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Heart beat feeling like it is pounding very hard...feeling and hearing each beat

Did you continue with agmatine? Since high heart rate is one of my symptoms I've been looking at what I can take. Beta blockers make me feel weird and didn't lower HR enough at the dosage I was taking. Hawthorn doesn't do that much. I only took agmatine a couple times but looking at revisiting that in higher dosages or trying Zyrtec again - trying to decide.
i found folate helpful for my tachycardia, i'm taking 400µg daily


Senior Member
New Mexico
A symptom I have had on and off for many years. Hearing my heartbeat in the ear on the side I'm sleeping on. I havn't had that symptom for quite some time and then I got a really bad flu last month and ever since that symptom is back............only on the left side though.


Senior Member
United Kingdom
Did you continue with agmatine? Since high heart rate is one of my symptoms I've been looking at what I can take. Beta blockers make me feel weird and didn't lower HR enough at the dosage I was taking. Hawthorn doesn't do that much. I only took agmatine a couple times but looking at revisiting that in higher dosages or trying Zyrtec again - trying to decide.
Have a look at Tu Si Zi/Dodder seed (Cuscuta Chinensis) because one of it's side effects is bradycardia and it seems to have a beta blocking type effect. It also treats the HPA axis and has been shown to increase the weight of the pituitary gland weight and function in animals increasing fertility which is what it is used for in China. It also benefits the kidney and has shown antidepressant type effects and also helps with anxiety too. It also has anti cancer effects as another benefit. I have been taking it for over thirty years and feel dead when I am not taking it. It lasts around 2 days in the body and then starts to wear off and heart rates starts to rise. 2 cups a day is best 15 grams/day is the recommended dose. It can be purchased as powder extract but I never found it much good and I stick to the seeds. There is usually a blue film on the top of the water, essential oils I think, make sure that you keep that and don't throw that away. It is meant to be boiled for 30 minutes but I always boil for 1 hour to improve the extraction.

It needs a large fine sieve.


Senior Member
I had this issue in 1999 I consulted a gastroenterologist and he diagnosed it as gut hypomotilty issue and prescribed a tablet Normagut ( Cisapride + Methyl Poly Siloxane ).

Ask for Mozapride with MPS from your gastro. The symptoms should vanish in a week's time. Also ask your gastro or PCP for a neurologist consult. In my case it was diagnosed as epigastric aura. I am taking Torleva (levetiracetam ) and lonazep (Clonazepam) Ask for a epilepsy MRI scan and EEG scan. Hoping itis just gut dysmotility.