High Dose Vitamin C Mystery


Senior Member
99,99% purity is not as pure as it seams. taking 100g of something means getting 0,01g of something else.
100g not many take, so lets go with 10g which is a reasonable dose for many who do high VC protocols. in that case its still 1mg of something else.
and just saying, 1mg IS much! depending on what this 1mg is, - vitamins are dosed in ug, my diabetes medication is 30mg a day, this can be massive health impact. is it pesticides? is it hexane? is it water?
when they say its purified, they usually do it with chemicals or heat processes, but rather chemicals as heat is expensive.
and if chinese seller promises me 99,99% purity, i automatically expect it to be just 99,95 or even 99,9% ... or even worse. or its only 99,99 for the test batch.. and then let slide it again later.

also they do not test for impurities but for purity as said above.. so we never know what that 1% of non-purity is.

i personally would always assume the worst, that seams to be the reality in recent years. whatever shit they can do, they will do. especially where there is no accountability. and there is non. if chinese VC kills a few americans, they close the company, open up a new one, use the same manufacturing machines, potentially even building, and move all workers over there. and of course a new company name.

for some products there are western quality brands. i do not know how they compare in reality, but for VC there is QualiC from schottland, for carnitine there is carnipure , for creatine there is creapure..
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Senior Member
Did you read my post, @linusbert ?

How does some single QualiC or Canipure protect you from environmental toxins from all earth, water, food and air? Do you have some indication by improving lipid, kidney, liver, or inflammation lab markers - as I do from comprehensive supplementation?

if chinese VC kills a few americans, they close the company, open up a new one,

Did you know that the US Poison center didn't report any death from vitamin C during so many decades? But alone from properly prescribed aspirin, for example, about 60 deaths each year? - Not even one tiny outcry, nor a closed company, but business as usual? Year after years.
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
Below the link to a Phoenix Rising thread is part of the lengthy article that makes up the post. I thought it would fit in nicely with this thread.

Dr. Thomas Levy -- How COVID Helped Me Regain Good Health

On December 11, 2021, another of my OMNS articles was published (http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v17n28.shtml)

This article discussed the synergistic relationship between vitamin C and cortisol [hydrocortisone], especially in the context of their role in the response of the body to acute stress, infection, and toxin exposures. In a nutshell, the premise of the article is that all possible positive clinical responses to any condition are ultimately realized by normalizing cytoplasmic levels of vitamin C in the affected cells. Very high doses of vitamin C (doses of 50 grams intravenously or higher) are effective at doing this, but lower multi-gram vitamin C doses, orally or intravenously, appear to require the assistance of cortisol to realize optimal intracellular levels of vitamin C.

Ironically, this article appeared roughly two weeks prior to my having a prolonged, shaking chill directly prior to going to bed. The next morning my infection with COVID was well-established in my body. As there was no shortness of breath, my untested assumption was that I contracted the Omicron variant. Nevertheless, for the next 10 days, I was sicker than I have ever been in my life. The most prominent symptoms were profound fatigue and almost a completely inability to focus and think about anything. I had no appetite or hunger at all, and I promptly lost my ability to taste any food. It was actually too much effort to even want to chew. At its worst, I sustained what little energy I had with a couple of protein shakes a day. I think I might now realize how a zombie must feel.

After the first few days had passed, I decided to give myself some intravenous vitamin C. I did not do this at first because I simply did not have the energy or focus to do so. I put 25 grams of vitamin C in a 50-cc syringe and inserted a 21-gauge butterfly needle in my left arm. As I usually get very thirsty during such a procedure, I had a root beer ready to drink as I proceeded with my injection. Of note, my first sip before placing the butterfly needle had very little taste and only remotely was identifiable as root beer. After about 3 or 4 minutes during which I administered roughly 9 to 10 grams of vitamin C as an IV push, I took another drink of root beer. I was stunned. At that moment, I had completely regained my taste and the root beer was full-flavored. It was immediately clear that the rapid administration of a large dose of vitamin C intravenously could completely reverse the loss of taste associated with the COVID infection.

