HELP Prof. Servando P. on HUNGER STRIKE! Support letter, URGENT!!


Senior Member
Hi everybody,

(Please read the situation of Servando Prez, a very sick person on hunger strike here):

Servando Prez is the President of the association I belong to, MERCURIADOS (, as well as a friend and an extraordinary person. He is in a very delicate situation, risking his life to try to get his right of being attended properly by the Spanish public health system (Social Security), for the conditions he was diagnosed by the very same Social Security that now is trying to hide it all! He has been officially diagnosed with chronic mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings, and, as a result, also was diagnosed with CFS, FM, MQS, mitochondrial myopathy, and with a myriad of other conditions that have being appearing over time.

If you would like to help Servando, please sign this
letter of support: DE ADHESIÓN A SERVANDO PÉREZ publicado en web.rtf

(try the following link if the first doesn't work): A SERVANDO PEREZ publicado en web.doc

(You’ll find the English version of the letter at the bottom of this Word file)

It must be filled out, attached, and forwarded to the following e-mails at the same time, with the subject: “Carta de adhesin en apoyo a Servando Prez” –meaning: “Letter in support of Servando Prez”:

Your help will be much appreciated!. His fight is also our fight!

Thanks to you all, and wishing the best to Servando,

P.S. Please, forward this message to all the people you know who would also be willing to help Servando.


Senior Member
Czech Republic, EU
I am neither a chemist nor omniscient but as I understand it the dental amalgam is a chemical compound of mercury and another metal so that the toxic mercury is extremely strongly chemically bound in the amalgam. Would you ban the use of the common salt? It is a chemical compound of sodium, which explodes on contact with water, and chlorine, which is a chemical weapon. But yes, common salt has quite a low LD 50. So what is the problem with dental amalgam? Is it the mercury leaving the chemical bond-my guess is that it is an extremely exceptional event-or is it the toxicity of the amalgam as a whole? But in any way I don't intend to belittle the courage of prof. Servando Prez. In the context of CFS I don't believe anything: I even have a wedding ring made of tungsten and it is known that the fragments of tungsten weapons cause malignancies if went unnoticed in human body. But I can't take it off-it is the wedding ring. :D


iherb code TAK122
Serg please let us know how Servando is, I have sent him an e-mail, I do hope he is okay. For some reason I can't sign the letter of support, it won't let me type onto it.


Senior Member
I am neither a chemist nor omniscient but as I understand it the dental amalgam is a chemical compound of mercury and another metal so that the toxic mercury is extremely strongly chemically bound in the amalgam. Would you ban the use of the common salt? It is a chemical compound of sodium, which explodes on contact with water, and chlorine, which is a chemical weapon. But yes, common salt has quite a low LD 50. So what is the problem with dental amalgam? Is it the mercury leaving the chemical bond-my guess is that it is an extremely exceptional event-or is it the toxicity of the amalgam as a whole? But in any way I don't intend to belittle the courage of prof. Servando Prez. In the context of CFS I don't believe anything: I even have a wedding ring made of tungsten and it is known that the fragments of tungsten weapons cause malignancies if went unnoticed in human body. But I can't take it off-it is the wedding ring. :D

The problem with dental amalgam is that mercury gets released from the solution over the life of the filling. Some of this mercury ends up in the person who has the filling and bioaccumulates. Also, placing and removing amalgam fillings expose the patient and the dentist to a decent amount of mercury vapor. Some dentists claim its harmless, but most people accept that being exposed to mercury, even the small amounts that leak from fillings can cause health problems and is unnecessary in todays world where many non-mercury filling compounds exist. Finally, the disposal of old amalgam fillings from dental offices poses a significant threat to the environment. The dental industry is one of the largest contributors to mercury pollution in the developed world.

The question really is, since they have other materials to fill teeth with that don't have any mercury in them, and since mercury is known to be toxic to humans in any amount, why don't they just stop using amalgam fillings altogether? Amalgam restoration material is a 19th century technology that was grandfathered in by the FDA when it was created in the early 20th century and not subject to safety trials. It would not pass FDA approval if proposed today.

