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Histamine: a sneaky cause?


Senior Member
@Violeta I will look into getting my copper and zinc tested. I don't need more oxidative stress leading to more mast cell degranulation and thereby histamine issues galore!


Senior Member
@ahmo do you think DAO could help too? Please read the excerpt from the article written by Cort Johnson that I linked above. I ask because I had such improvement during pregnancy. I was normal! Even when breastfeeding the whole year after I gave birth! That would be a DAO deficiency VS mast cell degranulation? Because I would have lacked the consequences from the other 29 mediators?

I need to get my DAO and B6 tested if possible. If that's good then I should test tryptase?? Confused where to start...
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Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
I was wondering just tonight why when I take so much vitamin C, 8,000mg do I feel halfway better?
The first thing I learned about histamines is that Vit C + Ca help eliminate histamines from the body. I began using both, in their cheapest forms, in footbaths.

I would ask him if there is any research being done on his findings to bring about a solution to these diseases.
I've listened to 2 Theoharides recent vids. They know how to help us manage symptoms, not to eliminate the causes.

This one is delivered in context of Ehlers-Danlos, but is about MC more generally. In this one he interviews 2 women, exposes the vast array of symptoms, how difficult it is for MDs to diagnose. Both from this year.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
re DAO, I haven't bothered with trying it. Foods were the least of my histamine issues. Well, not entirely true. But I used to have histamine flares long after I'd eliminated flares. It's easier for me to avoid histaminic foods, rather than going w/ DAO, which needs to be w/ each meal, and isn't cheap. My single spoonful of sauerkraut and yogurt might not be much, but definitely improvement for me.

I eventually began using Theoharides' Neuroprotek when, after detox had left me in so many ways better, my mind was still racing. Neuroprotek definitely made a difference. Now, about a year later, I only need it rarely.


Senior Member
@ahmo do you think the b cell depletion plays into the factors of mast cells? If there are different causes of this disease, is the rtx really going to be curative for some?

And interesting about the c and ca, I've always run lower in ca but have not consistently supplemented. Will try.


Senior Member
Have you considered pyroluria? That involves B6 and zinc deficiency, which messes up copper metabolism. (Copper is part of DAO, too.) Not that one should ever take copper supplements in this condition, but bring up zinc levels and take B6 and coenzymated B2.

The vaccination may have caused an immune system shift to the adrenals, which makes the adrenals over reactive which causes allergies to things one shouldn't be allergic to.

The gut takes a hit from pathogens and some people think that is at the very least a partial cause of pyroluria. Klinghardt says that 80% of his lyme patients have pyroluria and can't get better until they deal with that.

A LOT of people at the mast cell syndrome group that I had been reading at said that it started for them with a bout of Lyme.


Senior Member
"This review suggests that mast cells may not only contribute to the chronic airway inflammatory response, airway remodeling and symptomatology, but may also have a central role at the initiation of the allergic immune response, that is, providing signals inducing B cell IgE synthesis and Th2 lymphocyte differentiation. Th-targeted therapy would be of considerable interest in controlling allergic asthma. Having more knowledge and resources about mast cells can lead to finding cures to diseases caused by the mast cells."


Senior Member
@Violeta wouldn't pylori cause more diarrhea? I do get that but not as often as bronchial spasms, muscle spasms, brain fog, high heart rate and dizziness are my more major symptoms.

Lyme I was tested for last year. But when I was a kid I grew up on a farm and I was bitten by many ticks. But one time I was bitten and I got this huge bump under my head underneath that bite. I remember my mom taking me to the doctor and she looked at it and said she didn't think it was lyme. I believe I was in my early teens, I am now 30. I had a few episodes of dizziness in my teens, but doesn't everyone? I had trouble with recurrent pink eye the year I was married and day of wedding and full week after, like 3 or 4 different bouts of that year. I have had a couple of years after that a weird severe headache. Then I got the vaccine a year after that or so and boom, constant numbness in one side of head, arm felt like a dead weight and I had horrible ataxia, light sensitivity, fatigue of someone dropping dead, migraines, and everything would go blue and get dizzy every time I stood up. Then I got pregnant and better and now here I am again.

Do you think lyme could have gone unactivated? How would I know? Why did my lyme test last year come back negative?

Long post, sorry....


Senior Member
@Violeta wouldn't pylori cause more diarrhea? I do get that but not as often as bronchial spasms, muscle spasms, brain fog, high heart rate and dizziness are my more major symptoms.

Lyme I was tested for last year. But when I was a kid I grew up on a farm and I was bitten by many ticks. But one time I was bitten and I got this huge bump under my head underneath that bite. I remember my mom taking me to the doctor and she looked at it and said she didn't think it was lyme. I believe I was in my early teens, I am now 30. I had a few episodes of dizziness in my teens, but doesn't everyone? I had trouble with recurrent pink eye the year I was married and day of wedding and full week after, like 3 or 4 different bouts of that year. I have had a couple of years after that a weird severe headache. Then I got the vaccine a year after that or so and boom, constant numbness in one side of head, arm felt like a dead weight and I had horrible ataxia, light sensitivity, fatigue of someone dropping dead, migraines, and everything would go blue and get dizzy every time I stood up. Then I got pregnant and better and now here I am again.

Do you think lyme could have gone unactivated? How would I know? Why did my lyme test last year come back negative?

Long post, sorry....
Oh, I am talking about pyroluria, not pylori. I would go more into depth but I have to go to work.

It involves zinc deficiency (eye issues are a good sign of that), copper biounavailability/toxicity (estrogen problems are a sign of that, and so are migraines), and yikes, what type of vaccine did you get? Anyway, the pyroluria involves B6 deficiency, too, and I've seen B6 mentioned with respect to hormonal issues. It all sounds very complicated in your case, but if you could find a bottom line, I am sure there is one, although your bottom line would be a little complicated, too.

Your problems do sound like a lot of us at the Lyme facebook page. But the viruses that they put in vaccines are what cause the most complicated, long lasting damage. And the viruses and bacteria work together.


Senior Member
Northcoast NSW, Australia
do you think the b cell depletion plays into the factors of mast cells? If there are different causes of this disease, is the rtx really going to be curative for some?
Sorry, beyond my knowledge.

Have you considered pyroluria?
Good possibility. Here's an online questionnaire. When I re-took this more carefully a 2nd time, including ailments from my past, I scored high enough to suspect pyroluria. I used Klinghardt's recommendations, and within 5 days had a very noticeable shift, particular in my mind/emotions.

http://www.hputest.nl/evraag.htm Online questionnaire to suspect pyroluria

Klinghardt: Autism, Lyme, Pyroluria

Short Version (36pg) Pyroluria/Lyme protocol. From Powerpoint doc used during Klinghardt presentation: Lyme Induced Autism


Senior Member
Oh, I am talking about pyroluria, not pylori. I would go more into depth but I have to go to work.

It involves zinc deficiency (eye issues are a good sign of that), copper biounavailability/toxicity (estrogen problems are a sign of that, and so are migraines), and yikes, what type of vaccine did you get? Anyway, the pyroluria involves B6 deficiency, too, and I've seen B6 mentioned with respect to hormonal issues. It all sounds very complicated in your case, but if you could find a bottom line, I am sure there is one, although your bottom line would be a little complicated, too.

Your problems do sound like a lot of us at the Lyme facebook page. But the viruses that they put in vaccines are what cause the most complicated, long lasting damage. And the viruses and bacteria work together.
I will do the questionnaire ahmo posted for that one. Yes, I have a feeling it really is DTap vaccine to blame though.