Not really having the desire to repeatedly go through the process of giving myself IV injections of vitamin C over the following few days, my befogged brain remembered the article I had written on vitamin C and cortisol. After discussing the situation with my friend and colleague, Dr. Ron Hunninghake of the Riordan Clinic, I decided to start taking oral hydrocortisone along with my oral vitamin C. Several times a day I took a 20 mg hydrocortisone tablet along with 4 grams of regular vitamin C and 3 to 10 grams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C from LivOn Labs. I rapidly started to respond positively.

Of additional note is that I had a good friend graciously taking care of me during this time period. She had just finished dealing with COVID about a week earlier, and she felt fine except for the continued complete loss of taste, which understandably distressed her greatly. Following my highly-dosed IV vitamin C injection with the rapid return of taste, I decided to give her 3 grams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C orally with 20 mg of cortisol. Several hours later she noticed some taste returning. This was repeated for the following 3 days with her taste returning to a near-normal degree after the full 4-day period of VC-cortisol therapy. It was very clear to me that the VC-cortisol combination was working some magic in getting vitamin C inside the cells.

Post-COVID Recovery
As my VC-cortisol-aided recovery became complete, I realized my clinical surprises were only beginning. Not only did I finally completely resolve my bout with COVID after about a 2-week period of illness, I quickly noticed that my previous state of "health" had not only returned, but that I was feeling better than I had in literally 30 to 40 years. Upon discussing the situation with Dr. Hunninghake, I decided that my usual daily vitamin C intake needed to be optimized with an accompanying administration of cortisol. The chronic administration of low doses of hydrocortisone is discussed at length in William McK. Jefferies book, Safe Uses of Cortisol. After trial-and-error dosing based on a sense of well-being, I finally settled in with a dose of 3 grams of liposome-encapsulated vitamin C accompanied by a 10 mg dose of hydrocortisone twice daily, once at 8 am and the other at about 4 pm.

The work of Dr. Jefferies made it clear to me that I had suffered from an advanced degree of adrenal fatigue with cortisol insufficiency nearly my entire life, but especially over the last 30 years. The vitamin C-cortisol protocol has had the following remarkable effects described below, improving or resolving a wide array of symptoms, nearly all of which had been present for decades:
  • The complete elimination of runny nose and the associated allergy-like symptoms
    • The resolution of a chronic left middle ear fluid/mucus accumulation, sometimes associated with vertigo, and a literal inability to sleep with the head turned to the left on the pillow without getting dizzy
      • The return of free and easy breathing at all times, without periods of nasal stuffiness and the need to breathe through the mouth. Also, the loss of an "air hunger," a peculiar, seemingly neurotic, inability to take a "full" breath, but without a genuine underlying shortness of breath. It would "disappear" the moment I got distracted and started doing something other than concentrating on my breathing.
      • The ability to consistently sleep soundly, something I had never known in my entire life
      • The complete elimination of chronic cough (which had been greatly reduced but not completely eliminated by the hydrogen peroxide nebulization protocol); family and close friends had just accepted my "need" to cough hundreds of times daily, even in the absence of any acute respiratory infection. It is actually the minimal return of the desire to cough (a "sentinel" symptom) that allows me to increase, usually temporarily, the size or frequency of a cortisol dose with my vitamin C.
      • The elimination of the need to continue my nebulization on a regular basis, as cough would tend to recur if not done at least every few days
      • The complete disappearance of years of metallic taste in the throat
      • A striking increase in energy, without the need or desire to take naps
      • A striking decrease in pulse and a stabilization of often-elevated blood pressure (pulse from high 80s to low 90s now dropping as low as high 60s; BPs going from diastolics of 80 to 90 down to mid-60s to low 70s)
      • The complete resolution of heartburn and an acid stomach, present for many decades with an enormous daily intake of sodium bicarbonate for relief, along with other agents
      • An improvement in long-standing heat and cold sensitivity, along with a dramatic decrease in the occurrence of what had been daily soaking night sweats present for the past 8 years or so
      • A significant decline in chronic lower back pain present for many years
      • The loss of a tendency to be depressed
      • The complete loss of sugar cravings, with very little desire to consume sweets even when readily available. I am still marveling at the disappearance of this lifelong "obsession."
Adrenal/Cortisol Insufficiency: The Unrecognized Pandemic
Realizing that most older individuals lose their ability to make adequate amounts of the sex hormones or of thyroid hormone, it became logically apparent, along with the information reported in Dr. Jefferies' book, that the vast majority of adults eventually reach a point where they are no longer capable of making enough cortisol, either at rest or following stress, to stay healthy. And as with any hormone deficiency, it can be minimal to severe in degree, depending on the individual. With my array of symptoms, it appeared that my deficiency has been substantial for most of my life, and arguably quite severe for the last 30 years.

