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Homeopathy for Retrovirus?


Senior Member
Personally, I'm very curious about the combination of homeopathic nosodes and biophotons. I have successfully treated several bugs, including lyme and co-infections, using this method granted I was able to procure a nosode series from European manufacturers. However, I have not heard of any anecdotes or studies using this treatment for HIV or any other retroviruses, although nosodes for HIV do exist. Several companies I've spoken with are eagerly trying to cooperate with a lab to manufacture the nosode, at which point I will certainly consider treating with it using my Bionic 880 photon machine.

In the meantime, here are a few prelim studies I pulled up on homeopathy and HIV:

Homeopathy in HIV infection: a trial report of double-blind placebo controlled study.
Rastogi DP, Singh VP, Singh V, Dey SK, Rao K.

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, JNBCHA, Janakpuri, New Delhi, India.
OBJECTIVE: This study was aimed to evaluate the immuno-modulator role of homeopathic remedies in Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) infection. METHODOLOGY: A randomised double blind clinical trial was conducted to compare the effect of homeopathic remedies with placebo, on CD4+ve T-lymphocytes in HIV infected individuals, conforming to Centres for Disease Control (CDC) stage II & III. 100 HIV+ve individuals between 18-50 y (71% males) were included in the study. 50 cases conformed to CDC stage II--Asymptomatic HIV infection, and 50 cases to CDC stage III--Persistent Generalised Lymphadenopathy (PGL). Cases were stratified according to their clinical status and CD4+ve lymphocyte counts. The randomisation charts were prepared much before the start of the trial by randomly assigning placebo and verum codes to registration numbers from 1 to 50. A single individualised homeopathic remedy was prescribed in each case and was followed up at intervals of 15 d to one month. A six months study was performed for each registered case. Assessment of progress was made by evaluation of CD+ve lymphocyte counts, which was the prospectively-defined main outcome measure of the study; the results were compared with the base line immune status. RESULTS: In PGL, a statistically significant difference was observed in CD+ve T-lymphocyte counts between pre and post trial levels in verum group (P < 0.01). In the placebo group a similar comparison yielded non-significant results. (P = 0.91). Analysis of change in the pre and post trial counts of CD4+ve cells between groups was also statistically significant (P = 0.04). In asymptomatic HIV infection, differences in absolute CD4+ve lymphocyte counts between pre and post trial levels were not significant. Analysis of changes in pre and post trial CD4 levels of placebo and verum groups for combined strata of asymptomatic and PGL groups was also not significant. CONCLUSION: The study suggests a possible role of homeopathic treatment in HIV infection in symptomatic phase, as evidenced by a statistically significant elevation of base line immune status in persistent generalised lymphadenopathy.


Use of homeopathy for delaying progression of HIV disease.

Bhave G; International Conference on AIDS.

Int Conf AIDS. 1998; 12: 849 (abstract no. 42377).
OBJECTIVE: With 30 years experience in homeopathy, an attempt was made to study the effect of homeopathic treatment on the progression of HIV disease METHODS: Total 62 patients were referred for homeopathic treatment in last 5 years. All the patients had confirmed Western Blot report for HIV infection & were given post test counselling. Detailed case history was recorded as per homeopathic principles. The broad outline of the treatment included in chronological orders, medicines for psychological trauma & shock, for purification of the body, constitutional medicines & medicines for the prevention of opportunistic infections. Any other major or minor illnesses were treated with indicated homeopathic medicines. Two patients who developed tuberculosis were referred to chest physician. Date of infection was taken as year of first exposure to virus due to risk behaviour or due to blood transfusion. Only 26 patients could afford CD4 count and were referred to private laboratory. Method used was immunofluorescence. Patients were classified into three groups: 1) Asymptomatic 2) AIDS related conditions 3) AIDS. RESULTS: Majority of the patients, 91% were males & 9% were females. All the patients were between 25 to 44 age group. All the patients were educated. Four patients had HIV infection for more than 7 years and are asymptomatic. 88% of the patients with 5 to 7 years infection are asymptomatic, 80% of the patients gained weight from 2 to 6 kg. 78% of the patients had CD4 count more than 500 cells/cumm. 6 (10%) patients had ARC. One patient had severe diarrhoea, one had Herpes zoster and two had stomatitis and all of them responded well to homeopathic treatment. Two patients developed TB, one patient died due to TB. CONCLUSION: People from developing countries cannot afford costly antiviral therapy. Homeopathic medicines are easily available in India at a reasonable price and hence could be used for treatment of HIV disease.



