Carl you got the point, Ive been experiencing exactly the very same with this. Surpringsily when i eat yucca, I dont burp at all, so I think its because it does lower the ammonia. I have E.faecalis and also H.pylori...Have u found any solution, imfeelin pretty desepserated with it right now
Destroying the bacteria is the only real solution. That might also cure CFS because CFS is also caused by an infection at one location which might be H. Pylori in your case. At the very least, it will reduce your Digestive Permeability which will reduce the burden on your body.
There are a few herbs which are Urease inhibitors which can block Urease production by bacteria and hence the ammonia production. Yucca could possibly do this because acid combined with Ammonia produces carbon dioxide which is what causes the burp. Eliminating Ammonia after it's production is unlikely to happen fast enough to stop this. I have not tried the herbs even though I do have a couple of these herbs and did intend to try them. However other fundamental life issues such as failed washing machine, failed fridge, failed internet, failed phone line, PC which refused to power up among a long list of things have meant that I did not get around to it. It's been one thing after another and I have not yet dealt with all of it. All of this has meant that I have not made much progress in defeating the infection in recent months. I did have a plan on beating CFS but life has conspired to significantly delay that. I am expecting more stuff to come along very soon which will add even more to deal with which I am not looking forward to TBH.
IC 50 (µg/mL) Common name Plant Family Scientific name
226.00 Marshmallow Malvaceae Althaea officinalis L . 1
537.80 Toothpick Apiaceae Ammi visnaga L. 2
935.10 Sacred datura Solanaceae Datura inoxia Miller 3
719.30 Datura Solanaceae Datura stramonium L. 4
131.60 Purple coneflower Asteraceae Echinacea purpurea L. 5
36.17 Ginkgo Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo biloba L. 6
100.60 ? German chamomile Asteraceae Matricaria inodora L . 7 Scientific name is not German Chamomile but another species - wild chamomile
80.29 Sumac(h) Anacardiaceae Rhus coriaria L . 8 spelling
607.80 Soapwort Caryophyllaceae Saponaria officinalis L.9
409.90 Silver ragwort Asteraceae Senecio cineraria DC. 10
140.50 Milk thistle Asteraceae Silybum marianum L. 11
307.20 Spanish broom Leguminosae Spartium junceum L. 12
161.70 Spiraea Rosaceae Spiraea crenata L. 13
341.80 Common tansy Asteraceae Tanacetum vulgare L. 14
264.50 Common yew Taxaceae Taxus baccata L. 15
Taken from:
"Urease Inhibitory Activities of some Commonly Consumed Herbal Medicines" Mahernia et al 2015
I do not think that German Chamomile is correct because the scientific name does not match the usual German Chamomile scientific name, it is wild chamomile. I do have Matricaria Chamomilla but only the essential oil and not the whole herb. I do also have Ginkgo which I purchased to attempt to inhibit urease but I never got around to try it. Milk thistle extract I also have and use daily but I have only tried it very simply and rather unreliably to inhibit urease against the acid in with Oranges. I mainly us Milk thistle extract for my liver and glutathione. Sumac would be another worth trying, being the 2nd strongest.
I tested negative for H Pylori so I know that it is not responsible for my stomach reactions to acid. One method to improve protein digestion is by eliminating all saliva and not swallowing any to prevent the bacteria getting urea from saliva which their urease enzyme acts on to eliminate the acid, producing ammonia and carbon dioxide. That allows stomach acid to levels to rise, especially with a small amount of HCL capsules. It is damn hard to do though, I have done it myself and it means intense concentration for 3 to 4 hours. A urease inhibitor might be easier in the short term. A combination would provide the most effective temporary solution which would improve protein digestion and reduce ammonia production which can be a big burden on the body and it does adversely affect energy production.
A benefit of those bacteria, particularly h. pylori is that a lot is known about them, including natural antimicrobials.
Antimicrobial activity of natural products against Helicobacter pylori: a review
Antimicrobial Activity of Some Essential Oils—Present Status and Future Perspectives - nothing relating to h pylori but there might be something for the other bacteria
To defeat H. Pylori their biofilm first needs to be eliminated which significantly lowers their antimicrobial adaption. That will remove their enclosed space which retains failed DNA and allows them to very quickly adapt their DNA to overcome antimicrobials.
To eliminate the biofilm a Quorum Sensing Inhibitor is needed to block their chemical communication so that they cannot communicate with each other to signal to strengthen their biofilm while it is being degraded by enzymes. There are different forms of Quorum Sensing therefore multiple QSI need to be used. Various essential oils have been found to do this. Then take enzymes to break up the biofilm. Follow that with Efflux Pump Inhibitors to reduce their antimicrobial degradation/elimination which make antimicrobials more effective. I suggest that you find out the common H. Pylori Efflux Pumps and then find herbs which work against those pumps. Be aware that Efflux Pumps are less effective in an Alkaline environment which is probably why conventional treatment use Proton Pump Inhibitors when treating H Pylori. Also be aware that although pages all over the internet claim that there are 5 Efflux Pump superfamilies, there are in fact 6 because another was recently discovered, ie PACE gram-negative - Proteobacterial Antimicrobial Compound Efflux.