The complete loss of cortisol synthesis and secretion by the adrenal glands is known as Addison's disease. Complete replacement cortisol therapy, which might require as much as 40 mg hydrocortisone daily in divided doses, can allow such individuals to live normal lives. However, without such replacement therapy, death will ensue very rapidly, often occurring in the context of a rapid and overwhelming infection, usually viral.

As discussed in the December 11, 2022 OMNS article cited above, a working diagnosis of some degree of adrenal fatigue/cortisol insufficiency can be made when you contract a respiratory infection but cannot resolve it in a day or less. The classical symptoms of acute influenza, for example, are essentially identical to the symptoms of just a profound deficiency of cortisol secretion in the body. However, when you have enough vitamin C and cortisol present, you simply do not (or more precisely, cannot) get a viral infection. And if you are subjected to an overwhelming large viral exposure, you will only get mild symptoms that promptly resolve. As a working rule of thumb, staying sick with a cold, flu, or COVID for several days is seen with mild adrenal fatigue. The longer the infection stays, however, the greater the degree of cortisol insufficiency can be expected to be present.

Basically, the pathogens that cause disease are always present, and the ability to keep normal levels of vitamin C inside the cells of the body (and the respiratory tract) is what keeps us well and the pathogens at bay. When this ability is compromised, infections always result, and eventually chronic diseases will follow.

Of course, the only way to be able to take supportive cortisol therapy with your vitamin C is to have an integrative physician willing to work with you. If you find a physician who is open to such a protocol, he/she can feel free to email me: televymd@yahoo.com.

(Cardiologist and attorney-at-law Thomas E. Levy is a Contributing Editor for the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service. Dr. Levy serves as a consultant to LivOn Labs.)
Nutritional Medicine is Orthomolecular Medicine
Orthomolecular medicine uses safe, effective nutritional therapy to fight illness. For more information: http://www.orthomolecular.org
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The peer-reviewed Orthomolecular Medicine News Service is a non-profit and non-commercial informational resource.
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Senior Member
Did you read my post, @linusbert ?
i think so
How does some single QualiC or Canipure protect you from environmental toxins from all earth, water, food and air? Do you have some indication by improving lipid, kidney, liver, or inflammation lab markers - as I do from comprehensive supplementation?
do what does you good.
but i think this comparison is dishonest. because there have been known cases of poisoning through supplements through pollution. despite them being "pure". your comparison with poisoning through earth water food and air seams to me like ridiculing that issue.
did you know of the l-tryptophan desaster of 1989 , l-tryptophan EMS. very bad.

also i note very clearly the effects of new used chemical plastics (or impurities) used in supplement bottles, which make the products intolerable to me.

Did you know that the US Poison center didn't report any death from vitamin C during so many decades? But alone from properly prescribed aspirin, for example, about 60 deaths each year? - Not even one tiny outcry, nor a closed company, but business as usual? Year after years.
i did not know. and it would not strike me as important. because if someone did really die through vitamin C it wouldnt look like that (how would it even look like?). it would look like a different disease, like kidney disease from oxalate crystals forming. or some other weird thing.
this goes for all vitamins and minerals.
but there is no doubt that pharma medicine has a really bad side profile on almost anything compared to natural substances. not arguing against that.
but poisoning with impurities through pharma is probably less likely.

the supplement industry isnt regulated much. the tests for impurities often are free will, and often are useless. what helps testing for 5 impurities when there are 1000s possible like in the trypophan EMS case.
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Senior Member
The complete loss of cortisol synthesis and secretion by the adrenal glands is known as Addison's disease. Complete replacement cortisol therapy, which might require as much as 40 mg hydrocortisone daily in divided doses, can allow such individuals to live normal lives. However, without such replacement therapy, death will ensue very rapidly, often occurring in the context of a rapid and overwhelming infection, usually viral.
do i understand this correctly, those people would die most likely of viral infection if they did NOT get the cortisol?
thats interesting, because i thought cortisol is suppressing the immune system. but could it in the right amounts boost the immune system?

that is very important knowledge right now for me,
my friend started cortisol therapy because of potential auto immune rheumatic disease, but she is too young. and has very weird stuff going on with infections. i was sceptical because i feared the cortisol might shut down her immune system, but now as it seams according to your text, she actually might boost the immune system. she also has suspected adrenal fatigue.


