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Help with Methylation Profile Please

Swindon, Wiltshire, UK
I wondered if someone could possibly give some advice on my methylation profile please. I'm currently supplementing B12 and D3 but not getting quite the results I'd hoped for with the B12 after 3 months and suspect it's something to do with these results, but am struggling to get my head around it all so any advice would be gratefully received.



Senior Member
Im far from an expert on this compared to many here, and hopefully some of them will chime in but on first appearance, your snp's look pretty damn good.

The big one is MTHFR, both 677 and 1298 anjd you only have a +/- on one. Almost all of us have +/+ on at least one of those. This is the gene that assimilates methylfolate which is a biggy. The VDR is vitamin D receptor so you could be having sone trouble there because you have +/- on both. Im pretty sure vit b12 is MTR and again, you have a +/- so not too bad. You may need some methylfolate to help along the b12. Btw, what type of b12 are you taking? Most over the counter ones are cyanocobalamin which is pretty much useless.

The +/- indicates if you have a mutation at one of your genes. Since we get a gene from both our mother and father we have 2 copies of each one. -/- means neither are mutated, +/- means one is mutated and +/+ means both are mutated.

If you emphasize good epigenetics (proper circadian rythems, good sleep, correct diet) you can probably see some improvement in your gene expression.

Hope this helps a little!
Swindon, Wiltshire, UK
It does Aerose91 - thank you! I'm currently taking hydroxo-B12 by injection and methyl-B12 by sublingual which seems to have helped quite a bit. Luckily my circadian rhythms are good (one thing less to worry about) but I'm working on improving my sleep (get enough but the quality isn't great) and finding the right diet is an ongoing investigation.


Senior Member
Quality of sleep is a big one around here, just seems to come with the territory.

Per diet, you want to be concious of gut issues and diets that address that- GAPS is a start and a ketogenic paleo diet gives goid results for many. Per your SNP's, you'd probably be well served taking some methylfolate along with your b12 to kick in the full methylation cycle.
Swindon, Wiltshire, UK
Thanks again - I'm already taking methylfolate and will look into GAPS and ketogenic. It all feels a bit like Pandora's box at the moment - I look into one thing and find something else. I just wish that all this info had been around when I was initially diagnosed with CFS in 2002. I'm still a bit gobsmacked that I ever recovered from that at all and had 10 years of relative normality knowing everything that I know now. :|