Homeopathic nosodes


Phoenix Rising Founder
I just got this in a newsletter. These nosodes apparently are used to attack pathogenic organisms. do they have bits of the organisms in them? Do they work? Anyone tried them?

What is a homeopathic Nosode?

The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia Convention of the United States defines a nosode as "homeopathic attenuations of: pathological organs or tissues; causative agents such as bacteria, fungi, ova, parasites, virus particles, and yeast; disease products; excretions or secretions. Nosodes are prepared according to homeopathic specifications, provided the basic substance is not altered and the final product is not adulterated by pathogens or other deleterious substances. The first attenuation must be rendered sterile".

Homeopathic nosodes are thought to stimulate the body to recognize a disease-causing entity, provide a level of protection, and assist in the elimination of the pathogens naturally. Nosodes may provide a template to the immune system and the cell walls, thus making an indirect attack on diseases by stimulating the immune system and white blood cell production.

My ALL TIME clinical Nosode Favorites

Professional Complementary Health Formulas is an American company producing simply wonderful homeopathic remedies.

Here are my two ALL TIME clinical favorites:

  • 1. Periodontal Pathogen Nosode
  • Provides homeopathic aid in support of improving resistance to and recovery from periodontal disease and/or jaw bone infections (jaw osteitis) and/or abscesses.
  • 2. Food Poisoning Detox
  • Homeopathic support to aid in the relief of acute food poisoning and removal of toxin residue.

Professional Complementary Health Formulas offers the following homeopathic nosodes. I want you to be aware of those:

  • 1. West Nile Mosquito Nosode Drops
  • 2. Bird Flu H5N1 Nosode Drops
  • 3. H1N1 Nosode - "Swine Flu" Nosode Drops
  • 4. STO Nosode Drops - "Sexually Transmitted Organisms" Nosode Drops
  • 5. RSV Nosode Drops
  • 6. Toxoplasmosis Nosode Drops
  • 7. Vaccinosis Nosode Drops
For l.egal and political reasons I cannot and will not comment on their clinical relevance. You may be aware that I do not subscribe to the toxic and often very harmful model of allopathic Western Medicine. Having been born and raised in Germany - I may be somewhat biased towards the findings of my countryman Samuel Hahnemann.

Please do your own research and make up your own mind.



You must subscribe to the same newsletter that I do ! I just forwarded my e-mail to others ! :p

Thank God for the homeopathic physicians and practitioners !

I'm editing this to add a study that was done in Germany on the effectiveness of homeopathy:

BACKGROUND: Homeopathy is a highly debated but often used medical treatment. With this cohort study we aimed to evaluate health status changes under homeopathic treatment in routine care. Here we extend former results, now presenting data of an 8-year follow-up.

CONCLUSION: Patients who seek homeopathic treatment are likely to improve considerably. These effects persist for as long as 8 years.



Senior Member
Great site

Thanks guys.

I was planning on seeing Harvey Bigelsen in Nevada City next month, and it turns out Dr. Z is also in Nevada City! Seeing as they employ some similar approaches, maybe I'll try to see him too



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
I've taken nosodes. I'd say the deal here is to have complete confidence in your homeopath as nosodes are powerful, need to be given with accuracy and at the right time. My understanding of them is that they are given at such a high potency (i.e. so extremely dilute) that there is not a chemically traceable amount of the substance in the remedy. Someone else who knows more might correct this if it isn't true.



Senior Member
Okay, I THINK maybe I have had these nosodes.

Can you describe what they are in REALLY simple language so I can understand it? :)


Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Wiki: "Homeopaths also use treatments called nosodes (from the Greek nosos, disease) made from diseased or pathological products such as fecal, urinary, and respiratory discharges, blood, and tissue."

online medical dictionary: "a homeopathic remedy created from some element of the disease itself, such as a discharge or diseased tissue."

I know it doesn't sound charming! But it ican be a powerful tool for healing when a very competent homeopath works with it.



Senior Member

Thanks for the charming picture. :)

Yeah, sounds icky but I think I have had some of these. Most didn't seem to do anything as far as I could tell.

Tell me if these are nosodes --

Let's see, I took Nux Vomica, Phosphorus (pretty sure that's what it's called) and Psorinum.

The first two I noticed nothin', but the Psorinum ... maybe.

At that time I'd been squashing some intense negative feelings about my parents and my brothers feeling that they were abandoning me in my illness. During the Psorinum period something changed. I let myself look at my anger, and became more direct with each of them.

I had (and still have) less of the feelings of shame that I'd felt for years, and more ... decisive that I am a human being who deserves decent treatment.

This change in me led to some change with some of these folks, some very good, some not so good ... but at least it was more honest.

This happened 2 yrs ago, just a few months into my treatment with my naturopath.


Senior Member
Central Texas

I have taken some. They seem very strong, and I agree with what Sushi said, they no longer have the molecules in them, just the energy signature.