Senior Member
your comparison with poisoning through earth water food and air seams to me like ridiculing that issue.
did you know of the l-tryptophan desaster of 1989 , l-tryptophan EMS. very bad.

Not at all, since young adult I actively try to avoid pollutants from our lifestyles, which poisons the environment, and will still kill later generations, when we all are gone. Our own children! And not as an isolated case. For example, I therefore promised myself 38 years ago, never to own a private car again.

In late 1989, an epidemic of eosinophilia-myalgia syndrome (EMS) that resulted in several thousand cases of the syndrome and 36 deaths was recognized in the United States. Physicians in New Mexico linked the epidemic to the ingestion of L-tryptophan (LT). Results of studies indicated that one or more trace contaminants in LT were likely causes of the EMS epidemic.

The disaster of impure tryptophan 36 years ago is too insignificant, to what happens regularly multiple times worse under oversight through pure medications. I posted already last year: https://forums.phoenixrising.me/threads/supplement-poop-out-a-discussion.92232/post-2462648

This was the 2007 annual report of the American Association of Poison Control Centers I checked myself, before starting comprehensive supplementation, and refusing prescriptions of cardiovascular drugs, Aspirin, Antihistamines and invasive risky surgery. For comparison to supplements.

Number    -    % of all exposures in category    -    Substance

377    -    0.250    -    Sedative/hypnotics/antipsychotics
331    -    0.990    -    Opioids
220    -    0.250    -    Antidepressants
208    -    0.270    -    Acetaminophen in combination
203    -    0.240    -    Cardiovascular drugs
188    -    0.410    -    Stimulants and street drugs
170    -    0.230    -    Alcohols
140    -    0.190    -    Acetaminophen only
99    -    0.230    -    Anticonvulsants
80    -    0.200    -    Fumes/gases/vapors
80    -    0.740    -    Cyclic antidepressants
70    -    0.270    -    Muscle relaxants
69    -    0.090    -    Antihistamines
63    -    0.350    -    Aspirin alone
45    -    0.120    -    Chemicals
44    -    0.230    -    Unknown drug
44    -    0.040    -    Other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
36    -    0.280    -    Oral hypoglycemics
28    -    0.200    -    Automotive/aircraft/boat products
21    -    0.080    -    Miscellaneous drugs
21    -    0.040    -    Antihistamine/decongestant, without phenylpropanolamine
20    -    0.050    -    Hormones and hormone antagonists
20    -    0.300    -    Anticoagulants
16    -    0.150    -    Diuretics
ZERO    -    0.000    -    Vitamins and Minerals

Where you replied after finding its source:

found it, thanks.
they definitely make sure that information gets burried.
there is a clear crusade going on against vitamins and natural means to treat conditions. i wouldnt have vouched for 0 deaths, but its definitely less than all this pharmacrap they are shoving onto people.

i believe though that you can yourself with vitamins and minerals if doing the wrong thing long enough. wouldnt come of as vitamin death though. cardiac arrest or something.

Now having changed opinion again?

i did not know. and it would not strike me as important.

Without any source for denying the incomparable greater harm from medications? Like from Antidepressants given out like candy, with around 220 deaths each year.

die through vitamin C it wouldnt look like that (how would it even look like?). it would look like a different disease, like kidney disease from oxalate crystals forming. or some other weird thing.

Did you know, the myth of kidney stones from vitamin C has never been proven? Instead, it originated from hypothesizing, increased excretion of oxalate by vitamin C would cause stones. Such never shown in a randomized controlled trial, isn't it more likely that increased excretion of oxalates actually protects from kidney stones?

I did document how incredible ridiculous high vitamin C amounts through 16 years reversed a CKD-1, without any kidney stones.

Such myths, as the one about ascorbate from black mold, will be endlessly repeated, without ever providing a credible source.

also i note very clearly the effects of new used chemical plastics (or impurities) used in supplement bottles, which make the products intolerable to me.

