Help, my neurotransmitters are very low.


Senior Member
Low thyroid and other hormones like pregnenolone dhea testosterone cortisol could be
Except preg these hormones were tested to be within range, whatever that means. Just igf-1 was very low which can be an indication of growth hormone deficiency. Other than that I experimented with increasing my thyroid hormones naturally, it did increase my energy a bit but when I reached a specific dosage, I experienced sides like heart palpitations and feeling of restlessness.

Now what my main problem I think is the neurotransmitters that I want to address, but still haven't found a safe way. Only stimulants like mph and amphetamines, that are neurotoxic loon term amongst other risks.

Still have to outweigh benefit risk ratio, won't be easy. Here some anecdotes from people using stims


Senior Member
I tried amino acid precursors like 5htp and tyrosine too and didn't get any positive results. I guess anything that would seriously change neurotransmitter levels, very soon would become famous and probably also quickly made illegal like crack, cocaine, heroine, MDMA etc. which all influence neurotransmitters to a high degree and would give a short term relief (at least this has been my experience with Ritalin as a methamphetamine derivative) long-term of course this would be bad for health.

If they ever discover a substance that can more seriously affect neurotransmitter levels, that'd be great and has an immense potential.

In my opinion, my brain neurotransmitters correlate with my urinary levels, because of my traits and cfs. In social situations especially I was always reserved withdrawn and mostly silent since I was a kid and still till this day find it difficult to socialize and communicate, which makes the burden of my disablity much harder on me. When I made that methylphenidate experience I had an unusually long conversation which had an lovely flow to it, which I liked a lot and it was exactly what I've been missing for so long.

At the moment I do actually think about getting me some MPH again, but on the other hand the thought is stopping me that long term the benefits will wean off plus I see it as a bad drug, even though it's prescribed to children mostly, but I'm desperate, because I miss being able to communicate with people I'm not able to feel any joy in my life for a very long time, which sucks actually very much and I really don't know what else to do about it.

The neurotransmitter precursors like 5HTP, tyrosine, DLPA and GABA work for most people. I change my mood & functioning constantly with such supplements. You need to pick which one(s), to fit your symptoms. They don't work when there is some condition that stops them from working. My two best guesses in your case would be low thyroid and pyroluria. Your withdrawn & silent mien is characteristic of the latter, and your anhedonia of the former.

You can get more tests, but I always find the best & least expensive way to test for a deficiency is to take the nutrient and see if anything changes.