Kati, they seriously told you CFS wasn't contagious? I can tell you very certainly that, to some degree, it is.
Kim McLeary personnally e-mailed me on September 28 2009- and she refered me to a journal article that I have printed. I can send you a PDF of the article if you want, just send me an e-mail. I tried to look for it online but couldn't find it
The CFIDS Chronicle. Spring 1996- OMG that was 13 years ago~~~~
"Is CFIDS contagious Experts respond to this controversial issue. "
Debra Bushwald, University of Washington, Seattle
Dr Jay Goldstein, CFS Institute, Anaheim
Dr Nancy Klimas- interestingly- She has changed her mind- Her explanation deserves reading too- she is saying that it would be making CFIDS patients a great disservice to say this is contagious- for the patients would be even more isolated and ostracized than they were then (1996)
Dr Anthony Komaroff, Boston MA
Dr Charles Lapp, Charlotte, NC
Dr Bill Reeves- CDC- ya big surprise
Dr Jonathan Rest, University of Calif, San Fran
Dr Straus NIH, Bethesda
Dr Jay Levy Univ. of Cali, San Francisco
Of note each has their own reasons- and explanations-
Though she was not formally interviewed, it was mentioned many times that Hillary Johnson was suggesting CFIDS was contagious.
Dr Dan Peterson concurs with Hillary Johnson
At the end of the article, i can read: "The following doctors were also asked to respond but were unable to do so: Dr David Bell, Paul Cheney and Peter Rowe."
This is what I was given, in early October 2009.

Now I can LOL. Phoning VIP DX for a kit test.