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HIV Researchers Hunt for Virus Reservoirs


Senior Member
East Coast USA
Successful antiretroviral therapy reduces HIV levels to "undetectable" in the blood; the challenge is to find where the virus lurks in harder to access tissues in the lymph nodes, gut and spinal fluid enabling eradication and cure.

At the recent 2014 AIDS Conference in Melbourne, Australia, National Cancer Institute researchers reported work with an animal model whereby they injected barcode engineered versions of SIV into monkeys which they plan to treat with ARVs to reduce the viruses to undetectable levels in the blood. After several months, they'll stop treatment and perform blood tests, biopsies, and ultimately necropsies on the animals to see if the barcodes can reveal the hiding place(s) and source of the rebounding virus.

Science, "Cure Setbacks Force HIV Researchers to Reset Sights," 1 August 2014, p. 495