Senior Member
Hi Joey,

Thanks for sharing that info about the nosodes and for posting those links...interesting. Let us know if you do manage to get hold of a nosode for XMRV and how you get on if you treat it with photons. I agree definitely worth trying! I will definitely try treating with photons too when/if a nosode becomes available.



Senior Member
Thanks for the links Joey, I'm also very interested in that. Let us know if you find more info. I had an homoeopathic doctor in the Netherlands that uses nosodes in place of vaccinations with very good results. Unfortunately I don't live there any more. If I can find any information I will let you know but for the moment I don't know if it can be used for retrovirus.


Senior Member

I discussed it with my doctor at the Royal London Homeopathic hospital and although he has used nosodes on HIV+ people he said he has little success. I'll print off the papers you posted and take a look at them and then send to him if they look good after a more thorough look.

Like the poor HIV+ patients in India many people in the UK are unable to afford antiviral drugs and our NHS system doesn't treat us. I'm also looking at India for ideas as they manufacture generic versions of drugs.

Thanks Joey for posting this!


Senior Member

Thank you for that information. Would love to hear more



Senior Member
Controlled Clinical Trials Evaluating the Homeopathic Treatment of People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus or Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome DANA ULLMAN, M.P.H.

Results: The first study found no statistically significant improvement in CD4 T-lymphocytes,
but did find statistically significant pretest and post-test results in subjects with stage III AIDS,
in CD4 (p  0.008) and in CD8 (p  0.04) counts. The second group of studies found specific
physical, immunologic, neurologic, metabolic, and quality-of-life benefits, including improvements
in lymphocyte counts and functions and reductions in HIV viral loads.
Conclusions: As a result of the growing number of people with drug-resistant HIV infection
taking structured treatment interruptions, homeopathic medicine may play a useful role as an
adjunctive and/or alternative therapy.



Senior Member
Hi Joey

Just wondering if you had heard any more news about getting hold of a nosode for XMRV? I know you've been looking into this tho it sounded from what you said a few weeks ago its unlikely to happen in the near future which is understandable I guess with it being a new pathogen. Anyway keep us posted if you hear anything.



Senior Member
Not Joey, but just wanted to say that I have an appointment at the Royal Homeopathic hospital in the UK in about 10 days time and will report back after that.


Senior Member
You can be pretty confident it won't do any harm...

I've been offered homeopathy on the NHS for CFS.


Senior Member
Sorry to say that I visited the RLHH and my doctor there had not been able to find any XMRV information and particuarly in nosodes used to treat rretroviruses. He said that he will look at it for my next appointment.

Anyone else had any luck?
really just posting here to keep an eye on this if anything else comes up - very interested in following. someone else in my family is seeing a homeopath at the moment who said that she'd heard of a guy working with HIV patients in africa with great success but finding that remedies needed were different from tribe to tribe...quite fascinating.
Leicestershire, England.
If you guys do have the XMRV retrovirus and a correlation/causation is shown with cfs/m.e; please, please, please, look into medical treatments first and foremost before going down the lines of homeopathy and other alternative medicines. Pick whatever placebo of your choice for other things, but retroviruses are nasty business and shouldn't be taken lightly. Not trying to be judgemental by the way. Just worried people may abstain from possible future anti-retrovirals and use homeopathic remedies instead :).
seems to me that so far the treatments proposed for retroviruses are really pretty nasty too and i wouldn't be surprised if that's why so many people are looking for alternative treatments...like you say though elliot causation is still to be proven and i for one don't know i have it. suspect it is going to be a case of wait and see for lots of us for a while - and weigh up the options etc as we do, educate ourselves along the way...