In Berlin, a dedicated supplement company sells their products in dark glass bottles only. Maybe would work for you? (sunday.de)

what helps testing for 5 impurities when there are 1000s possible like in the trypophan EMS case.

I outlined in the last post, therefore it still seems you didn't really read, or maybe forget too early?

Testing as many lab markers, like: lipids, kidney, liver, hormones, nutrients, inflammation and oxidation, CBC etc. does give early indications of poisoning (be it from medication, nutrition, environmental pollutants..), or as the opposite, reversal of chronic conditions from life-style changes. Is a failsafe method for catching innumerable poisoning. Moreover from all pollutants, much more likely than from supplements alone.
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Senior Member
I definitely notice some improvements, but I usually take just 1g per day or maybe 2g. Ascorbic acid works well, but can be hard on my stomach.
you might wanna try one of the buffered variants like sodium ascorbate or the like as they are much easier on the stomach


Senior Member
you might wanna try one of the buffered variants like sodium ascorbate

One can cheaply create sodium ascorbate, by mixing ascorbic acid with half its weight with sodium bicarbonate in water. With this mix, all the acid reacts with bicarbonate, and makes it perfectly pH neutral. Most do mention lesser effectiveness (might have to do with absorption kinetics), but which can be easily corrected by much better tolerance of much higher doses.

Dr. Thomas levy even recommends taking all forms of vitamin C: ascorbic acid, mineral ascorbates, liposomal and ascorbyl ascorbate. While the later 2 I wouldn't recommend: It isn't known if the fat-soluble ascorbyl just ends up as regular in the body again, and the 150% in the area under the curve increase in intracellular scopate doesn't justify the many times higher price, in my opinion.

Mineral ascorbates and buffered vitamin are 2 different products, in that the latter is only mixed dry with a mineral, while proper mineral ascorbates are chemically reacted to pH neutrality.


Senior Member
which is just regular baking powder
Check the ingredients list. I just tried to get sodium bicarbonate from a pharmacy in India, only had 500 mg tablets, but recommended baking powder from a regular store instead. Beside other substances, contained even starches. Took the tablets instead.


Senior Member


Senior Member
Seems an good option. But the most common in the states, isn't the most common elsewhere ;) - haven't seen it in stores here, in Central Europe, nor India.


Senior Member
it was the only option here in germany to get a big box and not just small sachets but i had to get in an asia store (and you can get them online)


Senior Member
Learned something new. Usually one finds sachets of Kaiser Natron with in total 250g for 1,95 € in German shops. A packet of 454g Arms on amazon for 5.16 €. Don't see an advantage.

For bulk requirements of minerals, but ascorbic acid too. I go here: https://diacleanshop.com/natron-5kg/lre-s-ch-1001-3 - 5kg for 14.99 €
1 kilo ascorbic acid powder for 18.99 €-

Important only for someone like me, having consumed in total 150 kgs already. o_O
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Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
do i understand this correctly, those people would die most likely of viral infection if they did NOT get the cortisol? ... that is very important knowledge right now for me, my friend started cortisol therapy because of potential auto immune rheumatic disease, but she is too young. and has very weird stuff going on with infections. i was sceptical because i feared the cortisol might shut down her immune system, but now as it seams according to your text, she actually might boost the immune system. she also has suspected adrenal fatigue.

Hi @linusbert -- Yes, you understood it correctly. Some of the misconceptions you've had are very similar to the ones Dr. William Jeffries--who wrote the definitive book on low-dose hydrocortisone therapy--was constantly dealing with while doing his research. To give you a brief review of Jeffries:

He spent I think about 30 years researching low-dose hydrocortisone therapy. I believe he started his research in the 1950's. It was a time shortly after cortisone was discovered, and some amazingly positive things were happening for people who took fairly large doses of it.

But it soon became apparent there were serious "side effects" or ramifications from taking it for extended periods of time, because the doses they were giving were much more than the body normally makes in a single day. This lead to the adrenal glands not producing any cortisol at all, with its dire consequences. Understandably, this therapy soon fell out of favor with mainstream medicine.

Enter William Jeffries, who devoted his entire career to researching low-dose hydrocortisone therapy, which advocates doses that are less than replacement, so the adrenal glands never shut down their own production. No matter how hard he tried, Jeffries could not break through the mindset that had become established that steriods were not good for you. And those misconceptions continue to this day, more than a half century later.

