Kim has sent me a pdf of the draft survey. It includes all of your suggestions from the little white "other" boxes on the survey itself.
I will put the survey into Word outline format, and then continue to add all of your symptoms. This will include your "other" comments, (Kim has already incorporated most of them) and I will go back through this string to make sure we haven't missed anything.
I will try to do some fact checking, spell checking, and maybe move some symptoms from one place to another.
Then Kim will use the survey software to make the changes. Once she starts to do that, your responses to the draft survey will be removed (forever).
We would like to get the survey published in a journal, but this involves a lot of behind-the-scenes work, which Kim has been doing. Publication will probably involve some major changes to the survey, including drastic shortening, so we are no longer focusing on that.
We believe most forum members want to get something up now, and see some results now, so that is now our focus.
Kim pointed out to me that the reason we started this project was first and foremost to give people who are XMRV+ a sense of what they all have in common in their illness. She and I don't want to lose that focus.
The survey belongs to members of this forum, and I believe that it should remain as it is, no matter how big and unwieldy it is. At this point, cutting it down would defeat the purpose of people being completely heard or believed.
So please know that Kim is working on it, and I am working on it. We are hoping to get it finished in a week, and will let you know if we can't make it in that time. Meanwhile, I will see whatever you post here.
P.S. It won't be perfect.