Finally use a suitable antimicrobial to destroy them. Be aware that Persister cells embed themselves in the stomach wall and are more difficult to destroy than regular cells.
I will post a whole load of info on beating CFS as soon as I have got around to doing it myself. I have no doubt whatsoever that my ideas are correct. I have already beaten one stomach infection using Reduced Colloidal Silver which produced a stomach discomfort after the biofilm dropped and it healed within about 15 minutes. I did not even eliminate the biofilm before taking the RCS, it came as a bit of a surprise. That also correctly reduced my digestive permeability. Based upon my experiences, I believed that infection to be a gram positive bacteria, probably Staphylococcus sp. Gram positive bacteria are usually easier to destroy than other bacteria, if you look at this forum and people who have eliminated their CFS, they treated gram positive bacteria with antibiotics. Unfortunately that only works for the lower resistance bacteria.
L-Glutamine does not work and does not and cannot correct Increased Digestive Permeability, which is a term that I came up with based upon Increased Intestinal Permeability (Syndrome). My term does not obscure the cause like IIPS or that totally incorrect term "Leaky Gut". Leaky Gut is a false term because even a perfect digestive system ie uninfected is leaky by nature, they have to be or no one could live. All research on IDP has been poorly done IMO and it shows in where they have discovered Increased Permeability so far, ie the colon and the small intestine. The small intestine is in fact very rarely affected however it is in me because one of the infections has spread to my duodenum and which is going to be a real challenge to destroy.
Tight junctions are also irrelevant, that just shows me that they do not understand the cause. IDP is not just some random degradation, it is caused by infections which are usually biofilm forming bacteria but can also possibly be yeasts or fungi. The micro-organism is less relevant than the location of attack. I had 5 large infections in my stomach before I managed to destroy the one on the right hand side of my stomach using Silver. My research shows that many bacteria, particularly gram negative bacteria can develop resistance to silver. I have tried silver against the bacteria causing my CFS after removing the biofilm but it failed to destroy them. Lauracidin and various essential oils were totally ineffective. The gram positive bacteria on the right side of my stomach were affected by essential oils but eo did not destroy them but it did cause a discomfort in my stomach.
Unfortunately the other bacteria, including the ones causing my CFS are considerably more resistant. They have resisted everything so far even with the biofilm removed. One of the 5, now 4 infections is quite strongly Urease positive. I believe that they might be Ureaplasma Urealyticum a mycoplasma bacteria which is urease positive and they are highly resistant. I do have some herbs that I think should destroy them but so far I have not yet been able to make an attempt. I have other things to do first of all including making liposomal Quorum Sensing Inhibitors and testing that it works. I want to try the Liposomal QSI and enzymes to verify that it eliminates ALL the biofilms and not just one or two. If that works, which should produce a great deal of discomfort if previous experience is to judge by, all the biofilms, at least 4 need to be removed simultaneously. Then I need to fix my washing machine because the pump failed on it, there is some melted plastic on it and open circuit on the power inputs. Water all over the floor on multiple occasions while I was attempting to empty the water.
This lists 58 known Natural QSI of which I do have many of them, mainly essential oils but I also have and use Rutin powder for other purposes (circulation) which this site indicates also has QSI activities.
I have very little information on H Pylori because I am not infected by it except that it is a gram negative bacteria which might use an Efflux Pump from the RND superfamily but it could use multiple Efflux Pumps. Do not underestimate the EPI because they can really make a big difference and can be the difference between success and failure. There should be a lot of information online about H. Pylori and natural antimicrobials which are effective against it. It should be far easier to destroy than the one responsible for my CFS and what I believe might be the urease positive micro-organism which is causing my stomach dysfunction and reaction to acids/acid production ie hypochlorhydria. The digestive part of my pancreas is none functional and I have proven that only with a functional stomach can I adequately digest protein and other important nutrients.
Look out for new threads by me in the coming months, as soon as I have sorted out all the other background issues which are far more pressing ATM. I am running out of clean,
every thing and I must get that sorted out ASAP which I have failed to do so far due to other issues.
If you search for my previous posts, particularly efflux pump and quorum sensing then it should provide more information on what products to use. I am sure that I mentioned BFB 1 & BFB 2 previously as QSI. These are only meant for external usage according to the small containers but that might be to get around laws restricting their sale. It might be a better idea to get each component in a guaranteed pure form which is often Organic forms. NHR Organics sells high quality and pure essential oils and I try stick to their essential oils unless availability or a small price premium is not an issue.
BTW Enterococcus faecalis is Urease negative so that bacteria is unlikely to be causing your burp reaction to acids.