IIRC some european countries have banned the use of dental amalgam containing mercury, and others prohibit its use in women who are pregnant, children, and treat working in a dental office as occupational exposure. Of course in the USA, dentists are not even required to inform patients about the mercury content of fillings and the risk of leakage before they accept amalgam, nor are they required to give patients a choice of other compounds. Women dentists and dental assistants are allowed to work through pregnancy with no monitoring of mercury exposure levels - raising concerns about exposure to their unborn children.


Senior Member
Czech Republic, EU
Thank you for the explanation, Acer. I think I have read about the possibility of growing a new tooth from stem cells. It would be even better solution. :Retro smile: Also the tobacco smoke contain mercury.


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
I am neither a chemist nor omniscient but as I understand it the dental amalgam is a chemical compound of mercury and another metal so that the toxic mercury is extremely strongly chemically bound in the amalgam.

This is misleading and false. There is no chemical bond. Amalgam is a mixture of metals, and mercury vapour leaches 24/7 from amalgam fillings. This is a scientifically indisputable fact.

This is what Goodman and Gilman's, the "bible" of pharmacologics has to say on the issue:

"Mercury vapor also can be released from silver-amalgam dental restorations. In fact, this is the main source of mercury exposure to the general population" - Goodman & Gilman's, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
Here is a picture of mercury vapour being released from a tooth:


and a video from the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology with further information:


And here are microscopic beads of liquid mercury forming from amalgam:


This is what happens when you put (radioactive-labelled) mercury in a sheeps mouth after only 1 month [Hahn, LJ; et al. Dental “silver” tooth fillings: a source of mercury exposure revealed by whole body scan and tissue analysis. FASEB J, 3:2641-6, 1989.]:

The mercury is found in the (a) sheep's gastrointestinal tract, (b) kidneys, the (c) gum and alveolar bone of the jaws and (d) liver. The mercury was also found (in lower concentrations) in the the sheep's brain, cerebrospinal fluid, pituitary gland, thyroid, and adrenals.

The pro-amalgam dental associations complained that sheep are ruminants and do not chew like humans. So a repeat experiment was performed, this time with monkeys [Hahn, LJ; et al. Whole-Body Imaging of the Distribution of Mercury Released from Dental Fillings into Monkey Tissues. FASEB J. 4:3256-609 1990.]:


As you can see the results for monkeys were pretty much the same as for sheep. Remember this is only after 1 month of exposure. Imagine what a lifetime's exposure could do to a person.

Here is what the United Nations Global Mercury Assessment 2002 has to say on the issue:
"New findings during the last decade indicate that toxic effects may be taking place at lower concentrations than previously thought, and potentially larger parts of the global population may be affected. As the mechanisms of subtle toxic effects – and proving whether such effects are taking place – are extremely complex issues, a complete understanding has so far not been reached on this very important question."

"For elemental mercury vapour, the most important source for the general population is dental amalgam."

"The main route of exposure for elemental mercury is by inhalation of the vapours. About 80 percent of inhaled vapours are absorbed by the lung tissues. This vapour also easily penetrates the blood-brain barrier and is a well-documented neurotoxicant."

"Neurological and behavioral disorders in humans have been observed following inhalation of elemental mercury vapour. Specific symptoms include tremors, emotional lability, insomnia, memory loss, neuromuscular changes, and headaches. In addition, there are effects on the kidney and thyroid.
persistent effects (tremor, cognitive deficits) have been observed in occupationally exposed subjects 10-30 years after cessation of exposure (Albers et al., 1998; Kishi et al., 1993; Mathiesen et al., 1999; Letz et al., 2000)."

"Self-reported memory disturbances, sleep disorders, anger, fatigue, and/or hand tremors were increased in workers chronically exposed to an estimated air concentration of 0.025 mg/m3 (approximately equal to urinary and blood mercury levels of about 25 μg/g and 10 μg/l) (Langworth et al., 1992)"

"Data from humans does not allow identification of lowest harmful or non-adverse exposure levels, especially in long-term exposure"
Here is what Martindale, the complete drug reference has to say:

"Poisoning with liquid mercury or inorganic mercury salts has arisen from a variety of sources such as … dental materials"

"Chronic mercury poisoning may result from inhalation of mercury vapour … over prolonged periods. It is characterised by many symptoms including tremor, motor and sensory disturbances, mental deterioration, gastrointestinal symptoms, dermatitis, kidney damage, salivation and gingivitis."