These were recommended by the SCIO machine at various times: carcinosinum (cancer), syphilinum (syphilis), medorrhimun (gonorrhea), and vaccinotoxinum (smallpox).

I've never had any of these diseases, but I've had the smallpox vaccine. That nosode felt the best to me. The medorrhimun caused a big autoimmune reaction. The other two, I couldn't tell anything. I was to take them once a week for a few weeks.

Definitely, I would want to have a knowledgeable practitioner before trying these. They are very strong.

Supposedly, a lot of us have syphilis DNA integrated into our DNA. I wonder about the gonorrhea, if that can be too. I suspect vaccines caused some permanent changes in my immune system, and I don't know whether they were worth it or not.:p


Senior Member
Homeopathy is a fascinating field.

Especially its premise that, the more diluted the substance, the more potent it becomes.


Moderation Resource Albuquerque

Of those remedies that you mentioned, I think that Psorinum is a nosode and the others are not. But this is from memory and I am no expert.

I remember taking syphilinum and the TB one (can't think of the name). I took them decades ago, but they did have powerful effects. I had a really good homeopath at the time. With these you usually take one dose, wait a month or more and then maybe take another, depending on what is going on. They work very deeply.



Moderation Resource Albuquerque
Hi Jody,

Back to you re: the homeopathic remedies you took.

Phosphorus is, well phosphorus, but in homeopathic form. The strength of the remedy is just as important as the remedy that you are given. A remedy at the wrong strength for you, will have no effect. This is why it is so important to go to a very good, experienced homeopath.

Nux Vomica is a poison in its herbal form. (Many of the most common homeopathic remedies are homeopathic forms of poisons, as when taken homeopathically, it is believed that they antidote the type of symptoms that the poison would cause)

It is related to strychnine. Given homeopathically, it is useful for many conditions. You might want to google these remedies, though what you will find online and from books is no match for an excellent practitioner.



Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
m0joey - Atlas Profilax in Nevada City

Thanks guys.

I was planning on seeing Harvey Bigelsen in Nevada City next month, and it turns out Dr. Z is also in Nevada City! Seeing as they employ some similar approaches, maybe I'll try to see him too


Hi Joey,

I've been meaning to get back to you since reading your post about your going to Nevada City. This also happens to be where Michael Hane lives. I've posted fairly extensively about my experience of getting an Atlas Profilax adjustment done by him. One of the best things I've ever done.

I've also come to believe that getting one of these adjustments would have probably been priority number one had I known in the beginning of my health odyssey what I know now.

Anyway, this link (http://www.prohealth.com/fibromyalgia/blog/boardDetail.cfm?id=1120581) will take you to my main thread on AP over at ProHealth. If you're interested, I believe the following contact information is still good.

Michael Hane

Telephone: 1-760-808-0359, or


Do feel free to call him. He's an interesting guy and welcomes any inquiries anybody might have.

Best, Wayne


Senior Member
thanks wayne

i actually did get this procedure done in Beverly Hills. It did not fix my other cervical structural issues. Did it for you?



Senior Member
thanks wayne

i actually did get this procedure done in Beverly Hills. It did not fix my other cervical structural issues. Did it for you?

Sorry to hear the Atlas profilax trt did not fix your other structural issues. Did it help in any way, may i ask?

I regret having the procedure done. but still am very interested to get an accurate picture of how many people this helps....

I will try and learn how to do a poll.




Senior Member
Today, I started a thread called Homeopathic Nosodes...

I can see the path has been well trodden before me lol


Senior Member
Ontario, Canada
My practitioner also recently recommended Professional Complementary Health Formulas.

I was wondering what sort of improvements and die-off people notice when taking these vaccine detox nosodes? In particular Childhood Immunization drops (X 32). I am hoping it would reverse my immune system attacking the myelin shealth especially during mercury/Lyme detox and eating wheat/gluten. Can't seem to find much information on the internet about this.

She recommended these :

Childhood Immunization drops (X 32)
Virus nosode (N3) (removes viruses in tissue cultures used to grow viruses)
Syphilinum miasm formula (C 64) (reverses hereditary tendency to be damaged in a certain way)

Liver Stim Liquescense (T15)
Heart Stim Liquescense (T 10)
Serotonin Dopamine Liquescense (T 19) (depressive states & fibromyalgia)
Adrenal liquescense (T1)
Myelin Sheath Sarcode (RMYE)


Senior Member
I have been prescribed a homeopathic nosode, but the dr. did not consider the fact that I have an autoimmune condition (Hashi's).

I have just started taking levothyroxine and my autoantibodies are going slowly down. I have no idea how low they can get, but my idea is to get them as low as possible (it might take a year or more...) and then take iodine, also as support to methylation.

The thing is I have high antigens for bacterial infection and here is where the nosodes fit.

I am afraid that it will stimulate my immune system. Just by taking 3,000 iu of vitamin D last year my autoantibodies doubled - and went back down after stopping the D supplementation.

Does anyone has input / experience with it?