HELP! Dental work has caused agitation & insomnia


work in progress
N. California
I need some input regarding symptoms I have been having since I got 2 cavities filled last month. I had put them off for more than a year, because I always have at least some problems with the toxicity of the dental materials, regardless of the fact that they test as "compatible" for me. But this time my reaction to them was worse than usual.

Since having these 2 teeth filled, I have had excessive hyperactivity symptoms, and more insomnia problems than usual. I wake up repeatedly throughout the night, and after 4 am I can barely sleep at all. I am noticing that I have a strange pressure in my frontal brain, and am furrowing my brow a lot due to the discomfort. I also have had little tremors in my fingers. And... I am also having some hot flashes, which I've not had before, and which I'm not sure are related to the dental work... but maybe could be...

Any thoughts on this and what to do? I am ready to have the cavities redone with different materials. ARrrrrrrrggggggh! But who's to say that will make my symptoms better. It could just end up as deja vu all over again.

Thanks in advance for any ideas.


work in progress
N. California
Were you on antibitics> Could bacteria from your mouth have gotten into your blood stream?

I don't take pharma antibiotics. But I did take quite a long round of Chuan Xin Lian and GSE (very strong herbal antibiotics) for two weeks.

The reaction feels more like toxins than bacteria.


Senior Member
Sounds like something was stirred up...

I've forgotten...are you on any of the 'simplified protocol' supplements -- the folates or hydroxyb12? Rich is out of town for a couple weeks or else I'm sure he could possibly offer some suggestions.

My only suggestion re sleep itself is melatonin -- that stuff knocks me silly like nothing else. Regarding the toxins...if you can't sleep anyway, then perhaps a trial of the Cutler protocol (ALA in small doses every 3-4 hours for 3 days on, 2 days off) may -- may -- help to chelate stuff. And/or activated charcoal just might help a little...???

Wish I had more suggestions!



The white fillings have bisphenol A, which is an endocrine disrupter. They have acrylic resins, too. I used to tolerate them but didn't last time I had a tooth filled. Can you get a clifford biocompatability test, see which materials are least offensive, and then hold samples in your mouth overnight? And then re-fill the teeth.


work in progress
N. California
The white fillings have bisphenol A, which is an endocrine disrupter. They have acrylic resins, too. I used to tolerate them but didn't last time I had a tooth filled. Can you get a clifford biocompatability test, see which materials are least offensive, and then hold samples in your mouth overnight? And then re-fill the teeth.

Thanks. This makes sense. Where do I get the Clifford B-C test?


Senior Member
have to agree with glenp infections are extremly common, after dental work, and is therefor the most likely cause, would be a good idea to get your blood checked for signs of infection just in case, these kinds of infections can get nasty if not treated, hope this helps all the best


Senior Member
I got all kinds of symptoms after having teeth worked on the last bunch of times. I think it's all the materials they use. All of it is toxic. I also get sick from the shots they give. None of it is safe, IMO.


Senior Member
This sounds kind of like a chemical sensitivity I had to barium solution for a CAT scan, which lasted 6 weeks. You can try neutralizing it by drinking baking soda in water solution every 4 hours for a few days or until it calms down. From memory, that's 1 tsp dissolved in 1 cup of water. This is what's recommended by my environmental medicine doc.

If you can't have a lot of sodium due to high blood pressure, then don't do it.

If you learn self muscle testing, you'll be able to quickly and easily test foods, medicines, supplements, etc. to see if it's good for your body or not. There are videos on You Tube that show you how.