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Hope recovery for believers


Senior Member
hi all..i'm gettin' so much better , i don't know what is happening or why, but i'm am gettin better...i actually feel healthy again!! All this change happen few months ago when i used to have colds all the time, it was like 2 -3 months continously having cold and respiratory infections..

.After those cold symptoms gone my health have improve drasticly, something change after those colds, maybe my immune system switch back to normal or i don t know...All i know is that now i can do sports and exortion without worsening, actually i feel sports makes me stronger, so i guess i am cured..i don t know...but those colds and viral infection cured me of my almost 2 years of unexplainded symptoms.

Maybe i never have ME..cause i never been completly bedbound, but i was ill neverthless and share almost all symptoms..Out of nowhere without treatment i recovered from whatever was wrong in my body...this can happen to everyone, please belive in your chances!!! you can never now..Don t give up , mind plays a huge part aswell...


Senior Member
This is a good week for inspiring stories! Thank you so much for sharing! :D Keep on keeping on, that is fabulous!

I think mind has a lot to do with things as well, or at least it helps. I started meditating with the Headspace app and I'm almost up to 90 days in a row. Maybe it hasn't helped my CFS symptoms so much but it quieted down my mental chatter and has really moved my anxious / chaotic energy into a mellow chill zone that is so much better at coping.

I've been feeling better too - but I'm scared to report upon that -- don't want to jinx it. I hope to get to come back here someday though and say "hey I feel almost reasonably normal!" ((And all it took was 5 years of constant experimentation and massive life changes! haha))

Awesome you're doing better, keep kicking butt! :D


This is great news...congratulations @notmyself! I've had remissions, it's like a switch is flipped and the chains of the illness just fall away -- mind and attitude had no part to play in it for me. But then, my life was good prior to my relapse and remains good, except for chronic illness that is limiting. I find that my emotional state fluctuates when I'm in a bad crash (at those times, anything is game), otherwise I'm pretty on point...especially when the fog clears. It is so good to learn you're doing better...and can even exert yourself. If colds/flus can get us into this mess, there certainly seems the chance that they can help get us out if it triggers systems start working again. Please update this thread in time to let us know how you maintain. I hope your health is back to stay :hug:


Senior Member
update : i keep gettin better...i can do sports everyday, my endurance is better than average for my age..i play football with people my age and i saw them more tired than me..i make a swiming contest with friends i win by a large distance..my body is strong again..almost like it used to be...i am lucky i think i have a post viral fatigue syndrome and i finally get over it..is more than 2 months of feeling good...i was ill vor 1 year and half :)


Senior Member
is it possible to heal...our bodies are build to heal themselfs..belive it, sooner or later it can happen to everyone!