@Bobbi007 , welcome to the confusing world of NutrEval. Many here have had this test, including me, and there is definitely an art in interpreting it. I offer you some suggestions that you are free to take or leave.
My first suggestion is to be VERY careful with it. Don't just start supplementing the things that are low and avoiding things that are high. The body is a system, and a dam* smart one, trying to keep you alive. If something is out of range, 1) there is a reason, and 2) it is probably dancing with something else, likely a chain of something elses, and nothing changes in isolation. Example, from the last page it might be tempting to supplement copper a little. Don't, unless you do some more testing. This could really screw you up. Also, be wary of B6 for the same reason. Don't touch it unless you do a blood test with Quest Labs to find out exactly where you are. They test for both deficiency and toxicity. LabCorp only tests for deficiency, and it shows up in the respective lab ranges. You may be deficient, or it may turn out that you have plenty, but bio-unavailability is the issue. NutrEval gives some insights and places to look, but I don't recommend using it in isolation.
There are some interpretive guides I would suggest you go though on your own.
At the 50,000 foot level, my impressions are :
- you seem to be doing pretty well amino acid wise.
- Saturated fatty acids are all over -- you may be having trouble absorbing or processing certain fats, which isn't abnormal. Some digestive enzymes (lipase) can help with that.
- I notice stearic acid is pretty high, and that is often a filler in supplements. Are you taking a lot of supps?
- I don't see the page with glutathione on it, but the high cystathionine and suggested low glutathione suggests a block between the two.
- You likely have an issue with yeast, with some Candidia exposure (the D-Arabinitol suggests it).
- Some gut work to deal with dysbiosis also looks probable.
These are just my initial thoughts -- feel free to take them or leave them. The trick is to find the thread(s) to pull on. You will need to do a lot of work (study and testing) on your own, or find a really knowledgable practitioner to help you. They can be really hard to find.
Good luck to you.