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Hormone imbalance

Just wondered if the hormone results below are common in ME/CFS? Is there an explanation for low serotonin/high adrenaline & dopamine?
Is there anything I can do to balance these out?


  • Screenshot 2022-07-31 at 15.45.43.png
    Screenshot 2022-07-31 at 15.45.43.png
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Senior Member
it seems that many people with ME have low dopamine which could explain why low dose abilify is helpful to some. However there is no consensus that these hormones are what is causing ME. It’s more Likely a symptom or even a “normal” state that if balanced could help.

I personally have a COMT gene mutation which means I’m slow to break down catechols. This means my dopamine can get too high. In some people this can cause schizophrenia. My dopamine isnt that high though.

I have found that taking SAMe and lithium orotate helps with lowering my dopamine and helps with my emotional lability which is another symptom of ME but it hasn’t really helped with the ME over all.

I think estrogen dominance can also cause high dopamine. COMT slow can also cause estrogen dominance. However I actually feel at my best when my estrogen and progesterone are at their highest - so many contradictions within one body. Lol.
I have also been getting crashes during the times of the month when estrogen is supposed to be lowest so I think low estrogen may be making me feel worse too.
I read that low estrogen can cause low serotonin levels which causes high dopamine. However all these hormone interactions are so complicated I'm not sure I've got it right!
I wonder if anyone is taking anything specific to increase estrogen?


Senior Member
Yes I crash every month when my estrogen is at its lowest. You can take estrogen in the form of hormonal birth control pills but I can’t take them due to migraine with aura being a risk factor for stroke.

There are foods you can eat such as soy that can increase estrogen.
You could also try Vitex supplement (chasteberry) it is somewhat helpful to me but seems to cause withdrawal effects of quite bad restless legs.

The issue being that as the estrogen rises so does the dopamine.
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