Senior Member
I'll be looking at a full range of treatments from different diciplines. As I am in the UK and denied conventional medical care for XMRV at the moment, my choice will be limited to what I can get and what I can afford to pay for. So, no change there.


If you used homeopathy for HIV/AIDS with no antiretrovial treat you'd get very ill and die.

It does however work for regenerating limbs on amputee victims.
Leicestershire, England.
I get that anti retrovirals are nasty. But making the jump of logic from= anti retrovirlas are nasty, to drinking what is essentially water as a treatment. Just seems a little dangerous to me. But I wont get into that. Just wanted to say to everyone please don't abstain from conventional medicine!


Senior Member
Andrea Whittemore & Homeopathy

I get that anti retrovirals are nasty. But making the jump of logic from= anti retrovirlas are nasty, to drinking what is essentially water as a treatment. Just seems a little dangerous to me. But I wont get into that. Just wanted to say to everyone please don't abstain from conventional medicine!

With all due sincere respect Elliot, homeopathy was one of the things that helped Andrea Whittemore so much that she was finally well enough to consider enrolling in college. But in order to attend school she was required to be vaccinated (a form of 'conventional medicine'), and within a week or two of the vaccinations, she relapsed and has never recovered. Yes, homeopathic medicine wasn't able to help her since that disaster (contaminated vaccines? mercury issues? I don't know...) but it did improve her health prior, and it does help millions around the world, with a variety of problems, precisely because it's not just 'essentially water'.

But we can all agree to disagree. :Retro smile:


But we can all agree to disagree. :Retro smile:

Wasn't Andrea Whittemore on Ampligen? (and on it again now?) Did she say she was on homeopathy exclusively?

Not to be disrespectful to those believe in homepathic remedies, but I wish I had read a point/counterpoint discussion about it when I first got sick. I had little understanding of medicine, or placebo, or scientific method. I spent a lot of money, and worse, invested a lot of hope, on alternative remedies such as homeopathy to absolutely no avail. At best it's harmless, but exlcusive use in fatal cases of illness homeopathy is highly unethical.

We all have to make our own decisions about our health and having discussions (as long as they are civil!) about the efficacy of treatments is useful to the community at large.


Senior Member
Wasn't Andrea Whittemore on Ampligen? (and on it again now?) Did she say she was on homeopathy exclusively?

Not to be disrespectful to those believe in homepathic remedies, but I wish I had read a point/counterpoint discussion about it when I first got sick. I had little understanding of medicine, or placebo, or scientific method. I spent a lot of money, and worse, invested a lot of hope, on alternative remedies such as homeopathy to absolutely no avail. At best it's harmless, but exlcusive use in fatal cases of illness homeopathy is highly unethical.

We all have to make our own decisions about our health and having discussions (as long as they are civil!) about the efficacy of treatments is useful to the community at large.

Totally agree. The problem with the understanding homeopathic remedies is that their efficacy cannot be proven by typical western double-blind trials, as each remedy is chosen depending on one's physical and mental symptoms...so I might be prescribed something totally different than what someone else with CFS/ME would be prescribed.

Anyway, here's a quote from one of the articles that came out back in October/November:

"Whittemore-Goad said she was about 11 or 12 when she first began
getting headaches and suffering from extreme fatigue that no amount of
sleep could relieve.

"I'd be in the classroom listening to the teacher, and I'd have to put
my head down on the desk and rest awhile," she said. "I had flu-like
symptoms, and my heart would race for no reason."

After years of being treated for the symptoms, she began seeing a
local homeopathic doctor, and by age 17, she started feeling well
enough to enroll at the University of Nevada, Reno.

But the university required she be current on her measles, mumps and
rubella vaccinations.

"I got the vaccination, and I relapsed and never recovered. My gall
bladder and appendix got infected, and they had to be removed. I also
was having chronic pain."

When she was 19, she began seeing Dr. Daniel Peterson in Incline
Village and with medication, her condition improved again by age 21."

So...I'm not sure when she got the Ampligen, but perhaps it was when she saw Peterson?

Here's a link to that, and other articles:
