I kid you not the only thing that helps with that is keeping a stable dose of 2000 mcg no more or less of methyl-b12 every day, D3 + K2 at whatever dose and form works for you, propolis, vitamin C, and for some reason having some raw cinnamon every day. It's been over 7 years of this nonsense now but this is the only combination of things that works for me as long as I'm having some chia seeds and a little peanut butter every morning. If I stop any step in this I just get worse, the worst to stop would be the b12 or the D3 in which I won't be able to function at all if I stop no matter how much food with the stuff I consume. What has to do with my liver, my immune system, or guts I have no idea anymore and honestly I give up trying to get to the bottom of it because I'm a case where only medical practices we don't have available yet will help.
There may be some magical supplement still out there or medication I could add to the daily stack to help just that much more but I'd have to keep experimenting more and I'm so tired and so scared of crashes. One bad crash and my life is on standby for as long as I'm at a lower level functioning and if I'm anything under mild I can't hold up my life enough to even enjoy anything or be productive outside of plow through work like a zombie and rot in my room.