I also need to find an alternate form of EVERY ONE of my vitamins!
Glad to hear you are feeling better.
In case it may help, MCAS makes me allergic to mineral supplements which are chelated with amino acids or are ascorbates. To avoid this issue, mineral citrates are my choice.
Also, I can not take B vitamins, as they are manufactured using a fermentation process. Fermented supplements can cause trouble for some people with MCAS. Oddly enough, the bacteria used in probiotics cause me no trouble at all.
The Source Naturals vitamin C tablets are large. They dissolve easily in a few minutes in a glass of water. If a high dose is needed, magnesium carbonate added to the water will take the edge off of the acidity and protect the teeth.
Besides being beneficial for MCAS, magnesium has the added benefit of removing calcium deposits from the mitral valve and arteries. I do not take a calcium supplement, only magnesium.