HealthRising: "ME/CFS and the Coronavirus Vaccine: Is There a Better Way?"


Senior Member
United Kingdom
@godlovesatrier I guess this means Josh's protocol is helping? I haven't made it over to his website lately. Hope it is helping.

I am pretty confident it's working in terms of viral clearance. Although if I had mycotoxins or Lyme or enteroviral infection active I don't really think the Protocol will work. I'll get blood tests for that soon. Also there's a question of potency over time and many many other questions for those of us who've had success with it. Probably only 3 men who've got ME that I know of. The principle is that if you're only suffering with herpes infections causing your ME it should work. You clear the infection from the blood stream first and then after that IF (and it's a potentially massive if) you remain free of any stressful events like vaccines, flu, covid, bacterial infections your body over many months if not years then I think you stand a chance of feeling much better.

In reality though it's even more complicated than this (no surprises there right?) And no women at all to my knowledge have had any gains on that protocol. One girl supposedly did it and I don't think she got anywhere. I'm also not even sure if she had ME.

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
I am pretty confident it's working in terms of viral clearance. Although if I had mycotoxins or Lyme or enteroviral infection active I don't really think the Protocol will work. I'll get blood tests for that soon. Also there's a question of potency over time and many many other questions for those of us who've had success with it. Probably only 3 men who've got ME that I know of. The principle is that if you're only suffering with herpes infections causing your ME it should work. You clear the infection from the blood stream first and then after that IF (and it's a potentially massive if) you remain free of any stressful events like vaccines, flu, covid, bacterial infections your body over many months if not years then I think you stand a chance of feeling much better.

In reality though it's even more complicated than this (no surprises there right?) And no women at all to my knowledge have had any gains on that protocol. One girl supposedly did it and I don't think she got anywhere. I'm also not even sure if she had ME.
Exactly. Josh is one of the greatest and selfless guys I met so far. But there is only one who was moderate-severe who improved a lot. Hakan @godlovesatrier woukd I consider as being moderate with some success. The rest I'm aware of are mild to very mild cases (go to work, can exercise better now). So it's no miracle. But I improved a few percent


Senior Member
Pacific Northwest
The Moderna vaccine reactivated my HHV6, which is stubbornly resisting treatment. I had normal vaccine reactions, and had increased fatigue. I had a spike protein test this week, and though I'm immunodeficient, the result was high, so seems the vaccine did its job. Still working on the HHV6 - I've seen that these vaccines have also reactivated shingles, and I imagine they can trigger reactivation of EBV, too, though I'm PCR negative on that so far....


Senior Member
I think it's clearly triggering or activating something. We are probably at the mercy of that mechanism until identified. It appears to be completely random & unpredictable.

One doc trying to explain the likelihood of a sadly even more common but randomly manifesting reaction after some time has passed after the shots:


Canadian Doctor Believes Two-Thirds of Vaccinated Could Die of Heart Failure

Canadian doctor Charles Hoffe believes that the mRNA vaccines manufacture microscopic blood clots in the capillaries of the vaccinated and at least 60 percent could eventually succumb to heart failure.
by Free West Media
July 14, 2021

Charles Hoffe, who practices medicine at Lytton British Columbia, explained: “We now know that only 25 percent of the ‘vaccine’ injected into a person’s arm actually stays in your arm. The other 75 percent is collected by your lymphatic system and literally fed into your circulation so these little packages of messenger RNA, and by the way in a single dose of Moderna ‘vaccine’ there are literally 40 trillion mRNA molecules.

“These packages are designed to be absorbed into your cells. But the only place they can be absorbed is around your blood vessels and the place where they are absorbed is the capillary networks – the tiniest blood vessels where the blood flow slows right down and where the genes are released.

Your body then gets to work reading and then manufacturing trillions and trillions of these spike proteins. Each gene can produce many, many spike proteins. The body then recognises these are foreign bodies so it makes antibodies against it so your are then protected against Covid. That’s the idea.”

But instead, the product becomes part of the cell wall of the vascular endothelium.

“So it is absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form because your blood platelets circulate round your blood vessels, and the purpose of blood platelets is to identify damaged vessels and stop bleeding. So, when the platelet comes through the capillary it suddenly hits all these Covid spikes and it becomes absolutely inevitable that blood clots will form to block that vessel.”

A blood test called a D-dimer blood test, clearly revealed this disconcerting development.