"There has been considerable concern over the systemic absorption of mercury from dental amalgam, which typically contains between 40 and 70% of mercury."

"The kidneys are one of the primary sites for the accumulation of mercury in the body. All forms of mercury may be toxic to the kidney although the inorganic forms are the most nephrotoxic."

"The hazards associated with mercury generally outweigh any therapeutic benefit and its clinical use has largely been abandoned."
Here is what some of the world's foremost toxicologists have to say on the issue:

“The lowest exposure, in terms of urinary mercury secretion, that has been found to give rise to a demonstrable toxic effect has fallen from 30-50 μg/l till 10-25 μg/l. Accordingly, the safety margin that it was thought existed with respect to mercury exposure from amalgam has been erased.”
The clinical studies of how mercury vapour influences the immune system show clearly that effects can be demonstrated down to dose levels corresponding to exposure to amalgam.” Prof. Maths Berlin (toxicologist)

There is no safe level of mercury” - Prof. Lars Friberg (World Health Organization)
This is what the manufacturer's of amalgam have to say on it's safety:

In 1997, the amalgam manufacturers Dentsply-Caulk and Ivoclar-Vivadent, altered their Manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for Germany and California to include the following adverse health effects from chronic inhalation and/or ingestion:

"tremor, fatigue, headaches, irritability, excitability, depression, insomnia, loss of memory, hallucinations, psychiatric disorders, mental deterioration and resentment of criticism, bronchitis, kidney failure, chest pain and palpitations, colitis, dermatitis, blood disorders, infertility and birth defects."
This is what the BDA (British Dental Association) has to say on the issue:

“Mercury is a toxic substance”

“… dental amalgam is not inert. Amalgam fillings release mercury vapour, especially when teeth are chewed on or brushed.”

[Mercury] accumulates in certain organs - especially the kidneys but also in the brain, lungs, liver and gastrointestinal tract.”

Whether amalgam can be called ‘safe’ is a matter for manufacturers of amalgam and for the Department of Health, and for the toxicologists and other scientists who advise them.”

“It is never possible to say categorically that anything is safe in all circumstances.”

"Research in the field is on-going and it is, of course, not ruled out in theory that evidence could one day come to light showing that amalgam is hazardous"
There is a substantial body of scientific literature documenting the release of mercury vapour from amalgam fillings. Just one example:

"Three case reports are presented … indicating daily uptake of Hg as high as 100 micrograms. There is a considerable variation between people; certain people have a high mercury uptake from their amalgam fillings." Barregard et al. People with high mercury uptake from their own dental amalgam fillings. Occup Environ Med. 1995 Feb;52(2):124-8.


Senior Member
Czech Republic, EU
Thank you for the additional and more precise information. I would like to answer myself the question of whether one's body absorbs more mercury by smoking one cigarette a year or by lifetime exposure to amalgam fillings. If I have enough brain power I will look at it. I remember having read that there was a well documented case of a female professor of chemistry, who died from a neurological disease few months after working with dimethyl mercury, a small drop of which landed on her latex gloves she wore during the work. Toxic materials can be extremely dangerous: 1 mcg of botulinum toxin, which is a dose that is invisible by the naked eye, can quite reliably kill a 100kg person. On the other hand the claims of poisoned food, clothes etc. is quite often a part of delusional thinking of patients with schizophrenia and psychoses in general so one should be fairly cautious when talking about such suspicions with some conceited MD, who anyway considers a patient with CFS to be mentally ill. (I hope you understand what I want to say despite the language barrier.) :Retro smile:


senior member
Concord, NH
Thank you for the additional and more precise information. I would like to answer myself the question of whether one's body absorbs more mercury by smoking one cigarette a year or by lifetime exposure to amalgam fillings. If I have enough brain power I will look at it. I remember having read that there was a well documented case of a female professor of chemistry, who died from a neurological disease few months after working with dimethyl mercury, a small drop of which landed on her latex gloves she wore during the work. Toxic materials can be extremely dangerous: 1 mcg of botulinum toxin, which is a dose that is invisible by the naked eye, can quite reliably kill a 100kg person. On the other hand the claims of poisoned food, clothes etc. is quite often a part of delusional thinking of patients with schizophrenia and psychoses in general so one should be fairly cautious when talking about such suspicions with some conceited MD, who anyway considers a patient with CFS to be mentally ill. (I hope you understand what I want to say despite the language barrier.) :Retro smile:

The case you speak of sounds very familiar, I believe it happened at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire, USA.



