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    Created in 2008, Phoenix Rising is the largest and oldest forum dedicated to furthering the understanding of, and finding treatments for, complex chronic illnesses such as chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibromyalgia, long COVID, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS), and allied diseases.

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Herpesviruses, Endothelial Dysfunction, and ME/CFS


Senior Member
Also with sjorgrens, it just sounds like m.e. fibro lymes etc . All branches of the same tree


Senior Member
RCCCX theory
Perfect point, and we can find the connection if we are diligent.

Besides myself, there are friends developing new and strange symptoms, such as breathing problems, a hoarse voice, and back and neck issues. In most cases, they receive a positive ANA result but no detailed diagnosis. So, they send me their blood work and I look for possible causes. I analyze the results to identify any abnormalities or patterns that might suggest underlying health issues, meticulously comparing them against medical references and guidelines to form hypotheses about what could be contributing to their symptoms.
This approach allows individuals to analyze their own symptoms and pose specific questions to their doctors.

In most cases, the connection is autoimmune, if no physical or pharmaceutical factors are involved.

This is just one more example:

Understanding Allgrove Syndrome (AAA) and Its Association with Autoimmune Diseases
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Senior Member
I think I read that the RCCCX theory was presented to Ron Davies which is good he's open minded.
He also said he thinks he'd found " the switch" for all autoimmunity.
I'm pretty sure that's correct but maybe someone corroborate it.
Glad you're looking into this


Senior Member
RCCCX theory
Yes, RCCX theory is one hypothesis. Others believe it could be related to Amylin or Glutamate.
Regardless, a definitive culprit, such as bacteria, fungi, or virus, has not yet been identified.

Even string theory does not apply here, as it would require added consecutive components.

Additionally, there are still undetected genetic markers.

The search must continue.


Senior Member
Absolutely. It runs in families in many cases .
But as you allude to there's likely a myriad constellations , sub groups and oddities to discover