Herpes Simplex 2 and Twitching

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
I started thinking about Dr. Peterson and the disagreement with the WPI because of his belief that HHV-6 may be the cause of CFIDS. (At least, this is what someone posted). So just for the hell of it I googled Herpes viruses and twitching, since that is one of my biggest symptoms and my husband's also. There are all kinds of posts of people who just contracted Herpes Simplex 2 and then started experiencing the same type of twitching, nerve pain, and in some cases, muscle pain. This made me think that if this is true for this particular herpes virus, couldn't it be true for others? What if he was right from the beginning? Is there any way he could continue his research on the relationship between herpes viruses like HHV-6 and CFIDS and maybe even fibromyalgia?


Senior Member
Edmonton, AB, Canada
I hope there is a lot of truth in this approach Mya, as my husband's GP has just put him on long term antiviral (valacyclovir) for shingles and what he thinks is recurring herpes simplex pain. No twitching though. It would be a miracle if it also helps him on an overall basis and I have my fingers and toes all crossed, hoping it's true - at least for him. BTW, my hubby is pretty classic CCC and the new definition, and was tested in England and found to have very poor mitochondrial function, so he's a pretty classic ME type it seems.

I'll post here in a month or so if we see any change. Of course, he's a few days in and finding the side effects really rough (headache, nausea) but is hanging in there.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons
I am glad to hear that he and other doctors are still working on the connection. Pamb, I hope the Valacyclovir works for your husband.

So I have been looking at other medical articles (summaries) on the net and I came accross the following two. Now, I am wondering if we have always had the defect with our natural killer cells (as in born with it) and this allows herpes viruses and possibly other viruses to wreak havoc on our nervous systems. Since both my husband and I are sick, my son had a greater chance of inheriting the defect. If you get a chance, look these over and tell me what you think, please and thank you.

Natural Killer Cells May Limit Inflammation in the Central Nervous System

Central nervous system (CNS)-resident natural killer cells suppress Th17 responses and CNS autoimmune pathology.


Senior Member
It's always been a pretty persuasive argument for me and ties in with Cort's front page article Lights/Shapiro - different kinds of Herpes and the dorsal ganglia (ground zero). And I've had lifelong intermittant herpes simplex and shingles attacks before ME with severe pain, muscle twitching and the Encephalo of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis.


Senior Member

Doctors have been associating herpes viri with ME and CFS for a long time now. If you read some of the earlier reports of the Incline Village outbreak you will see EBV associated. I tested positive for HHV6 in 2000. The problem is treating it. Varying successes reported and some patients needing constant drugs. See Lerner and Montoya. Lots of threads on this topic.


Senior Member
Edmonton, AB, Canada
Thanks for sharing those links Mya. I had not read of that study before. No matter what the outcome re: retroviruses, this certainly gives a person cause for hope. I sure have no idea how long it may be before this kind of research translates into something useful, but every step taken is a step closer to relief. What amazes me is the number of severe, chronic illnesses this type of research could really make a difference for. fingers and toes still crossed. I did not mention, but my husband's daughter has had interstitial cystitis and now has fairly severe fibro. So yes, from where I sit a genetic component makes sense. And I'm sure hoping it will save me from 'catching' ME from my husband.

Mya Symons

Mya Symons

Doctors have been associating herpes viri with ME and CFS for a long time now. If you read some of the earlier reports of the Incline Village outbreak you will see EBV associated. I tested positive for HHV6 in 2000. The problem is treating it. Varying successes reported and some patients needing constant drugs. See Lerner and Montoya. Lots of threads on this topic.

Hi ukxmrv. I remember reading about the Incline Village report and how some people thought the outbreak was tied to the hepatitis vaccine. Hepatitis can cause inflammation in the nervous system, correct? Could there have been live virus in that vaccine somehow?

I am now wondering if anyone here has tried Low Dose Naltraxone along with interferon for HHV-6 and antivirals for other herpes viruses. Maybe I can find another thread.

PS I have a problem with reading things and not remembering whether I read them or not. Lerner and Montoya sound somewhat familiar. I will try to read them again. Thanks.

Pamb, my fingers and toes are crossed too :D
Western Australia
Personally I think that herpes viruses are definitely a factor. I had Chickenpox in '95 and EBV in '96, never was the same again. Both of these are herpes viruses. I also had a doozy of a coldsore soon after that. Herpse viruses are nasty little things, have a real affinity for nerve tissue and hide dormant, just waiting to stir up more trouble.

I have been experiencing what I'm pretty sure is nerve pain in my hands recently. I guess this could fit with the theory.

Hope your hubby responds well to the meds pamb, goodluck!

take care, ness