's been nearly a year since the last bout. Anyway, hopefully the tablets continue to work for me and I will be free again for another year, all things crossed.


Senior Member
Hot flashes are the worst! I wish I could offer some advice, but I am still looking for solutions myself! Sorry that they came back. :)


Senior Member
Hot flashes are the worst! I wish I could offer some advice, but I am still looking for solutions myself! Sorry that they came back. :)
Thanks Belize. :)

How are you doing? I hope things improve for you eventually in regards to your neighbours. :hug: I don't think I posted in your thread about that, but I really felt for you. I had some terrible years with neighbour noise, it all happened in my severe years - worst possible time. Keep hanging in there. I now have a quiet bunch of neighbours :angel: I really hope it stays that way.


Senior Member
What year and a bit it has been. I didn't think I was going to make it to 2016. I became very very ill in July last year, seriously ill. It all began in November 2014 when I noticed extra exhaustion and lightheadedness and feeling like I could suddenly blackout.

It felt at the time that I either had a slight chest infection (unusual one, it confused me) or my POTS was getting worse. I couldn't work out which it was or was it both at the same time. My thinking had also deteriorated making it even harder to work out. I remember deciding that if it was a chest infection it would clear soon with summer only a month away. I dragged myself through summer 2015. At the end of autumn and still not having picked up, the hot flashes of menopause returned.

Not long after that in June I began having night sweats during the day and they became very frightening. My temperature control system felt scarily out of control. I cannot remember ever having total, all over every surface of my body sweat like that and as winter came the sweat turned into burning heat sweats followed by deep chills that rocked my body nauseatingly until I retched for about 10 minutes at a time. I could only sip and nibble at fluid and food, no desire to eat at all even though my stomach was rumbling and hungry (it's such a weird thing that and hard to explain, it's as if there is no desire to eat/swallow at the mouth but at the stomach it's rumbling with hunger).

I was having these burning sweats and deep chills all day long. I was very frightened and didn't know what to do or what I could take that would help. It was mid June when I thought that perhaps it was the weird chest infection and which I wasn't even sure that it were a chest infection? I was then prescribed amoxicillin. Two days after I finished the course my lungs blew up. I called an ambulance.

At the A&E/ER, I had a chest x-ray and blood, urine tests.
The chest x-ray showed:
- hyper-inflated lungs with some streaky changes to RML
- most likely COPD!
- emphysema! (that was told me in a very quiet tone by one doctor)

I was shocked but I felt so bad and dying it felt just how it was.

I was discharged on more antibiotics, roxithromycin and ventolin inhaler plus paracetomol. I continued to be very ill,
profound weakness, painful lungs. Over the next few months I barely moved away from the bed. I also for the first time in my life experienced oral thrush in my mouth. I obviously had never had it this bad to remember it. The oral thrush was really concerning to me because it felt like my immune system had changed and now I was at a different place with new risks in the future, perhaps.

My family were shocked to hear about the emphysema. No one in my immediate family had lung problems at my age.

At the end of November 2015 when the weather became warmer I started to pick up and I tried to make a start on getting rid of things and tidying things up in case I died suddenly. I also thought it was time to get another x-ray done to see what was happening with my lungs, 6 months after the one I had in July. My doctor arranged it and he also arranged an abdominal scan because at the time my lungs blew up I felt something 'ping' ' tear' when I coughed just below the sternum, in the triangle area where the front ribs separate outwards. There feels a bulge there, I can feel it but not really too visible to the eye.

The December abdominal scan and chest x-ray results:
The abdominal scan came back normal, no hernia or A.A.A. When having the scan done I was told it was my bowel that I could feel. I wonder perhaps with my lungs inflating the way they did they may have pushed my intestine up?

The chest x-ray result came back - normal lungs, note mild sternum depression.

So I don't know what happened to the emphysema, COPD. I am now questioning asthma and I really do think the menopause and ME mixed together has brought this lung problem on. I am also thinking I may have hypertensive pulmonary thing as well - scary stuff. I need to get on to that one, I know. I can't think of anything more right now, brain is exhausted. I will post this now in case I lose my draft.