“The blood clots we hear about which the media claim are very rare are the big blood clots which are the ones that cause strokes and show up on CT scans, MRI, etc. The clots I’m talking about are microscopic and too small to find on any scan. They can thus only be detected using the D-dimer test.”
In performing D-dimer tests on his mRNA jabbed patients, Hoffe discovered that at least 62 percent of them had these microscopic blood clots.

“These people have no idea they are even having these microscopic blood clots. The most alarming part of this is that there are some parts of the body like the brain, spinal cord, heart and lungs which cannot re-generate. When those tissues are damaged by blood clots they are permanently damaged.”

This causes Reduced Effort Tolerance (RET) due to the blood vessels in the lungs being blocked. As a result, the heart needs to work harder to compensate for the blocked vessels. The condition is known as pulmonary artery hypertension, which inevitably leads to heart failure..


Though one could argue this finding hasn't been replicated and long-term outcomes still uncertain, at least a D-dimer test within a week of the shot would be easy enough to confim the assumption in one's own case.

Also the claim that certain tissues can be regenerated isn't that certain. But certainly applies to at least part of the population.

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
One doc trying to explain the likelihood of a sadly even more common but randomly manifesting reaction after some time has passed after the shots:

Though one could argue this finding hasn't been replicated and long-term outcomes still uncertain, at least a D-dimer test within a week of the shot would be easy enough to confim the assumption in one's own case.

Also the claim that certain tissues can be regenerated isn't that certain. But certainly applies to at least part of the population.
So I will die now. And 2/3 of those who got the mRNA vaccine Well, ok. Why to do a test then?


Senior Member
So I will die now. And 2/3 of those who got the mRNA vaccine Well, ok. Why to do a test then?

That is not what this doctor suggests. Also the title of the article is misleadinding, worngly claiming 'at least 60% could..' Which is not what this doc said. He said he found microbleeds in up to 62 percent via D-dimmer tests. Where I'm absolutely certain that in most cases microbeeds simply get repaired by the body itself without any further events. Even found anything else than a 'microbleed' - but instead a full blown stroke with a 1.5-3cm infarcation area in my cerebellium via MRI - without even mentioning anything.

So no definite prediction or which percentage will be affected can be made at this point, or if any at all. Personally I do as much testing possible to find out about future risks. Therefore a D-dimer could at least give some peace of mind. Or if it came back positive, I would do everything I know (already from my PAD) to support a healthy endothelium.

More mechanisms are uncovered - and therefore less at the mercy of unknown mechanisms - but the outcome remains completely unpredictible. As Dakota15 also noted.
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Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
That is not what this doctor suggests. Also the title of the article is misleadinding, worngly claiming 'at least 60% could..' Which is not what this doc said. He said he found microbleeds in up to 62 percent via D-dimmer tests. And I'm absolutely certain that in most cases microbeeds simply get repaired by the body without any further events. Even found anything else than a 'microbleed' - but instead a full blown stroke with a 1.5-3cm infarcation area in my cerebellium with a MRI - without even mentioning anything.

So no definite prediction or which percentage will be affected can be made at this point, or if any at all. Personally I do as much testing possible to find out about future risks. Therefore a D-dimer could at least give some peace of mind. Or if it came back positive, I would do everything I know (already from my PAD) to supporta a healthy endothelium.

More mechanism are uncovered, but the outcome remains completely unpredictible.
I’ll ask my doc. I’m bedridden so he would have to come to my home. I’m sure he will think I’m insane

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
I've seen that these vaccines have also reactivated shingles, and I imagine they can trigger reactivation of EBV, too, though I'm PCR negative on that so far....

my husband's staph infection- I'm sure it was a reactivation, about 8 days after being vaccinated.

Its just too odd- he had trouble with a persistent infection he got walking on a beach. Walking barefoot on beaches is actually not a very good idea, any longer.


Senior Member
My good doc has recommended that I not get the vaccine because other ME patients in his practice have had major long term relapses (such as from working full time to bed bound, 2 months and counting).

From Cort's article, it sounds like smaller doses might work better for ME patients.

In the US, children's vaccines are in the testing phase and will be available over the coming months. These are simply the regular vaccines in smaller doses for teens, children, and infants.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
In the US, children's vaccines are in the testing phase and will be available over the coming months. These are simply the regular vaccines in smaller doses for teens, children, and infants.

I"d like to go this route, myself...but I really doubt I can pull it off.

Lets say I simply insist- whomever is prepping the shot- isn't going to agree to give you half a dose (for example).

they might, for instance, refuse to fill out the vaccine card. So you have no proof you got vaccinated, you'll be soon enough unable to be a citizen at the rate this is going...