I spent many hours reading and pouring over William Jeffries' book "Safe Doses of Cortisol" before I undertook my own low-dose hydrocortisone experiment. After reading it 2-3 times, I felt comfortable enough to overcome my own misconceptions (and apprehensions) about taking it.

The effects for me were immediate and positive, and have been ever since, more than 25 years later. I haven't read the book in a while, but I just did a query on ChatGP, and came up with the following. I thought I'd remembered he had found success using his therapy for rheumatoid arthritis, and sure enough, there it is listed in the compilation below. I believe he devoted an entire chapter in his book to the various health issues he had great success treating.

Interestingly, after he retired, he started experiencing some of the health issues he'd studied all his life. He was able to readily diagnose himself with adrenal insufficiency, and upon starting to take low doses of hydrocortisone, his health issues improved.

His book and his research changed the course of my life. Below is the ChatGP exchange.

In William Jeffries' book "Safe Doses of Cortisol", what were the primary health issues that were benefitted by low-dose hydrocortisone therapy?

In William McK. Jefferies' book "Safe Uses of Cortisol", the author argues that physiologic doses of cortisol can offer significant improvements for a wide range of health conditions without the dangerous side effects associated with higher doses1. The primary health issues that were reported to benefit from low-dose hydrocortisone therapy include:
  1. Addison's disease
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis
  3. Female fertility problems
  4. Autoimmune disorders
  5. Allergies
  6. Common cold
  7. Influenza
  8. Shingles
  9. Mononucleosis
  10. Hypoglycemia
  11. Chronic fatigue syndrome
Jefferies provides numerous case studies from his own clinical practice to support these claims1. Additionally, a randomized controlled trial mentioned in the search results showed that low-dose hydrocortisone treatment resulted in modest but statistically significant improvements in fatigue and reduced disability in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome24.

It's important to note that while Jefferies had extensive clinical experience using cortisol safely, he also called for more controlled research to be conducted on its less widely accepted uses1.
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Senior Member
Not at all, since young adult I actively try to avoid pollutants from our lifestyles, which poisons the environment, and will still kill later generations, when we all are gone. Our own children! And not as an isolated case. For example, I therefore promised myself 38 years ago, never to own a private car again.
now i see the argument and can agree. but i would own a Tesla if i could drive it.
Now having changed opinion again?
what do you mean, from where to what did i change?
Without any source for denying the incomparable greater harm from medications? Like from Antidepressants given out like candy, with around 220 deaths each year.
i am no fan of pharma medication at all. i am just saying supplements have a impurity problem lately by using bad materials which leech into materials and i am allergic to it!
I did document how incredible ridiculous high vitamin C amounts through 16 years reversed a CKD-1, without any kidney stones.
and i am happy it works for you.
but every body is different. if you get oxalate problems depends on your bodies capability to handle oxalate. some do fine some dont.
In Berlin, a dedicated supplement company sells their products in dark glass bottles only. Maybe would work for you? (sunday.de)
that was my favourite brand for years. but they are one of the first which went bad. i ordered a k2 oil drops lately , it was tasting like bad plastics. i just give up now on them, they always disappoint now. they also had a time extreme smelly labels glued on the bottle, that was not anymore recently, but the stuff itself smells and tastes.
didn't really read, or maybe forget too early?
probably forgot. if i got a few unread notifications i just read the recent post(s) when in hurry to reply to all, and everything behind that i forgot. so if the thread is older or longer i could get trapped in a loop. basically what AI does when context window runs out. but i agree, i should read more previous comments when replying, this is also disrespectful to you and others, i apologize.
that would actually be a cool feature to have a short list of every comment made on a thread, when replying, so not to loose context.

thanks @Wayne, i will forward this to my friend.


Senior Member
End of 2024, major joints alternatingly in strong pain. (3 months of ultra-sounds, x-ray or MRI only found a lesion in a meniscus. Self-diagnosis with experimental 200 mg/d of hydroxychloroquine indicates rather rheumatoid arthritis.
The primary health issues that were reported to benefit from low-dose hydrocortisone therapy include:
2.) Rheumatoid arthritis

Just in time, to remind my of Jeffries book (haven't read, but heard repeatedly about), the usual 4 different medications, in general not healing, would be just too much of a paradigm-shift for me.

