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High secretory IgA in stool


Senior Member
I have been tested for secretory IgA in stool and it came back very high: 24306 microg/ml, where normal values would be between 510 and 2040. This was ordered by de Meirleir but he didn't comment on this finding. It seems that most patients have low levels. What's happening here?


Senior Member
A high secretory IgA usually means that there is an ongoing strong response of the (local) immune system, probably due to ongoing infection or allergy.

Other parameters in the stool analysis should suggest what is going on, like the presence of pathogens, yeasts or parasites.

It could also help to modulate your diet to avoid some of the common gut irritants such as caseine, gluten, solanine ...

You should discuss the problem with your doc.



Senior Member
A high secretory IgA usually means that there is an ongoing strong response of the (local) immune system, probably due to ongoing infection or allergy.

Other parameters in the stool analysis should suggest what is going on, like the presence of pathogens, yeasts or parasites.

Thank you for the answer. Yersinia IgA and IgG serology was also positive. My impression was that most patients (even the ones with yersiniosis) don't have sIgA this high, and while I can feel that my gut isn't healthy it doesn't feel like an active infection. So I'm wondering what else might explain this... but yersiniosis seems like the most likely explanation so far.


Senior Member
Thank you for the answer. Yersinia IgA and IgG serology was also positive. My impression was that most patients (even the ones with yersiniosis) don't have sIgA this high, and while I can feel that my gut isn't healthy it doesn't feel like an active infection. So I'm wondering what else might explain this... but yersiniosis seems like the most likely explanation so far.


Hi, here also high on this one: 17722
My appointment is only in a few weeks so curious if you were able to find out what this meant?

Yersinia serology IgA is Negative
Yersinia serology IgG is Positive
(Among other thing like Borrelia burgdorferi)