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Hematochromatosis H63D and nutrient deficiency


I have H63D G G mutation so mild hematochromatosis I think . I had IV of iron and since my nitric oxide, folate, manganese and selenium are dead low and i can't raise it. And when i take manganese or selenium it lower my nitric oxide and i get high blood pressure issue. I have donate 250 ml of blood once but maybe i should donate way more ? My saturation is now at 40 and ferritin 130. But my SOD and Glutathion peroxidase are sky high in bloog meaning it's fighting oxidative stress and spending my selenium and manganese no ?

And it seem my urea cycle is broke since too. My ornithine is very high and my arginine very low.

If you can help it would be awesome thank you.
Maybe worth looking into chelating iron and reducing your saturation to the neighbours of 20% and ferritin to about 30ng/ml. Excessive iron creates oxidative stress and undermines immune system ability to fight bacteria. I think you have a good actionable target on hand!
I was wrong it appear I'm at 66 ferritin. So i'm worried going lower can cause issue? I have found that there is an H63D syndrom that seem to have the issue that you have low ferritin but high iron overload. And they say giving blood can cause issue because you will be anemic and iron overloaded at the same time i don't know what to do
In that case, maybe what you have is hypotransferrinemia. One possible treatment is apotransferrin. But maybe worth waiting and seeing if your symptom would stabilise after a while now that you have undergone phlebotomy. As for your nutrients deficiencies, try supplementing them, and if you experience blood pressure issues, there are very effective drugs for that, one of which is actual nitric oxide in a pill
It seem my ferritin is at 66 now but it doesn't help maybe i still have too much unbound iron. Which drugs is actual nitric oxide in a pill ?