I have to think about this a bit but just off the cuff, I wonder if you're getting law of diminishing returns with the steroids.
I've always felt for myself that they may help me get over a temporary bump in the road (like one of the times my Mom went into the hospital) but after that they revved up my system so much that they me crash worse.
I call them "exercise in a pill" cause that’s sorta what it felt like.
Anyway, I’m not advising you to stop using them because that could be dangerous too but maybe don’t keep upping the dose because I think it becomes like a push-crash cycle.
Also, one other thought. Do you have any niacinamide in the house? Not niacin because you don’t need that awful flush but if you have niacinamide, try just a pinch maybe. It’s supposed to act in small way similarly to benzos.
I like the idea of getting more electrolytes but I think it’s better to get them from food if you can…also less jarring.
Some of the things that used to help with my crashes (and sometimes still do a little) are vitamin c, licorice, chocolate, zevia caffeine cola, grapefruit or grapefruit juice.
Just be aware that licorice can short you on potassium and also raise your bp but it is also supposed to be anti-viral to some degree and that and the grapefruit juice support adrenals so it may actually help your dose of steroids last longer. (use caution) Plus, they can also react with medications.
and for licorice interactions:
https://www.drugs.com/drug_interactions.html (That second one doesn't have grapefruit

Please if you try any of my go-tos remember the ME adage to “start low and go slow.”
I’m sorry you’re going through this now. Its sounds miserable. I would be panicked too. Saying a prayer for you to be able to figure it out very soon so you can reverse the trend.
Don’t give up, okay. Remember we’re here if you need to vent some more.