Though, I first thought about 4 herb synergy. Since I took curcumin, boswellia, ginger and ashwagandha extracts anyway throughout. And as one can read in that article, it was turned in a liposomal preparation only at later age, when regular plant extract ceased to work. Not surprisingly if I look at my supplement spreadsheet, all of them, including fish and gla oils, allegedly also effective, had been reduced in doses during the last 3 years.

But low dose hydrocortisone would be a further option, if increasing doses again doesn't help enough.

Along with Hydoxylchloquine 200 mg/d already helped. But wouldn't want any full-dose medication long-term, for already written reasons.


Senior Member
i would own a Tesla if i could drive it.

The problem of e-cars is even worse. Beside not solving the microplastic issue (from tires), and as long batteries depend on rare earth, the projected need for additional mining would break earths capacity. Simply because until now, a few grams of rare earth produce tons of with heavy metals contaminated toxic waste. For which there isn't any recycling possible. Some mines, like in Papua Guinea, already now spread through an area, as large as the country of Belgium.

The main media attention to CO2 only, I consider an intended diversion from really toxic pollutants, like heavy metals. So the toxic deterioration can take on monstrous dimensions with the good-will of the populations. All for further profit.

if you get oxalate problems depends on your bodies capability to handle oxalate. some do fine some dont.

Then please provide a case study only, where it caused kidney stones. To see if there were not more serious co-morbidities at work. Unless you can, you continue to spread a potentially harmful myth. And again my well-meant advise, don't venture in high-dose supplementation without extensive lab-test monitoring.

that was my favourite brand for years. but they are one of the first which went bad.

Sorry to hear. Though comparing Sunday's B-extra forte complex with the one from LifeExtension, in 6 weeks in the bottle with descants on a South Indian beach, the former still deteriorated by the strong humidly. So I think other companies use much stronger chemical conservations. Sunday tries their best to avoid. Worthwhile complaining with them about your allergies to their products.

so if the thread is older or longer i could get trapped in a loop.

Understandable. But please understand, too, why I want to clarify with emphasis mere myths, which could deter some not so adverse to much more dangerous medications, to find benefit in much more harmless supplementation instead.

i am just saying supplements have a impurity problem lately by using bad materials which leech into materials and i am allergic to it!

Understood. I always also recommend to start with the lowest possible doses of a new supplement. Therefore always possible allergic reaction are caught early, or not as severe. But in your case this advice would apply even to packed foods, since leeching there is always possible too.


Senior Member
Ashland, Oregon
do you have a ballpark for what is considered "low dose" here?.

Hi @bad1080 -- Generally speaking, Jeffries said most of his patients would end up taking 20 mg/day. It all depended on what their experience was when doing "trial runs".

He thought cortisol tests were notoriously unreliable because cortisol levels fluctuate throughout the day and can be affected by a myriad of factors and stressors. So he believed the best way to determine whether or not a person needed supplementation was to try some, and see if it made a difference.

He would recommend starting out at 20 mg/day (if I recall correctly), and stay at that level for two weeks. If you didn't notice any improvement, then go to 30 mg./day. If you still didn't notice a difference, then it was unlikely you needed to supplement.

In which case, he would recommend going back to 20 mg/day for two weeks, and then either quit completely, or taper off from there for a short period of time.

When I first started, I took a 5 mg. dose. It literally sent a jolt through my body. Whereas I hadn't been able to get past the end of the driveway when trying to do a short, after taking that 5 mg., I walked around the block several times, just gobsmacked at what a difference it made.

Low doses like 5 mg. didn't do the trick for long to get the same results. And I started increasing my doses by small increments until I finally got to around 20 mg./day. These days I probably average closer to 25 mg., which I attribute to aging 25 years since I first started using it.

Just to mention, if I have a big undertaking, and need extra oomph for a short period of time, I do not hesitate to take more for a few days (like a cross country trip). I have taken as much as 50-75 mg for 2-3 days, and combined with a bit of coffee, was pretty amazed by what I was able to pull off at times.

Also, I do not hesitate to take more when I get sick. I think taking extra during times of stress or sickness helps fortify the body. And, according to Thomas Levy, helps the body's immune system by able to better utilize Vitamin C. Having these tools and others (like nebulizing) helps me feel confident about overcoming just about any kind of infection, including COVID.
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