Help with new test results: extremely high IgA2 and EBV off the charts!

Antares in NYC

Senior Member
Breaking news here: my doctor just called me with the results of some additional blood tests that have been sent to labs across the country and Europe as well:

- Bombshell 1: positive for chronic Lyme, various WB tests from IGeneX and Germany's InfectoLabs
- Bombshell 2: the alarmingly high numbers of IgA2 are an indication of a major infection in my gut flora. Further analysis recommended, including gut microbiota; doctor will schedule them next week. I know this is going to cost me. Ugh!

So on top of having all the classic markers for ME/CFS (NK cells, extremely high EBV and HHV6, vitamin/mineral depletion, etc), I have chronic Lyme and a potentially dangerous gut flora infection.

My life just keeps getting better, doesn't it?


Senior Member
So sorry to hear about this news Antares.

I have actually just logged onto this thread unaware of this latest news,and was going to ask if you had ever been tested for Celiac disease because some of your symptoms also point to a gut malabsorption problem, with symptoms such as low Vit D,K,E, B12, Magnesium, Brain Fog and Chronic Fatigue.

Celiac can also be brought on by viruses and celiac and lyme seem to be linked a lot.

Heres the links I was going to post anyway, you may find them useful.

Although this is not the news you wanted to hear at least you now have the name of the Beast thats been causing a lot of your pain and can more directly fight it . Good luck.:thumbsup:


Antares in NYC

Senior Member
So sorry to hear about this news Antares.

I have actually just logged onto this thread unaware of this latest news,and was going to ask if you had ever been tested for Celiac disease because some of your symptoms also point to a gut malabsorption problem, with symptoms such as low Vit D,K,E, B12, Magnesium, Brain Fog and Chronic Fatigue.

Celiac can also be brought on by viruses and celiac and lyme seem to be linked a lot.

Heres the links I was going to post anyway, you may find them useful.

Although this is not the news you wanted to hear at least you now have the name of the Beast thats been causing a lot of your pain and can more directly fight it . Good luck.:thumbsup:
Hi Liverock,
Thanks for the support. Since I fell ill for the first time, I have been tested for everything under the sun, including celiac disease (negative). I definitely have a malabsorption issue that they can't identify, and some have suggested I have "leaky gut".


Senior Member
Breaking news here: my doctor just called me with the results of some additional blood tests that have been sent to labs across the country and Europe as well:

- Bombshell 1: positive for chronic Lyme, various WB tests from IGeneX and Germany's InfectoLabs
- Bombshell 2: the alarmingly high numbers of IgA2 are an indication of a major infection in my gut flora. Further analysis recommended, including gut microbiota; doctor will schedule them next week. I know this is going to cost me. Ugh!

So on top of having all the classic markers for ME/CFS (NK cells, extremely high EBV and HHV6, vitamin/mineral depletion, etc), I have chronic Lyme and a potentially dangerous gut flora infection.

My life just keeps getting better, doesn't it?

Hey@ Antares

I know your brain is the most troublesome for you, and finding out hat you have Lyme may be a good find for you. The people I've seen with the worst brain symptoms seem to be those with Lyme all the way across the board. I'm aggressively seeking testing for Lyme myself for just this reason. I wonder if some proper treatment may help improve your mental symptoms.