Bob's first post in this thread makes it clear what is on-topic for this thread. Posts that - as Bob puts it - "are not interested in XMRV or HGRVs, or who think that HGRV research is a waste of time, or that XMRV is purely a contaminant" are well-defined by Bob as off-topic for this thread, and if such posts are reported, they will be removed as 'off-topic'. Knowing the posters on this thread, I think they will be open to a degree of feedback on matters of fact, eg: regarding any inaccuracies or misunderstandings, but that's up to those posters to decide (especially Bob, since it's his thread).
This general principle has been discussed behind the scenes recently, and (pending a more detailed confirmation) we seem to have agreement that members may post threads and define what is 'off-topic' to their thread, and of course members who disagree are free to then create a separate thread with an opposing view.
For example: a member might post a thread "discussion of ways to support Dr X", and arguments about whether to support Dr X would be off-topic on that thread. Another member might (theoretically) post a thread "reasons not to support Dr X" and define that arguments defending Dr X would be off-topic on that thread (unpalatable, perhaps, but only fair). A third thread might be more open-ended - "discussion of the controversial Dr X" - where both viewpoints are permitted. Anyone may, of course, post their responses to posts from either of the 'closed topic' threads on another thread - so there is a "right of reply" in that sense, but not within the 'closed thread' itself.
Kurt may be right that a group is more appropriate for 'closed' discussions like this, and indeed a private group facility will be provided shortly for HGRV discussion. In the meantime, I hope that circumstances where 'closed' thread topics are required will be rare, but I think it is quite reasonable for members to wish to create threads and define them as being only for positive discussion of a particular subject and to stipulate that arguments about the validity of that positive discussion must take place elsewhere.
I hope that these guidelines will reduce friction on certain discussion topics, and provide the sort of 'safe havens' that some members are looking for. Open discussion is generally preferable, and actually I think that most of us here value input from opposing points of view, and the forum provides for that in general. However, some arguments continue endlessly and are unlikely to ever be resolved, and in those circumstances, separate sub-groups do sometimes want to have productive discussions on subjects of common interest, without being distracted. So: We will experiment with the above 'closed thread topic' guidelines and see how it goes...please report any off-topic posts and they will be moderated.