Senior Member
@WantedAlive, even though I had a bad reaction I am still pro-vaccination.
Do you know what type of flu vaccine you had that triggered your ME?

Yeah, me too. I want to be vaccinated and I have faith in the vaccines (particularly Pfizer), I just don't have faith in my immune system. I enquired about half doses, but that went nowhere. I've decided there's no point postponing, I'll go ahead and get the first jab as that's generally the least problematic, then maybe I might extend the period until the second dose. They do it 3 weeks after the first dose here, I'm sure its effective but that could be asking for trouble with me. @Martin aka paused||M.E. great you had a positive response, what was the interval between your first and second dose?

@Revel The type of flu vaccine I had in 2015 was a dual strain H1N1 and one other, I don't recall, no idea what brand. I experienced a fleeting sense of shock during the 20 minute wait and just felt a bit off the rest of the day. Two days later I had a full on acute SIRS/sepsis event...damn scary. I'd been suffering pretty bad dyspepsia and recurring gastritis in the few years up until this vaccine, so all together I guess it overwhelmed my immune system


I had my second moderna shot yesterday and it hit like a ton of bricks about 12hrs later. Flu aches, tired, been in bed most of today, just trying to eat and drink enough.

Considering with most supplements I usually have to just take an edge or some powder out of the capsule, I could see smaller does being a good thing for those of us that react strongly in general.

Martin aka paused||M.E.

Senior Member
Yeah, me too. I want to be vaccinated and I have faith in the vaccines (particularly Pfizer), I just don't have faith in my immune system. I enquired about half doses, but that went nowhere. I've decided there's no point postponing, I'll go ahead and get the first jab as that's generally the least problematic, then maybe I might extend the period until the second dose. They do it 3 weeks after the first dose here, I'm sure its effective but that could be asking for trouble with me. @Martin aka paused||M.E. great you had a positive response, what was the interval between your first and second dose?

@Revel The type of flu vaccine I had in 2015 was a dual strain H1N1 and one other, I don't recall, no idea what brand. I experienced a fleeting sense of shock during the 20 minute wait and just felt a bit off the rest of the day. Two days later I had a full on acute SIRS/sepsis event...damn scary. I'd been suffering pretty bad dyspepsia and recurring gastritis in the few years up until this vaccine, so all together I guess it overwhelmed my immune system
I had 4 weeks in between


Senior Member
Do you mind if I ask what ME doctor has said this?
He's not an ME specialist, but has a number of ME patients in his practice because he's good with helping "impossible" cases. His background is environmental medicine, allergy, and immunology. In other words, someone who has expertise in people having adverse reactions to chemicals, vaccines, etc.


Senior Member
Just to say I went from fully working in home office to severe.
I have pancreas insufficiency and otherwise had good symptom control with pacing
I am 105% sure it's the v. I was also investigated and diagnosed with CFS (didn't have a diagnosis when mild) in the hospital 2-4 weeks afterwards so I can pretty much exclude other things.
It was instant and otherworldly effects on my nervous system and stamina (yes, the legs!), and I've documented my journey here as I wanted to be transparent about it.
This reaction clearly was next to the immune system response, which was only 2-3 days and normal. I had only one Biontech.
It felt like my nervous system was shocked.
I would, could I turn back time, try to make someone give me a lower dose.

It's a between two evils decision.
None of my doctors expected this reaction. Everyone would have adviced me to take it.
I've been like this for three months, lost everything, my job, my ability to take care of myself. No improvement, just a spinal tap I got in a hospital made things worse, but my vac issues and symptoms are also still there.

It felt like a trigger, not a side effect.
Worst maybe 2-3 weeks in.
I am medication sensitive.
Had ME mild since 2020.

It seems a lottery. I see those people getting worse that have already gotten better also. It takes them all back to their worst ME years. Which is a tragedy.
I wish this post was up when I went for the v. I have read the poll before and it informed my decision.

Hope this helps others.

Rufous McKinney

Senior Member
It felt like my nervous system was shocked.
I would, could I turn back time, try to make someone give me a lower dose.

I'm so sorry to learn how hard this was on you and the difficulties. the last thing you needed.

Its so very hard to know what to do. I was going tomorrow. Now I'm again waiting and trying to find
WHO would give me a lower dose?

My husband is at our doctor right now- he is entirely mad he got j an d J, news to him it is 66%. He got a staph infection, had to take doxy and now must put his very healthy gut all back again.

I want a lessor dose, or doses spaced out more. Where is this service?