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Here’s an interesting result from my experience with common EBV treatments

Here’s a potentially interesting bit of info from my experience with treating EBV involving mental health/inflammation

I’m 90% certain that extreme stress and anxiety reactivated my EBV. This reactivation led to CFS and a bunch of neurological problems. I went from extremely anxious all the time to feeling virtually no emotion, which is believe can be a side effect from the chronic inflammation EBV causes. Pure emotional flatness. Can’t cry no matter what I do.

So, I’ve noticed that I feel much less emotionally flat with certain EBV treatments, possibly due to a reduction in neuroinflammation. Maybe it was my sinus inflammation seeping into my brain. No clue if there’s any science behind that it’s just how it feels I guess.

I’d say my ability to feel emotions is improved by at least 50% on all of these treatments. Anxiety and depression but also positive emotions such as excitement, happiness, music sounds good, I’m more motivated, etc . Still can’t cry much, though

Oil of oregano for a few days causes this for me

As does high doses of monolaurin for a few weeks. Still not 100% certain if this is a direct effect from EBV suppression/ immune boosting or if because monolaurin has neurotransmitter modulating effects

My most recent treatment to cause this was increasing my daily Valtrex dose from 1 gram every 8 hours to 1 gram every 6 hours, so 3 grams a day to 4 grams a day. Which is interesting because its main mechanism of action is obviously viral suppression and apparently has a minuscule effect on neurotransmitters

My sinuses are much less inflamed and I’m feeling my emotions again just like with monolaurin and oil of oregano.

I wasn’t convinced that those two supplements were doing much for me EBV wise and may just modulate neurotransmitters but now I’m leaning towards the benefits being from viral suppression. I can’t say a lot of my other symptoms have improved but I can say for a fact that I have less sinus inflammation and I’m much much much more emotional. I can actually process things like a normal person, for now

Note: I got significantly more emotionally flat two years ago when I tried coming off of Valtrex and flared up with mono-like symptoms like I usually do. I was able to cry a bit before this and now I pretty much can’t. This also made my typical CFS symptoms much worse.

Anyone with a similar experience ?


Senior Member
Hmm, not sure. I'm not an emotionally flat person - yet I realize I learned to flatten my emotion over the years because of how much enthusiasm crashes me. Now that I'm more severe, one phone call where I allow myself to be really engaged will crash me for days.

Allicin helps me a bit, as do a few other antiviral type things - andrographis, etc. Monolaurin doesn't seem to do much, although I've tried it a lot. Oil of oregano is okay - more gut benefits for me.

However, none of these things do much. I still will crash for days from one energetic phone call, or working on the computer on an engrossing task, etc.