Aristocrat Extraordinaire
Thank you for the additional and more precise information. I would like to answer myself the question of whether one's body absorbs more mercury by smoking one cigarette a year or by lifetime exposure to amalgam fillings. If I have enough brain power I will look at it.

Alesh, you don't have to "look at it". All you have to do is read the quotes from the experts I quoted above. Not that difficult really.

Here is one from the United Nations:

"For elemental mercury vapour, the most important source for the general population is dental amalgam."
Here is one from Goodman & Gillman's:
Mercury vapor also can be released from silver-amalgam dental restorations. In fact, this is the main source of mercury exposure to the general population" - Goodman & Gilman's, The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics
Take home message: for the majority of the population dental amalgam is the main source of mercury exposure.


Senior Member
Czech Republic, EU
My very rough and imprecise guesses are as follows: The density of mercury is 14500 kg/m^3. The total surface of the amalgam in mouth from which mercury can evaporate can be around 0.0002 m^2. During one's lifetime this surface can shrink by may be 0.000001m. There is about 50% of mercury by weight in the amalgam. So if all the mercury really evaporates and it is not due to abrasion one absorbs during his lifetime about 1mg of mercury from his amalgam fillings. An average smoker (20 cigarettes/day) also seems to absorb about 1mg of mercury during his lifetime. Does it mean anything? I don't know. :confused:


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
My very rough and imprecise guesses are as follows: The density of mercury is 14500 kg/m^3. The total surface of the amalgam in mouth from which mercury can evaporate can be around 0.0002 m^2. During one's lifetime this surface can shrink by may be 0.000001m. There is about 50% of mercury by weight in the amalgam. So if all the mercury really evaporates and it is not due to abrasion one absorbs during his lifetime about 1mg of mercury from his amalgam fillings. An average smoker (20 cigarettes/day) also seems to absorb about 1mg of mercury during his lifetime. Does it mean anything? I don't know. :confused:

Please leave the toxicology to the toxicologists. See above for references and further info. Your "back of the envelope" calculations are not useful or meaningful.


Senior Member
Czech Republic, EU
:D And you should learn to quote precisely: The correct quotation from "Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics ", McGraw-Hill Professional; 11 edition (October 28, 2005) is as follows:

"Mercury vapor also can be released from silver-amalgam dental restorations. In fact, this is the main source of mercury exposure to the general population, but the amount of mercury released does not appear to be of significance for human health (Eley and Cox, 1993) except for allergic contact eczema seen in a few individuals."


Aristocrat Extraordinaire
:D And you should learn to quote precisely: The correct quotation from "Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics ", McGraw-Hill Professional; 11 edition (October 28, 2005) is as follows:

"Mercury vapor also can be released from silver-amalgam dental restorations. In fact, this is the main source of mercury exposure to the general population, but the amount of mercury released does not appear to be of significance for human health (Eley and Cox, 1993) except for allergic contact eczema seen in a few individuals."

*does not appear to be of significance* is a weasel phrase. It is impossible to prove, therefore it is a vacuous statement. In any case it contradicts your claim that cigarettes have more mercury than dental amalgam.


Senior Member
Czech Republic, EU
It doesn't. It isn't even proved that all the radioactive stuff in tobacco smoke like Polonium 210 is of significance for the health of a smoker. I believe you use the logical fallacy of argumentum ad ignorantiam: P has never been disproven therefore P is/(must be) true. (Wikipedia) In my opinion there is a difference between the amalgamist activism and, say, homeopathic activism. Homeopathic activism is a clear infatuation and a loss of time but there could be a trace of importance in amalgamist activism. :D

P.S.: Perhaps Prof. Perz will be cured by the fasting; there is something like the therapeutic fasting and I think it could be effective and I wish the fasting help him with his health if not with his case.